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Pug players vs. team players


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Lets face it, the comments that come from people that pug warzones and post on the forums are invalid rage comments. How can you even say theres an imbalance in a class/system, if your not communicating with anyone else on your team or playing good as a unit, the only people that listen to that crap are other qq'ers. Now dont start with the lvl 50's ruin it bull****, im sure im not the only one who has been queing into wz's since level 15 [ Playing with pugs and with premade since ] and doing extremely well..in every game people who lose too much will blame it nonexistent imbalances [fact].




I'd like to read what some other pvpers that have been winning, and doing well since lower lvls have to say about pvp, what they think of the upcoming patch pvp changes, and area's of improvement.


As far as mine goes I think bioware has done an excellent job with it, and that pvp is an equally large part of the game when compared to the pve. However, the gear and reward system is a little bit confusing. I think a progression that rewards better play [ more commendations to buy end game gear for better performance in warzones] would make alot more sense then random loot bags etc, and I also think that since pvp is such a good option to level off of in this game maybe add some gear sets for lvl 30, and just more pvp rewards that would encourage pvp [ world and qued ] for non- 50's.

Edited by Chrisbox
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Well I enroll for the wz since lvl 11 or smth (what was a pain in the *** tbh) and have an overall ratio of 70% wins and all s fine...

Except I saw 1 lvl 50 killing 3 lowies within 40-50sec (if not less) more or less alone and all of them were shielded? That makes 3*15k dmg in euhm,,,, less than 50 sec?


Making it about 900 dps at least? Constant over 50 secs? In fact he just 3 hitted the 3 People, knockdown first one +2hits, 2nd same, 3rd one same....


Until I saw that happen I felt pretty balanced.....

Edited by Kengaro
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Lets face it, the comments that come from people that pug warzones and post on the forums are invalid rage comments. How can you even say theres an imbalance in a class/system, if your not communicating with anyone else on your team or playing good as a unit, the only people that listen to that crap are other qq'ers. Now dont start with the lvl 50's ruin it bull****, im sure im not the only one who has been queing into wz's since level 15 [ Playing with pugs and with premade since ] and doing extremely well..in every game people who lose too much will blame it nonexistent imbalances [fact].




I'd like to read what some other pvpers that have been winning, and doing well since lower lvls have to say about pvp, what they think of the upcoming patch pvp changes, and area's of improvement.


As far as mine goes I think bioware has done an excellent job with it, and that pvp is an equally large part of the game when compared to the pve. However, the gear and reward system is a little bit confusing. I think a progression that rewards better play [ more commendations to buy end game gear for better performance in warzones] would make alot more sense then random loot bags etc, and I also think that since pvp is such a good option to level off of in this game maybe add some gear sets for lvl 30, and just more pvp rewards that would encourage pvp [ world and qued ] for non- 50's.


pretty much agree with most of it. im not lvl 50 yet cos i bought the game late but im close enough. obviously well geared lvl 50 kick my butt if they have a brain and can play ( most dont have a brain). but thats just as its supposed to be and im perfectly fine with it.

i play a sin and i read lots of ppl whining about how the class performs and all i can say to this ppl is




only tiny little issue i can think of is the force management as we get alot of costly abilities (not just maul which is fine with EW proc and without it u shouldnt be using it anyways in most scenarios) but its not rly a big problem as u just need to learn how to manage ur force pool effectively. dmg is subpar to some other classes yes but then again we also get alot of utility which other higher dps classes dont get to make up for that.


regarding balance id say the game is pretty well balanced except operatives maybe but i cant rly tell if they are really that OP as most of the pewpew vids u see about them is operatives in full champion gear with like all available buffs in the game + adrenals + expertize consumables and god knows what other charges dealing massive dps to lvl 10 guys. i think similar dmg numbers can prolly be archieved with alot of classes if they get equal buffs. ive not fully made up my mind about class balance yet and wont do so till i fully geared out my char so im on an even level with those ppl.


ive been pvping since lvl 15 myself alot pretty much and i cant say its that bad even vs lvl 50s if u know what ur doing and what ur char with ur current gear is capable off. now im lvl 48 and can take on most ppl (even geared) solo pretty well. sure an equally good player with a lvl 50 char and way better gear will stomp me but thats how its supposed to be. why would u farm gear at all if it didnt have a meaning?


regarding the reward system i totally agree. while losing should still give a decent amount of commendations so the lower tier players feel some progression and dont get frustrated too quick a good team should get alot better rewards so they can gear up faster.


