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Taspan Ambush Impossible?

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Is anyone else having a problem with this mission? I have no trouble with any space missions but this one. The shuttle that you escort seems to die so easily. Right after the guy gets out of the canyon, he gets hit by about 3 large ships that are off screen and I can't do anything about. He dies here every time. He goes into the canyon with about 90% health, gets out and is shot down in about 10 secs and I can only do anything about it the last second or two when the first ship finally comes into view.


Is there something I'm missing? Is this a bug? Please help because this is the only space mission I can't do so far. The rest are easy but this one I don't get. Thank you.

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I have this problem too. I don't even think it's ships that hammer it. It just loses half it's health instantly for absolutely no reason. Then it just gets owned by the rest of the level.


I've only completed it a few times. All of which the ship had like 1% of it's health left.

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Memorize where the fighters come from. In my opinion, they deal the most damage. Use your missiles every time you can on any target. You should have the Grade 3 missiles around that point, which means that you have 80 missiles to burn. You should use most of them. Also, be sure to have the power converter and activate it at the start.


When you spawn, hit the left side of the destroyer with missiles, then hammer fighters, prioritizing the fighters that fly past, as they will have longer to shoot the shuttle and they are easier to kill. The tough spot is right as you exit the narrow passage through the giant asteroids.


I had a hell of a time beating it, but once I did, I didn't lose again. This is more of knowing the mission than skill, gear (though important), or fps (trust me, if I can run it at 8 fps, you can do it)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Capital Spaceships behind the "canyon" are partialy the same as those at start. At least some are already destroyed when you appear from the canyon so be sure you devastate all their cannons the first time you meet them. (you can destroy cannons you dont see shooting through the ships to spots you know cannons are)


Also for this mission you want all DPS gear for your lvl to be top not just missiles but also the beam dmg and beam rate of fire item. You can also buy the beam/shield accelerator for 30 fleet commendations.

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If you have the latest spaceship upgrades, you should be able to do it. Every time I see a ship, I just UNLOAD my missiles upon its turrets. They key to this mission is fast reactions and basically just letting loose on everything that fires on it. Although at the end, even doing that ^^^^ he's still almost dead :p
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This mission can be hard, but if you have your ship in at least items of rank 3, it should be doable. However, it seems that sometimes the shuttle indeed does fly into an asteroid as I have witnessed the shuttle lose 50-60% of HP in a few moments with nothing shooting at it.


Here's a video of me running the mission:

Edited by ScartStorm
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Even better is when the damn thing glitches and your stuck in the bottom row of your screen from go til destruction cause you cant avoid anything.


Just rememeber people its only the 29th day since official release, things will be glitchy and buggy for a while.. Hell WoW 7 yrs in same bugs from vanilla. Lets hope they at least take care of these and not let them run up into every xpac.


i think the roughest for me has been the muugar ice field mission other then i usually complete most daily great exp, easier credits.

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Is anyone else having a problem with this mission? I have no trouble with any space missions but this one. The shuttle that you escort seems to die so easily. Right after the guy gets out of the canyon, he gets hit by about 3 large ships that are off screen and I can't do anything about. He dies here every time. He goes into the canyon with about 90% health, gets out and is shot down in about 10 secs and I can only do anything about it the last second or two when the first ship finally comes into view.


Is there something I'm missing? Is this a bug? Please help because this is the only space mission I can't do so far. The rest are easy but this one I don't get. Thank you.


Save missiles for turrets, after the you get past the first large ship keep hitting the fighters with guns (dont stop firing) until the 2 captial ships come up on both sides then hit them hard with missiles 1 per turret. I have had the same problem with the almost instant death after the canyon, 3 times I have had almost full health and I finish with less than 20%, granted I am running with 80 missiles so theres that, but the captial ships do more damage than the fighters.

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This is the first space mission which actually isn't easy. Here's some advice.


1. Focus on the capital ship turrets (blasters and missiles) and not the fighters when they are on the screen. Use your missiles to destroy as many of them as possible because they do the most damage.


2. After going through the asteroid field, right before the point you'd normally die there is a brief few seconds where you see a capital ship in the upper left corner of the screen. It is imperative you fire 4-6 missiles at its turrets. If you do not have many missiles save at least 10 for this part of the mission onward. This is the most important thing you need to do to pass the mission.


Believe it or not, it is possible to go into the asteroid field with almost 100% of the space ships health and it is possible to finish the mission with well over 1/2 the space ships health. I think I've done it with 80% health or so.. not sure.

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I used to have problems with this mission- but I learned to save missiles for turrets, use lasers on fighters, no more problems.


You do have to kill stuff quick. You can hold down the left mouse button to autofire, that helps.


Also, don't fire more than one missile at a turret. Click, next turret, click.

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Your own ship takes very little damage. The advice about killing all of the turrets on the capital gunships is key - they need to be taken out ASAP. Couple things to add...


1.) Turn your power converter to your blasters and hold down the left mouse button THE WHOLE TIME if you have to. You will not die.


2.) When you enter the canyon, note where the enemy fighters are coming from. Keep your blasters hot and just spray all over the place to kill as many as possible. This will reduce the amount of damage the shuttle takes during the canyon.


Even at level 50 with all purple ship upgrades, the shuttle still takes about half of its health worth of damage, but it's doable with level-appropriate ship parts. Just need to destroy everything as fast as possible.

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  • 1 year later...
Holy necro Batman.


:rak_03: necromonger ftw.


Startet out thinking he must talk about some of the new space missions. But then someone mentioned get grade 3 upgrades......


Anyways. i did all spacemissions on one of my rep chars. Got terribly bored with ralshooters and haven´t returned to try out the new missions. Only tried a few of the imp side spacemissions. For me the space part of swtor was a waste of development time. Yes we want minigames, but not solo-minigames. Remember swtor is a mmo.

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Your own ship takes very little damage. The advice about killing all of the turrets on the capital gunships is key - they need to be taken out ASAP. Couple things to add...


1.) Turn your power converter to your blasters and hold down the left mouse button THE WHOLE TIME if you have to. You will not die.


2.) When you enter the canyon, note where the enemy fighters are coming from. Keep your blasters hot and just spray all over the place to kill as many as possible. This will reduce the amount of damage the shuttle takes during the canyon.


Even at level 50 with all purple ship upgrades, the shuttle still takes about half of its health worth of damage, but it's doable with level-appropriate ship parts. Just need to destroy everything as fast as possible.


This. And spam your missiles freely. And practice. It would be easy in the end :)

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The trick here is definitely use your missiles as much as you can and hammer the big spaceships whenever they appear early on in the fight. If you take out their turrets, they don't do so much damage later in the fight and will allow the shuttle to escape with some health left.







Trust Dulfy

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