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Best launch in MMO history, everyone by 15th!


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free week?

supposedly 5 days early access for.. 5 euros

so its not free


Funny I thought that was your deposit for the game you were preordering... Sort of like a fee to make sure you got the game ON the 20th... And sadly not everyone paid that 5 euros/dollars since some bought it online.. So honestly if they don't take that 5 euros/bucks off your purchase price.. I say you got screwed.. but not by bioware but by the retailer

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I certainly hope they do let everyone in tomorrow. I know they said "up to 5" days, but given the amount of complaining and frustration they really need to let everyone in already. People don't like this uncertainty....not knowing when you're getting in is obnoxious. Really poor decision on their part. But I suppose every mmo has had its problems at launch/pre-launch.


Oh and if they do end up waiting and actually letting some get only one day of access that would be incredibly stupid and lame. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

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I don't feel the same as you do.. You can not even get through their customer service center via email or telephone. Also, we had to reload all the content only for the game to tell me I can not login to early access.. Usually, poor customer service means poor gaming.. They need to address this asap.. If I still havent received a reply or call.. Then I will go for the refund.. And return to my original MMO...
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I'm completely, and utterly baffled at the fact that some people truly feel cheated. They stated, "You MAY have UP TO 5 days early access": people who were in line first (redeemed their codes first) got in an extra 2 days ON TOP of the five that they MAY have gotten. It appears as though they are attempting to make sure that all pre-orders have roughly 5 days in advance. I'm completely in awe by people who are complaining about not getting into *early* early access; if you wanted to get a jump on the game then you should have gotten on the jump and pre-ordered ahead of time like many did. I didn't pre-order until November for multiple reasons, I realize I haven't really been promised anything except access to the game at launch. I'm excited that I will likely be able to get started before the masses of people go out and buy the game on the 20th. I don't understand how anyone feels entitled to anything more than what was clearly stated, presented, illustrated, explained. Concrete dates would be nice, but it seems as though they're getting more people in than they previously thought, and since the community goes up in flames about any minor change, it seems as though it's a smart move to just keep the details under wraps and keep the QQ to a minimum. From what I understand the servers are experiencing minimal lag, and minimal cut-offs. I'd rather wait until I know I can enjoy my playtime for the entirety of my playtime, rather than dealing with constant lag and server disconnects. I mean seriously, many of us have waited years and years for this game, let's give BioWare the benefit of the doubt and assume that they know more about releasing a new game than we do, and assume that they are hoping for as smooth a launch as possible; in order to do that, they're letting people in slowly but surely. It really isn't THAT long to wait.




I agree, however I would say its not a community issue, its a vocal minority of very angry people with emotional control issues.

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Worst launch ever in mmo history. Every other mmo ALL people would be in,


Disagree. This has been the smoothest launch in MMO history. If they manage to get everyone in by tomorrow, they have outdone themselves. No crashes, etc. I never expected to get in on the first two days.. it is looking more and more likely we get in ,tomorrow.. Especially if they decide to go ahead and throw one more wave today, even though Stephen said it was 'unlikely'.

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(*@#&$@# people! Seriously, get a grip. No matter what they did you people would be on these forums with your QQ gear equipped. Because if they waited until the 20th and everyone logged on at once, you'd be unable to log in and unable to move. So they staggered the launch, but that's not good enough. There is no such thing as a best ever launch to whoever doesn't get their sense of entitlement fulfilled, it's that simple. I played yesterday, found people to group when I needed to, got to where I wanted to be and didn't have to fight a billion people for that one kill I desperately needed. Starting planet had around 100 people in it. The fleet was pretty sparse with only 30ish, the first flashpoint had about 30ish and I logged to go to bed after that. Smooth to me. Perfect? Nah. I went to bed because my connection finally dropped after 6 hours or so for the first time, I figured that was a sign that I should go to bed so I could work today.


The biggest fun of this whole launch though, is watching all the people on these forums cry and whine about how they're going to quit because they're not getting to play 7 days early. Wait, you're going to quit before you start because you don't get to start when you want? The logic is...mind-bottling. Like my mind is in a bottle. ;)

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if they really manage to get everybody in by 15th, then i only have 1 question:


Why did they not take the risk of telling us that?



I mean did they fear so hard, anything could break, that they really had to hold back this information... imagine how many tears could have been saved the last hours, by just giving a little more hope to everyone... just sayin.... :o


Ok they tell you that they hope to get everyone in by the 15th. Something happens and they cant get everyone in by then. How pissed is everyone then. This is just a damned if you do, damned if you dont situatiion for Bioware. People are gonna piss and moan no matter what.

Edited by Cleagane
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if they really manage to get everybody in by 15th, then i only have 1 question:


Why did they not take the risk of telling us that?



