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Best launch in MMO history, everyone by 15th!


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Most folks want to enjoy the game for what is is, a great story line and great game play, very few ppl bought the game with the sole intention of seeing how fast they could lvl. While I respect your opinion it really is in the smallest minority.


Would you mind sharing the research that led you to this conclusion?


"Most" folks? According to who?


"very few"? Really? Exactly how many is that, you don't have to provide exact numbers but what percentage does your research lead you to believe is accurate?



"While I respect your opinion it really is in the smallest minority." And I am sure you have hard data to support that his opinion is the opinion of the "smallest minority"? Not just a minority mind you, but the "smallest" minority. By the way, you do not respect his opinion or you would not have tried to make it seem insignificant. Just sayin'...



Please, expound, pontificate if you will, enlighten us as it were, as you obviously have done a lot of research in this area.


Or, is your statement based solely on your opinion, perception, and assumption?

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I have played a few MMO's in my time. This is by far the best launch I have heard of. They started early. The GAME is not on the shelves till 20 DEC. So how is this a bad launch. The way I see it this launch is better then everyone starting on 20 DEC.
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This game is doing great things, but only for the casual community.


To me, making a game that the casual gamer will enjoy is fine, but the hardcore and dedicated MMO community is feeling very slighty by this game.


We wanted this game to be a WoW killer, something that will truely push MMO gaming to a new level, and force other huge game developers to take heed and up the ante to keep up.


Instead, with this type of launch and a whole variety of different things about this game, they are stripping the competitive nature of online gaming away. They are totally ostracizing and betraying a large part of the MMO community, the hardcore players.


I hope for the best with this game, but given the road they are taking so far, I would estimate the swtor community will be severely crippled in a mere 2-3 months.


This is a cause for concern with Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. That game will surely push the envelope of what MMO truly means. To that end, that is principally the reason for my late preorder...I figured I would try this out in the interim, though you must keep in mind that the casual community represents a large swath of people (perhaps the largest).

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if they really manage to get everybody in by 15th, then i only have 1 question:


Why did they not take the risk of telling us that?



I mean did they fear so hard, anything could break, that they really had to hold back this information... imagine how many tears could have been saved the last hours, by just giving a little more hope to everyone... just sayin.... :o


***? Does that really hurt your feelings so much? You're acting like you've just been ***** and need to hear a reason why. It's been pointed out a billion times on these forums that the 13-14th were never officially promised in your pre-order package. You were promised somewhere between the 15th and 19th. Why would they even need to explain anything to anyone outside of just the obvious, they are sending out waves of invites. It wasn't damaging the game in any way, it's just people being stupid as usual and making a scene out of nothing.

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they are into late September already. I would not be surprised if they do finish up tomorrow. I hope so. That way the crying folks can hush up and play the game.


Well that's the main thing that was really pissing people off, the prospect of only getting 1-2 of their early access days, because that first day of waves was freaking terribly low.

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***? Does that really hurt your feelings so much? You're acting like you've just been ***** and need to hear a reason why. It's been pointed out a billion times on these forums that the 13-14th were never officially promised in your pre-order package. You were promised somewhere between the 15th and 19th. Why would they even need to explain anything to anyone outside of just the obvious, they are sending out waves of invites. It wasn't damaging the game in any way, it's just people being stupid as usual and making a scene out of nothing.


cool story...:rolleyes:

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Actually you're wrong. The people, who preordered early are probably SW fans. Why would a hardcore gamer preorder a MMO he knows _nothing_ about? Even if there's any real "competition" in the game? :)


Actually, I'm not. Major guilds from many games (WAR, AION, WoW, AoC, etc) already had branches established for this game shortly after its early announcement. That's what hardcore clans do. This isn't just for SWTOR either. There's already clans getting prepped for TERA and GW2 as well after their early reveals.


Just because you may not be a part of one (or maybe you do) does not mean other people are the same way.