To all the whiners:


now ppl will say blahblah the gap will get too big and solo ppl joining warzones will just get eaten. well heres the thing.


this is an mmo

mmos are meant to be played with other ppl

warzones are team orientated

if u join a warzone solo and meet a guild group expect to get owned simple as that

if u cant deal with that dont join warzones or get a group going urself

if u dont wanna do that and just play solo then either find a place where u can solo pvp (ilum?, world pvp on pvp servers?)

or play single player games


ive played basically every mmo that has been released during the last 10 years and i also did alot of soloing cos i enjoy soloing alot. ive had my fair share of getting zerged and stuff, trust me.


ive also played in pugs and have been killed by setgroups.

ive also been in setgroups and have farmed pugs.


not just in warzones/battlegrounds/scenarios or however u wanna call them but also in world pvp. and in games where it gets much more frustrating than it does in swtor. (try playing a nightshade in daoc and run 10 mins to the action just to get instantly zerged by a full group of ppl randomly gtaoeing the place u stand at ^^


i dont wanna sound offensive or anything but thats is just how mmos work. if u dont like it well then maybe mmos are not the right thing for you cos no matter how much u come to forums and whine it will never change.

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...so easymode then?



If its so easy then why don't you play one? Im sure that you would love taking 50% of the damage your guarded person [ which should be a healer unless you suck or there are none alive ] is taking when the majority of enemy team is attacking him/her, because thats what the "Tank" role is supposed to be there for.


IMO, the only classes that could possibly use a slight tweaking are commando, mercenary, and guardian.

Edited by Chrisbox
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ive played basically every mmo that has been released during the last 10 years and i also did alot of soloing cos i enjoy soloing alot. ive had my fair share of getting zerged and stuff, trust me.


ive also played in pugs and have been killed by setgroups.

ive also been in setgroups and have farmed pugs.


not just in warzones/battlegrounds/scenarios or however u wanna call them but also in world pvp. and in games where it gets much more frustrating than it does in swtor. (try playing a nightshade in daoc and run 10 mins to the action just to get instantly zerged by a full group of ppl randomly gtaoeing the place u stand at ^^


i dont wanna sound offensive or anything but thats is just how mmos work. if u dont like it well then maybe mmos are not the right thing for you cos no matter how much u come to forums and whine it will never change.

So you say just because you were not able to scout and position right in DAoC, it's ok that some ppl can 3-hit others? LAWL


I've got no problem getting stomped by premades, or getting stomped coz we play 2 lvl 50 vs 8, that happens and you can still win vs that...

But players constantlly 3-hitting others, getting them more than 3 times the damage every other player in that match had......

Do I have to paint it red that you see there a tiny lil problem????

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So you say just because you were not able to scout and position right in DAoC, it's ok that some ppl can 3-hit others? LAWL


I've got no problem getting stomped by premades, or getting stomped coz we play 2 lvl 50 vs 8, that happens and you can still win vs that...

But players constantlly 3-hitting others, getting them more than 3 times the damage every other player in that match had......

Do I have to paint it red that you see there a tiny lil problem????


I have so rarely seen a player 3 hit another player , except for a scoundrel critting a low lvl player, but like You said thats understandable.

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So you say just because you were not able to scout and position right in DAoC, it's ok that some ppl can 3-hit others? LAWL


I've got no problem getting stomped by premades, or getting stomped coz we play 2 lvl 50 vs 8, that happens and you can still win vs that...

But players constantlly 3-hitting others, getting them more than 3 times the damage every other player in that match had......

Do I have to paint it red that you see there a tiny lil problem????



The 3 hitting is usually just done with stacking buffs and does not happen frequently. And there are only a few classes and specs who would actually pull that off. So, please....

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The 3 hitting is usually just done with stacking buffs and does not happen frequently. And there are only a few classes and specs who would actually pull that off. So, please....

