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I am doing something fundamentally wrong with healing. Help.


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I want to be a productive member of my community, so I became a healer. I always play with a few friends and we didn't really die while working our way through the game to 50. We all joined a legion at 50 and I did my first 'op' ever in an mmo. It was a spectacular failure over and over.


The mission was Hutt Hospitality. The mob kept hitting me, or knocking me away. It was difficult to keep the group healed and we wiped 6 times before they kicked me out.


My rotation was Resurgance > Innervate > Consumption > Dark Heal

Build: http://knotor.com/skills#AgcgBwIJKjNJUmFqcoKJkpqqssLL0rrL0toA


Since we had to constantly run around, I could not AOE heal.


All of the Youtube videos contradict each other left and right about the correct rotation of skills.


Can I get some input from people on what I should do?

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You should have pts in Lucidity imo. prob dump the points you have in empty body and take 1 pt outta fadeout and put them in lucidity. with that it will help healing with mobs hitting you and also lowering your threat while healing. also make sure your bubbling people.


here is what the spec should look like with the changing around of pts.



Edited by GeneWilder
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You basically want to cast innervate on cd, resurgence on cd, then fill with Dark Infusion/bubbles.


The 2pc set bonus is HUGE, as it reduces the CD on innervate by 1.5 seconds and allows you to use that almost as your main cast, maybe casting a Dark Infusion when bending is up.


You should also be casting consumption any time force surge procs, unless there's heavy damage going out. If there was just a bunch of heavy damage and you couldn't use consumption for a while what I like to do is cast it 4 times in a row, then use innervate to proc force sorge, then use consumption again and by then the debuff should be off.

Edited by Jooji
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You should have pts in Lucidity imo. prob dump the points you have in empty body and take 1 pt outta fadeout and put them in lucidity. with that it will help healing with mobs hitting you and also lowering your threat while healing. also make sure your bubbling people.


here is what the spec should look like with the changing around of pts.




A bit of the changes in there is good, but I dont like the loss of healing to self from Empty Body. For progression reducing damage/getting extra heals is always a good thing.


. I'd go with this one.




The reason I dropped Dark Resilience is because I general don't cast Consuption without the proc.

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