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And servers would be crashing, instances would be bugged and overloaded and the lag would be unbearable.... kinda like every mmo launch. At least this one is staggered so it shouldnt happen.


People really need to stop the nerdrage tears, you'll be in soon enough.... go to work or something.


Where is the option to 'like' this post?


Its early access... If the let everyone in it would just be called the release date.

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Agree fully with this post.


The forum rage tears is absolutely hilarious. Bunch of children who just stubbed their toe.


I wish for the people raging, that Bioware could take that account and move it to the BACK of the line - making them all join within the last wave (maybe all on the same server?).


Now that would be something :)

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I wish for the people raging, that Bioware could take that account and move it to the BACK of the line - making them all join within the last wave (maybe all on the same server?).


Now that would be something :)


^^ Epic :D


I would love to see them all huddled into one server, although it would prob have 8 day log on waiting times and horrendous lag due to the population.

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Would you mind sharing the research that led you to this conclusion?


"Most" folks? According to who?


"very few"? Really? Exactly how many is that, you don't have to provide exact numbers but what percentage does your research lead you to believe is accurate?



"While I respect your opinion it really is in the smallest minority." And I am sure you have hard data to support that his opinion is the opinion of the "smallest minority"? Not just a minority mind you, but the "smallest" minority. By the way, you do not respect his opinion or you would not have tried to make it seem insignificant. Just sayin'...



Please, expound, pontificate if you will, enlighten us as it were, as you obviously have done a lot of research in this area.


Or, is your statement based solely on your opinion, perception, and assumption?


This game is built around story, and it's SW, the majority of ppl who bought the game and pre-ordered are huge fans of KOTOR and TOR era. This game wouldn't even exist without KOTOR which launched all of this. People bought this game because they're looking for a real story in an MMO which is lacking in the industry, you can decide if you'll go LS/DS which has a huge impact on your story line.


I'm sorry that you're offended but it's simply a fact that the majority want to enjoy the game and the story. Sure, there are hardcore folks that want to do nothing but be the first to 50, they could care less about the story or the game and they're not SW fans, if they were they would check the story out but they don't. The majority of folks could care less about hitting 50 first or lvling the fastest, that's not what this game is about. The developers could have created a game where lvling and competition is at it's core but they obviously didn't, they catered to the folks who like a great SW story like in KOTOR.


Power lvlers are in the minority, you'll see that when you see very few lvl 50's and that will be all the data that one needs. 90% of the population are casual players, I didn't give you those statistics BW did, it's based on their marketing and research.

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This launch bullcrap is a bunch of ****.

retailers not having enough keys, went for digital in the end, probably not getting in early because of all this ********. Early access, my ***.


Also, why would you only send so few waves out a day ? Get your **** together Bioware.

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Just got my invite. I registered last day of September.


Woot! They got through all of Aug. which was massive in pre-orders and Sept. Looking forward to playing with everyone tomorrow. Hopefully Dec. folks can get in tomorrow too, I have a great feeling that Oct. and Nov. will be in tomorrow no problemo.

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This is far from the best MMO launch in history.


Anyone who thinks this is the best has played very little MMOs, is in the game already, or is just brown nosing.


Take your pick.


This is more than likely the most frustrating, gimmicky launch in history though.

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This launch bullcrap is a bunch of ****.

retailers not having enough keys, went for digital in the end, probably not getting in early because of all this ********. Early access, my ***.


Also, why would you only send so few waves out a day ? Get your **** together Bioware.


You're a sad little sperglord, arnt you?

Edited by louderthanbombs
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Looks like things are going great, as big as the invites are today, I have a very good feeling everyone will be in by tomorrow and get a full 5 days of access, much better than starting on the 15th as originally planned eh? Great job BW, best launch in MMO history!


Ha, you weren't even close.

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I know its redundant to say this... But the game hasn't launched yet... End of story, no debate on that point. This Early access has been pretty smooth though. Do I wish they would risk a couple more waves than they have? Yes. Am I gonna go emostabfest like most of this forum? No.
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