I mean did they fear so hard, anything could break, that they really had to hold back this information... imagine how many tears could have been saved the last hours, by just giving a little more hope to everyone... just sayin.... :o


So they didn't paint themselves into a corner. They left it, and still are open. There is no liability for them if something crashes, fails, etc. Best thing to do is to keep quiet and vague, and deliver at a much higher and better rate than anticipated. If they get everyone in by tomorrow.. this will have been the best launch I've seen. Someone will complai even then. But that means everyone got the 5 days. I can't see this going past Friday to be honest.

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If this whole process has taught you anything, it should teach you this:


The TOR community (and gamers in general) are entirely incapable of handling uncertain statements. If you make a statement, they take it as a binding contract regardless of how many times you use "may" or "could" or "up to" or "we think" or "for now". They demand information long before it's available and have zero tolerance for error.


The conclusion from this lesson is simple:


Bioware should refuse to tell the TOR community anything.

They can't handle it. They don't know how to be reasonable or logical about it. They require absolute accuracy, so information should only be given to them when it is absolutely accurate... that is, after it's already happened.


This is the community that you all built. You want to whine about Bioware not sharing information with you? Blame yourselves. Your inability to be patient --or at the very least reasonable and understanding-- has created this.

Edited by Malastare
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Worst launch ever in mmo history. Every other mmo ALL people would be in,


I almost spit my soda out. Some of these people really need perspective. BW says the game launches on the 20th. They then say, hey pre-orders, you guys will get early access up to five days out (the 15th). They then say, "hey, things look like they are going pretty well so we're going to start invites 8 days out, not 5".


Anyway, getting 100 percent pre-orders in by to farthest out they promised is pretty dead sexy. I honestly didn't think I'd be in till the 19th. Everyone gettin in 5 days early with no server crashes? I'd say successful launch.

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I'm sorry, I think you didn't get the memo.


The format was that you had to complain about anything they did that didn't fit the plan. You said you received six days of Early Access? You need to complain that they don't know math at BioWare.


As always, keep this correspondence between us.




Faux News


Yeah I am not going to complain that they said I only "may" get up to 5 days access and they gave me 6 when I didn’t pre-order for months late and they told me it would be a staged launch months and months ago starting on the 15th... I’m playing on the 14th


You go ahead and complain, we will all laugh at you

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Disagree. This has been the smoothest launch in MMO history. If they manage to get everyone in by tomorrow, they have outdone themselves. No crashes, etc. I never expected to get in on the first two days.. it is looking more and more likely we get in ,tomorrow.. Especially if they decide to go ahead and throw one more wave today, even though Stephen said it was 'unlikely'.
No i would say rift was no crash,lag anything.Maybe you should google the crashes players are getting.
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This game has EA money behind it... there should have been NO waves... beta gave them an idea what they could handle. redeemed pre-order codes could have told them how many people would want early access... they should have just opened the flood-gates and let us in... i wouldn't have paid the extra £5 for pre-order if i knew they were gonna pull this ****.


You would have been upset at the lag, the mobs that you have to wait ages on, not to mention all the items you need to get that get ganked endlessly.

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if they really manage to get everybody in by 15th, then i only have 1 question:


Why did they not take the risk of telling us that?



I mean did they fear so hard, anything could break, that they really had to hold back this information... imagine how many tears could have been saved the last hours, by just giving a little more hope to everyone... just sayin.... :o


You see whats going on now? Can you imagine what would happen if they told everyone they'd be in by the 15th..and something beyond their control happened preventing that?

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This game is built around story, and it's SW, the majority of ppl who bought the game and pre-ordered are huge fans of KOTOR and TOR era. This game wouldn't even exist without KOTOR which launched all of this. People bought this game because they're looking for a real story in an MMO which is lacking in the industry, you can decide if you'll go LS/DS which has a huge impact on your story line.


I'm sorry that you're offended but it's simply a fact that the majority want to enjoy the game and the story. Sure, there are hardcore folks that want to do nothing but be the first to 50, they could care less about the story or the game and they're not SW fans, if they were they would check the story out but they don't. The majority of folks could care less about hitting 50 first or lvling the fastest, that's not what this game is about. The developers could have created a game where lvling and competition is at it's core but they obviously didn't, they catered to the folks who like a great SW story like in KOTOR.


Power lvlers are in the minority, you'll see that when you see very few lvl 50's and that will be all the data that one needs. 90% of the population are casual players, I didn't give you those statistics BW did, it's based on their marketing and research.



How can you assume that you speak for the "majority"? Who appointed you to be their spokesperson?


If YOU prefer something say that. Don't presume to speak for other people.


You keep making statements that the majority likes X and the minority likes Y but those are YOUR opinions. Of the people that I play with the majority are hardcore players woh disagree with your opinion. See how perception can be influenced by exposure?

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Are you sure we're all in by 15th? There're no official statements about tomorrow EGA waves, yesterday on the final wave we already knew when to start waiting for emails and I'm beginning to worry now. Edited by _Tarkus_
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Looks like things are going great, as big as the invites are today, I have a very good feeling everyone will be in by tomorrow and get a full 5 days of access, much better than starting on the 15th as originally planned eh? Great job BW, best launch in MMO history!


Someone's counting his chickens before they're hatched.

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