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1.1 PVP outrage, Bioware Rewarding AFKers with Huge PVP edge


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Do you want Bioware to go in and steal all the armour from people who have already benefited? What else can they do but fix it now?


This would've been how to fix it.


1. Make it so they give out nondescript tokens that can be traded for any piece of battlemaster, but drops at the same rate as the previous descript tokens.


2. Implement a slightly higher tier with like maybe 1 or 2 stats higher or even more if you want that uses the system they just decided to use on battlemaster, that instead screws the people who did not make battlemaster in the first month.

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Do you want Bioware to go in and steal all the armour from people who have already benefited? What else can they do but fix it now?


They can leave the system as is or adjust it in a way that leaves the rate of gear acquisition intact or increases it.

Edited by Borkoo
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yeah, abunch of people benefited from it before 1.1 will hit but they have to get rid of this rng system and atleast gear will have a fixed price...and how long do you think it will be before a new tier of armor is released and then everyone will have to gear up on the new system together anyway....it's the cycle of mmo's, they change stuff constantly.
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At level 50 you can open Champion Bags which either contain Commendations for the average level 50 PvP gear or a token (with a low drop rate) for the better stuff. At Valor rank 50 you can start opening battlemaster bags with the same stupid system to reward players.


The upcoming change will greatly slow down the ownership of Battlemaster stuff - but people who jipped the system already have all that stuff anyways so the only people getting punished are legitmate playerbase who didnt exploit to get their top tier gear asap.


I assume that's the case.

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Serious PvP'rs in any MMO eventually end up with the same gear at a certain competitive level - gear only matters in randoms and lower bracket PvP.


Suprised you don't "know" this.


nope never grind-ed PVP long enough to complete the elite pvp set to put me on equal footing with everyone else.


I am not great at pvp and know it so it not a big deal to me.


Although IIRC there are usually some items obtained only through raiding that will make a big difference in pvp ( some weapons or trinket /relics)

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Bioware wants this game to not feel like a grind. Yet, this will be a ridiculous grind.


Who are the people designing this PvP crap, seriously? First the RNG nonsense, then this. It's not that it's just a bad system. It's stupid. I would love to sit in the room and watch these guys actually say out loud, "Players will find this fun!"


Yeah, no. Bad.

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Gear has a certain level of relevance. It simply doesn't trump teamwork, communication, and execution.


If it really bothers you that other people have higher stats, you might want to rethink your strategies going forward. Personally I would feel better about being the under-dog and winning.

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At level 50 you can open Champion Bags which either contain Commendations for the average level 50 PvP gear or a token (with a low drop rate) for the better stuff. At Valor rank 50 you can start opening battlemaster bags with the same stupid system to reward players.


The upcoming change will greatly slow down the ownership of Battlemaster stuff - but people who jipped the system already have all that stuff anyways so the only people getting punished are legitmate playerbase who didnt exploit to get their top tier gear asap.


I assume that's the case.


This is it, except battlemaster is valor rank 60.

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Gear has a certain level of relevance. It simply doesn't trump teamwork, communication, and execution.


If it really bothers you that other people have higher stats, you might want to rethink your strategies going forward. Personally I would feel better about being the under-dog and winning.


I'd rather everyone be on a level playing field. Rather than punishing those that are using the system legitimately and grandfathering in those that afk'd their way to Battlemaster.

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1.1 notes:


"Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.


Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations."


So, those who got Battlemaster the first couple weeks by afking in warzones 24/7 should have nearly full sets due to random drops from bags. As of the next patch, legitimate new and future battlemasters will get 1 item every couple weeks by getting 6 comms per day. This assumes the commendation prices are consistent with centurion/champion gear.


I won't be renewing my account if this is as it appears to be. I know some others in my guild feel the same, and any serious pvper who hasn't got battlemaster yet is going to be mad when they learn of this.


Dont worry guys he's got his guild unsubbing with him so they're cooler than ever.

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Short note: If you read the update correctly, Battlemaster Bags have never actually given "Battlemaster Commendations" i.e. as a currency that costs 50-70 to buy something, they gave Champion commendations and a chance to get a piece of battlemaster loot.


Now what they're doing instead is giving you a chance to get a "Battlemaster Commendation" which is a token that can be turned in for ANY piece of Battlemaster loot.


Mostly because some people were getting multiple battlemaster legs for instance, which they can't use more than 2 pairs of battlemaster legs even if they run multiple specs really.

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Short note: If you read the update correctly, Battlemaster Bags have never actually given "Battlemaster Commendations" i.e. as a currency that costs 50-70 to buy something, they gave Champion commendations and a chance to get a piece of battlemaster loot.


Now what they're doing instead is giving you a chance to get a "Battlemaster Commendation" which is a token that can be turned in for ANY piece of Battlemaster loot.


Mostly because some people were getting multiple battlemaster legs for instance, which they can't use more than 2 pairs of battlemaster legs even if they run multiple specs really.


If that is the case then Bioware is actually doing something that improves the game. More likely, the items cost many many comms.

Edited by Borkoo
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Short note: If you read the update correctly, Battlemaster Bags have never actually given "Battlemaster Commendations" i.e. as a currency that costs 50-70 to buy something, they gave Champion commendations and a chance to get a piece of battlemaster loot.


Now what they're doing instead is giving you a chance to get a "Battlemaster Commendation" which is a token that can be turned in for ANY piece of Battlemaster loot.


Mostly because some people were getting multiple battlemaster legs for instance, which they can't use more than 2 pairs of battlemaster legs even if they run multiple specs really.


When I read it I hoped you were correct about it being a single token that cna be traded. Then the more you read it and you think about what has already happened you get this sick feeling you will need 39 tokens for a piece or something. We are all praying your version is right.

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You only need valor rank 60 and regardless of how many of these afkers there are, they shouldn't be allowed to retain an edge for months because Bioware turns off the epic spigot only after they cheated.


But if they're afk how do they have an advantage? I don't understand!!!!!

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Serious pvpers don't need a gear edge to beat people.


I certainly don't care about this change. Eventually everyone will be in even gear from grinding anyway, so who cares? I'd rather people not have the excuse of gear for why they lose to me in PVP. But that's just me.


You need to crutch on gear to win?

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Time to start 24/7 AFKing. Once this change is in effect I can tell all the new players to QQ l2p while I farm them until they get tired and leave. If I insult them enough they may unsubscribe. Then I'll win the game.


Lol that's how you win a MMO.

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1.1 notes:


"Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.


Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations."


So, those who got Battlemaster the first couple weeks by afking in warzones 24/7 should have nearly full sets due to random drops from bags. As of the next patch, legitimate new and future battlemasters will get 1 item every couple weeks by getting 6 comms per day. This assumes the commendation prices are consistent with centurion/champion gear.


I won't be renewing my account if this is as it appears to be. I know some others in my guild feel the same, and any serious pvper who hasn't got battlemaster yet is going to be mad when they learn of this.


How many commendations per bag? What is the commendation cost of each item?


If you don't know then you had no business posting this.

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your whole arguement is bad.

the afk problem is more about the low levels doing it for xp not for high levels doing it for gear.

im sorry to say this but a win or loss with 0 medals is worth like 500 valor and 20 comms if that and then you have to think about the fact that just going from 59-60 takes 49k valor points.

at those ratios they are better off medal farming like most do to maximize valor gains.

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