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1.1 PVP outrage, Bioware Rewarding AFKers with Huge PVP edge


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yes, we do get pissed at this bs. This is what immature people do. Nobody likes someone who just complains and whines.


Be proactive rather than complain.


Submit a clear, respectful, and well written ticket with as much detail as you possibly can. Let support contact you and help you. Help them help you. AND, if you want to be even more proactive, create a thread suggesting these things be fixed rather than whine whine whine the whole damn time. It makes it really hard to read.


Also, they are bringing the suggestion box back. Try using that.


PS - Telling everyone you are going to quit b/c 'x' prob wasn't fixed, the way you wanted it to be done, as a way to sway us is also immature. You're not going to scare BW by swaying thousands of subscribers to unsub by quiting. Be proactive, or just simply quit and check at a later time to see if the issue is resolved before you pay them more money.


Also, let's be clear that you PAYED them for one month of gameplay knowing there would be issues for the first couple months. That isn't their fault. You should have just waited to play if you were gonna quit when you got frustrated.

Edited by GameNirvana
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I'm quitting because they are actively breaking something. Also, it shouldn't take "resolve" to continue to enjoy a paid service. Lastly, how have I "pissed of all of the mature ppl?" Do "mature ppl" get really mad when people complain on the forums? Is that the hallmark of mature ppls?


So just quit already, boo friggin hoo. They took something and made it harder to slow down the progress rate. Players can still get a full set of the tier 2 gear and compete while they work on thier battle master gear.


Once they have the set the concept of working towards a goal is gone, which is what MMO's are all about. Heaven forbid they don't keep everything you want locked in stone forever. The game is less then a month old and they make adjustments on a reward system they find to be to easy/quick.


If this is all it takes to get you to quit AND spam this thread for 10 pages then your never gonna be happy anyway.

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So just quit already, boo friggin hoo. They took something and made it harder to slow down the progress rate. Players can still get a full set of the tier 2 gear and compete while they work on thier battle master gear.


Once they have the set the concept of working towards a goal is gone, which is what MMO's are all about. Heaven forbid they don't keep everything you want locked in stone forever. The game is less then a month old and they make adjustments on a reward system they find to be to easy/quick.


If this is all it takes to get you to quit AND spam this thread for 10 pages then your never gonna be happy anyway.


If this thread is 10 pages for you then you are inept. It's already a pretty long grind to get battlemaster and if that wasn't enough for them, then they are terrible at judging what will be fun and challenging for players. Waiting for months of dailies to reset is not a fun or challenging way to earn gear. I was actually fairly content with the game and its progress before this step backwards.

Edited by Borkoo
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If this thread is 10 pages for you then you are inept. It's already a pretty long grind to get battlemaster and if that wasn't enough for them, then they are terrible at judging what will be fun and challenging for players. Waiting for dailies to reset is not a fun or challenging way to earn gear. I was actually fairly content with the game and its progress before this step backwards.


Hey, just thought I'd show you another way to actually take good action on something you see as important. Here is the link to the ultimate bug list thread that has wisely been made to help BW recognize and fix any issues.



Also, here is the suggestion thread.



Feel free to use either.

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This isn't a bug and I think Bioware can access this forum. The change has serious pvp implications. Lastly, BIOWARE moved this thread here from the general forums. Feel free to stop reading this thread if its existence on the pvp forums angers your supremely mature self. Edited by Borkoo
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1.1 notes:


"Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.


Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations."


So, those who got Battlemaster the first couple weeks by afking in warzones 24/7 should have nearly full sets due to random drops from bags. As of the next patch, legitimate new and future battlemasters will get 1 item every couple weeks by getting 6 comms per day. This assumes the commendation prices are consistent with centurion/champion gear.


I won't be renewing my account if this is as it appears to be. I know some others in my guild feel the same, and any serious pvper who hasn't got battlemaster yet is going to be mad when they learn of this.


gear is to easy...as is valor

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This isn't a bug...



I actually get amusement out of your replies as of late.


I was giving you outlets to be proactive and help BW help you. In other words, if you want something done quicker, you should want to be more proactive in the best ways....via the bugs and the suggestions thread.


You're very observant in that this issue is not a bug. Good job. If I could give you a cookie I would.


That wasn't the point though. I'll emphasize the main point again. Those are the best avenues you can take to get your problems resolved, and I was even kind enough to give you a way to report bugs more efficiently JUST in case you run across one.


Then you might not start a thread about quitting b/c a bug pissed you off and it wasn't fixed as quickly as you'd like.


I'll leave your thread alone, though, b/c there is no reasoning with you.

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1.1 notes:


"Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.


Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations."


So, those who got Battlemaster the first couple weeks by afking in warzones 24/7 should have nearly full sets due to random drops from bags. As of the next patch, legitimate new and future battlemasters will get 1 item every couple weeks by getting 6 comms per day. This assumes the commendation prices are consistent with centurion/champion gear.


I won't be renewing my account if this is as it appears to be. I know some others in my guild feel the same, and any serious pvper who hasn't got battlemaster yet is going to be mad when they learn of this.


Its the only way they can correct the mistake they made by putting radom pvp items in the bags in the first place. Yes i would love if the removed all battlemaster items from players with the patch but im glad they correct there big mistake tho they aint men enof to admit they fuc ked up the entire system and now see the way of there error and correct it...instead they come up with some lame excuse about player choise.

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Pretty sure nothing in those notes state how many commendations you get and how many commendations gear costs. GG.


This. If I had to guess based off of what I have seen, I'd imagine they're either trying to normalize the rate of gearing up or even increase it.

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Dont worry guys he's got his guild unsubbing with him so they're cooler than ever.


