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To Bioware


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I request that you get stricter on these idiots who post absolutely nothing useful in their hate threads. Im sure some of them have genuine reasons and complaints to start a thread and get your attention, but as to the others, Id like you to delete these threads asap. Its annoying for me and many other players who would like a more constructive and helpful forum.


Go hard on them and dont back down, or compile all these morons posts to one thread. And DO NOT sticky it. Without a advanced search, and the lack of a sticky, will see this nuts go back to whatever they enjoy better.


And before you flame me with your rage, I am not pointing at those who really highlight critical or non critical issues with this game in a constructive manner. It is vital that this is done. But getting on the forums to simply check on the latest while waiting for the queue and seeing this nonsense is, well.....

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Hi there!


We ask that all new threads posted here in General Discussion be on-topic and relevant to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. With that in mind, we have closed this thread.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

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