Well about how often it happens - it happened to me once.... h/e I tend to not leave even when we are losseing and it was real, real boring....

Already once is too much........

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So you say just because you were not able to scout and position right in DAoC, it's ok that some ppl can 3-hit others? LAWL


I've got no problem getting stomped by premades, or getting stomped coz we play 2 lvl 50 vs 8, that happens and you can still win vs that...

But players constantlly 3-hitting others, getting them more than 3 times the damage every other player in that match had......

Do I have to paint it red that you see there a tiny lil problem????


scout and position? have you ever played the game ?, did u ever get past rr5? pls dont talk about stuff u have no clue about, theres enough of that on this forum already :)


ive played the game for more than 120 million rp, played every char in the game in groups and solo. played with some of the best groups worldwide. and am probably one of the most successful stealthers the game has ever seen. think i know very well what im talking about megameight.


if ur getting 3-hitted in swtor that just means that ur either running in unbelievably ****** gear or are simply too slow on ur defensive cd´s or that ppl just got some very lucky crits on you which in no way reflect class balance. ive never ever ever been 3-hitted on my sin, not even at lvl 15.


in all these cases im sry to tell you that ur opinion is simply irrelevant as ur simply failing to understand ur class or even simple game mechanics. however its nothing new that low-tier players complain instantly the moment they get owned and claim imbalance. also if u had any clue about mmos in general but also in particular of daoc u would know that getting 3-hitted is quite standard, swtor is an exception here cos it happens very rarely if ever. just to stick with the daoc example, debuffed nukes from chanter/eld/rm/sm/caba/sorc/wiz will 3-shot, sometimes even 2-shot alot of classes easily.

now please go ahead and claim that this was imbalanced too so u just proof that u infact rly never played the game and have no idea what ur talking about.

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I have so rarely seen a player 3 hit another player , except for a scoundrel critting a low lvl player, but like You said thats understandable.


You haven't seen a shock crit. The original post is pretty accurate, though. It's hard to get people to listen to you because then you get the really sensitive bads who wave their '$15 a month card' and then die constantly to silly mistakes. It's nice to find people that do know how to play and use teamwork, but really it's the people who've leveled up all the way to level cap doing PvP and they still don't know how to pass a ball. Those are the people I cannot stand. And if they can't throw a ball, odds are they won't know how to shake an operative off of the teammate three feet in front of them.

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scout and position? have you ever played the game ?, did u ever get past rr5? pls dont talk about stuff u have no clue about, theres enough of that on this forum already :)


ive played the game for more than 120 million rp, played every char in the game in groups and solo. played with some of the best groups worldwide. and am probably one of the most successful stealthers the game has ever seen. think i know very well what im talking about megameight.


if ur getting 3-hitted in swtor that just means that ur either running in unbelievably ****** gear or are simply too slow on ur defensive cd´s or that ppl just got some very lucky crits on you which in no way reflect class balance. ive never ever ever been 3-hitted on my sin, not even at lvl 15.


in all these cases im sry to tell you that ur opinion is simply irrelevant as ur simply failing to understand ur class or even simple game mechanics. however its nothing new that low-tier players complain instantly the moment they get owned and claim imbalance. also if u had any clue about mmos in general but also in particular of daoc u would know that getting 3-hitted is quite standard, swtor is an exception here cos it happens very rarely if ever. just to stick with the daoc example, debuffed nukes from chanter/eld/rm/sm/caba/sorc/wiz will 3-shot, sometimes even 2-shot alot of classes easily.

now please go ahead and claim that this was imbalanced too so u just proof that u infact rly never played the game and have no idea what ur talking about.


Hey Mr.Wordclass Knowitall...care to explain?

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I Know thats BS and i dont even play IA , because the global CD's are too long to get all of those moves off that quick.


He explains that he had lag but if you count form opening shot,its opener from stealth

to 3secs till hes dead allowing him to fire atleast 2 more attacks after opener.

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Hey Mr.Wordclass Knowitall...care to explain?


u got shat on, whats there to explain?


not the first mmo in which casters die rly fast to stealthers. show me a vid of him doing that vs some1 in medium or heavy armor. ive never claimed operatives to be balanced nor imbalanced. ive only said that u cant look at it so narrowminded. keep in mind that this is not consistant dmg as the guy above claimed. also due to the lag spike its hard to tell how much time you rly had to react.