I'm guessing you were trying to be witty or funny there. Only reason I see you making fun of the OP is because you already got the gear by exploiting.


The company shouldn't punish players who do not exploit nor those who are new. If they keep doing this then they will lose players to guild wars 2.


It's a good thing they don't tailor to exploiters/13 year olds.


No one will spend months getting items that exploiters who went unpunished got in less than a month. If they introduce this then they risk losing a big chunk of the current player base who are already unsatisfied by being farmed by 50s while they were leveling up.

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I actually get amusement out of your replies as of late.


I was giving you outlets to be proactive and help BW help you. In other words, if you want something done quicker, you should want to be more proactive in the best ways....via the bugs and the suggestions thread.


You're very observant in that this issue is not a bug. Good job. If I could give you a cookie I would.


That wasn't the point though. I'll emphasize the main point again. Those are the best avenues you can take to get your problems resolved, and I was even kind enough to give you a way to report bugs more efficiently JUST in case you run across one.


Then you might not start a thread about quitting b/c a bug pissed you off and it wasn't fixed as quickly as you'd like.


I'll leave your thread alone, though, b/c there is no reasoning with you.


What are you talking about? The OP brought up an issue in an intelligent manner and responded with informed replies. They access these threads so why should he post somewhere else? Your attempt at helping is appreciated but it was wrong.

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OP is one of the biggest butthurt nubs I've seen on the forums yet.


I got my battlemaster this Tuesday (the last 3 days were 18 hr/day pvp grind to make it to 60 before the weeklies reset) and I know a number of other battlemasters on Jung Me server. They all got their battlemaster titles through tenacity, dedication, and lack of social life.


You seem to lack the latter, but also lack the former two. Theres your problem.


At least he is being productive. And just because you said you did not afk farm doesn't mean its true. Did you also use the warzone exploit on the 1st day? Can we take your word for it?


Thanks for bragging and your useless reply.

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If Battlemaster cost you a social life, you either...


A) Didn't have one in the first place.


B) Aren't that good at PvP.


This game is pretty easy to get Battlemaster, I haven't even "grinded" warzones and I'm already almost 50? We have 3 people in my guild and they don't play even CLOSE to not having a social life lol...

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I will also say that it's pretty lame that people are getting rewards from Ilum trading which is not working at intended...


So, if it's not working, why is it the best place to get rewards for PvP? If it wasn't working then the rewards should have been disabled imo.

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It was already announced (don't ask me to post a link because I don't remember the thread name, and I don't feel like searching all through every post on the forum), that each piece of battlemaster gear will cost 1 Battlemaster Comm, it is essentially a token.


Effectually, nothing has changed, except that you don't get a piece specific token, you get a universal one. In every battlemaster gear bag you will either get 3 Champion comms, or 1 Champion comm and 1 Battlemaster comm which can be traded for any piece.


/end thread

Edited by Bajak
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If Battlemaster cost you a social life, you either...


A) Didn't have one in the first place.


B) Aren't that good at PvP.


This game is pretty easy to get Battlemaster, I haven't even "grinded" warzones and I'm already almost 50? We have 3 people in my guild and they don't play even CLOSE to not having a social life lol...


But you don't have the gear.


The point is that people were AFK in Ilum doing their dailies trading points and getting a **** ton of rewards... now the whole system is becoming harder, in effect rewarding those people for their initial laziness... big mistake.

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It was already announced (don't ask me to post a link because I don't remember the thread name, and I don't feel like searching all through every post on the forum), that each piece of battlemaster gear will cost 1 Battlemaster Comm, it is essentially a token.


Effectually, nothing has changed, except that you don't get a piece specific token, you get a universal one. In every battlemaster gear bag you will either get 3 Champion comms, or 1 Champion comm and 1 Battlemaster comm which can be traded for any piece.


/end thread


I hope this is correct, but I haven't seen a dev announcement about it.

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So you are blaming things like point trading on Ilum and people being able to AFK and get credit on THE PEOPLE?!?!


Bioware designed it this way knowing servers would be imblanced.


Hate the game, don't hate the players!


Nope, poor design for the release of the PvP rewards... if they knew Ilum wasn't working as intended, then it shouldn't be a hot spot of Valor and Rewards.

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His complaint is valid.


The problem is this:


At max level/end game a large portion of the community has one particular goal in mind. That is progressing their character through gear. This 'feature' is a rather common idea in MMORPG's. The issue is that the most efficient way to progress ones character is through PvP. There is no lock out, you can queue up for it at anytime, and you can actually do it with friends.


So what is the problem?


The problem is that come 1.1 level 50's will only be able to queue against other level 50's. Additionally quality PvP gear will be exponentially harder to receive. This creates an atmosphere that is extensively closed off to new players. A brand new level 50 player will face an astonishing uphill battle that is nearly impossible to overcome. A new level 50 will not have the luxury of easily obtainable PvP gear nor the ability to play against players that are under-leveled and under-geared.


Bioware has created a major issue.


They are by design funneling players to PvP to obtain efficient quality pieces to advance their characters. The brick wall is that new players are facing a grind that is nearly unobtainable . Trying to start out with zero expertise at level 50 against other level 50's with expertise is a losing fight.


Group A: Reached level 50 and received PvP gear through (apparently easier means than SWTOR Dev's intended, hence the change). Thus they are outfitted in quality PvP gear.


Group B: Reached level 50 and are now playing by the new harder to obtain PvP gear through the new change in SWTOR rules/vision.


The question I pose is this:


How do you expect Group B to obtain PvP gear when stacked against a group of players that have already obtained PvP gear?

Edited by Fastin
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