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Unofficial European Language Servers


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Couldn't care less where you're from. As long as you keep it in English in the general chat, trade and PvP.


What you do in your guild chat is up to you. It's an English server, so stick to it. We don't go on French or German servers either and call it an unofficial English server.

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I'm looking for an English PVP server, can anyone recommend me one please? At this moment I'm on Hex Droid, but i think the server have low population.


I want to do high-end pve, but i like the feel when you are questing or doing something around the world and you can being attacked by someone of the other faction, thats why i want a PVP server.

Edited by Mysthearica
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Well i play on Hidden Beks and so far i have only seen a little spanish in general chat. But they have moved on to a spanish chat channel. Everything else was either english or trollish.


I ended up in a guild with people all over central europe. everyone speaks english so it should be an ok server for everyone.

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Taken out of a poll of a website of mmo communities in Russia.


Russian forums:


Question: On which server do you play Swtor?

Chuundar (PVP) 7.97%

Hex Droid (PVP) 10.76%

The Ravager (PVP) 31.08%

Scepter of Ragnos (PVP) 8.76%

Ahto City (PVP) 4.78%

Niman (PVP) 6.77%

Basilisk Droid (PVP) 17.53%

Hudian Way (PVE) 4.78%

Peragus Mining Facility (PVE) 6.77%

Legions of Lettow (PVE) 10.36%

Luka Sene (PVE) 5.18%

Hidden Beks (PVE) 4.78%

Nihtmare land (PVE) 8.76%

Tomb Of Freedon nadd (PVP) 11.95%

Bloodwothy (PVP) 7.97%

Frostclaw (PVE) 4.38%

The Red Eclipse (PVE) 5.58%

Other server 11.55%


So this is going to the moderator of this post. How can you say Niman is an unofficial russian server???

Niman is an awesome fully english speaking PvP server out of my experience in the last 2 days. Based on 16th of december 2011.

Edited by Drentika
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I've heard that 12 Italian guilds will make their home on Nightmare Lands. Since, to the best of my knowledge, I lack experience with Italian players I'm just wondering how keen you/these players are on speaking english in for example genreal chat and when teaming.


Also wondering the same about Hungarian players since it's rumored that hungarian guilds will be chosing this server as well. Also wondering if the rumor is true.


I'm on Nightmare Lands. I did'nt notice any foreign language in general chat yet, so basic is english. I'm a Hungarian player. I know i don't speak english very well, but I've learned it by myself from you guys in the past 9 years, since I'm playing MMOs. Most of Hungarians choosen Hidden Beks as PvE server, only 3 Hun guilds are on Nightmare Lands, but most of us speak english (others better than me) and most of us will hint people to try to avoid using foreign in public chats. Same on other servers. I know, every hungarian community on any server already made their own custom chat channel to speak native, because we know, those servers are officially English.

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As I said this is to the best of my knowledge based on this morning - do with the information as you wish. I know getting stuck on a russian server would be a fate worse than death for any mmo.


I'd have to disagree. When I played EVE I was in an Alliance that was friendly with a Russian alliance and we often were in one another's "space". Some of the nicest people I've met have been Cryllic speakers. Also danged good pilots I was frequently proud to fly with and fight along side.


That's just my experience though, even when most of the time I didn't understand what was being said, there would be several members who would try to translate for us language crippled Americans LOL.

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Unofficial or no - Legions of Lettow can't handle any more people rolling on it. We are going to have 4 hour queues tonight :S


Question - Why has no MMO provider just designated servers for these countries? Because they can't provide enough servers at launch or don't want the segregation or what?

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I finally got in, and Tomb of Freedon Nadd had a crazy queue of 2 hours :(

As three different communities 'claimed' it as their own (Italian, Spanish and hardcore PVP english), playing there seems almost impossible. I don't want to even think about queues at launch day there...


I moved to some alternate server (won't say which one, just for avoiding even more controversy). Surprisingly, there I've found many spanish players. We are having no issues at all with the general chat; we created our own spanish channel, and the General is only being 'harassed' by a few russian/polish/eastern players, and enraged english answers (sorry, but I cannot tell exactly which tongue are they speaking, but it is some eastern one for sure) :)


It's a shame Bioware dind't create specific servers for more EU communities (at least a few more for the most representative ones).

It would be very nice (gameplay-wise) that Tomb of Freedon Nadd communities could be split up, but this would only happen with Bioware direct intervention.


For now that is not my problem anymore. Now it is time to play TOR! :D



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Question - Why has no MMO provider just designated servers for these countries? Because they can't provide enough servers at launch or don't want the segregation or what?


Because the argument will then go, that they need to provide CS support for those languages. I'm now on my 3rd reroll trying to find a server with a higher UK population. I was playing on Bloodworthy and I quite like playing with the swedes as most of them speak English well however my typical gaming time is quite late so it would be much better for me if I can find a pvp server where the majority are from the UK/Ireland as it'll be easier for me to find groups there.


Quite tempted to see if they open up another pvp server tonight and then just go there. Since the respective communities have allready decided where they want to go it might end up being a better choice. So much for making full use of ealry access though :(

Edited by Subtle
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if the OP is still in the thread.


Spanish Bigger community (swtor-esp.com) has updated the "recommended servers"


PVE - The Red Eclipse | Hidden Becks

PVP - Tomb of Freedon Nadd | Basilisk Droid

RP-PVE - Trask Ulgo


most players are on firsts one.


And yes, there are Perma-Channels created for the polite people.


As far as I can tell biggest "Spainbreaker Movement" is in Tomb of Freedon Nadd. People in the Pve servers looks way more mature.


PD. Yup, I am Spaniard :)

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Don't fool yourselves. Most of us from Spain and other EU countries can speak english good enough for playing an MMO.


There are lazy students all over the world, but English classes are there. They only need willing people that actually uses them. And yes, I'm talking of compulsory educational systems too. But hey, I only learnt english seriously because of D&D (more interesting than my teachers!). :rolleyes:


And hey! Who put my server in that OP?? Don't scare me! I'm not willing to learn russian!!! :eek:

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