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u got shat on, whats there to explain?


not the first mmo in which casters die rly fast to stealthers. show me a vid of him doing that vs some1 in medium or heavy armor. ive never claimed operatives to be balanced nor imbalanced. ive only said that u cant look at it so narrowminded. keep in mind that this is not consistant dmg as the guy above claimed. also due to the lag spike its hard to tell how much time you rly had to react.


Read your earlier post, understand what you said,then watch that video and make

conclusion. Not gonna bother to explain this more.

Edited by Johnjk
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Hey Mr.Wordclass Knowitall...care to explain?


HAHAHHAHA, you ******* are still on about this video. Sigh, let me break it down for you again. When the lag spike hits he is filming a different clip. LOOK AT THE GEAR, Most of it is green quest gear and not champion gear. The IA could not do it when he was in full champion so he had to switch to crap gear for it to work. Pretty much the same as a 50 Operative going after a grey.


Now stop showing how stupid you are and re-posting that video.

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Well I enroll for the wz since lvl 11 or smth (what was a pain in the *** tbh) and have an overall ratio of 70% wins and all s fine...

Except I saw 1 lvl 50 killing 3 lowies within 40-50sec (if not less) more or less alone and all of them were shielded? That makes 3*15k dmg in euhm,,,, less than 50 sec?


Making it about 900 dps at least? Constant over 50 secs? In fact he just 3 hitted the 3 People, knockdown first one +2hits, 2nd same, 3rd one same....


Until I saw that happen I felt pretty balanced.....


The lvl 50 was probably well geared and the 3 lowbies probably felt a bit too comfortable since they outnumbered him, thus they didn't really do their best.


I've had the same thing happen to me quite a few times vs lowbies, like earlier today for example. I was sitting on the "balcony" guarding the middle base alone in Civil War wz, and I see 4 lowbies running towards it from their spawn. I open up with my shizzle against one of em and he drops within seconds of my full combo. When the other 3 lowbies noticed me they didn't even reach me before one of them was on 50%, and the I knocked 'em all back and finished him. Entrenched myself and blinded the other and finished my 3rd lowbie, and with luck I took down the last guy from 90% hp to dead while I was sitting on around 5% myself. Now this sounds like I'm glorifying myself (and tbh it FELT glorious!) but I'm not the best of players and those lowbies played rather crap, and they also underestimated me due to them being 4 vs tiny little me. But hey, they learned their lesson and came back and shat all over me! xP

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HAHAHHAHA, you ******* are still on about this video. Sigh, let me break it down for you again. When the lag spike hits he is filming a different clip. LOOK AT THE GEAR, Most of it is green quest gear and not champion gear. The IA could not do it when he was in full champion so he had to switch to crap gear for it to work. Pretty much the same as a 50 Operative going after a grey.


Now stop showing how stupid you are and re-posting that video.


He is actually showing Operatives gear if you didn't noticed.

Fine...here's another for you.This time other classes gets the same treatment.




You just made yourself look like an....

Edited by Johnjk
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HAHAHHAHA, you ******* are still on about this video. Sigh, let me break it down for you again. When the lag spike hits he is filming a different clip. LOOK AT THE GEAR, Most of it is green quest gear and not champion gear. The IA could not do it when he was in full champion so he had to switch to crap gear for it to work. Pretty much the same as a 50 Operative going after a grey.


Now stop showing how stupid you are and re-posting that video.


LOL, didnt even realize this when i watched it, thx for pointing it out :D

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Read your earlier post, understand what you said,then watch that video and make

conclusion. Not gonna bother to explain this more.


regarding balance id say the game is pretty well balanced except operatives maybe but i cant rly tell if they are really that OP as most of the pewpew vids u see about them is operatives in full champion gear with like all available buffs in the game + adrenals + expertize consumables and god knows what other charges dealing massive dps to lvl 10 guys. i think similar dmg numbers can prolly be archieved with alot of classes if they get equal buffs. ive not fully made up my mind about class balance yet and wont do so till i fully geared out my char so im on an even level with those ppl.




need glasses bro?

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