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Game Update 1.1: ‘Rise of the Rakghouls’ Coming Jan. 17th!


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I've only just reached the planet Taris as Jedi Guardian a week ago and have been leveling and XP'ing up and farming to prepare for what lies ahead. But having played both KOTOR and KOTOR II......









Didn't Revan discover or help the Taris Doctor create the cure for the Rakghoul plague 300 years ago (depending upon what story path direction you took) :confused:

Well guess what didn't happen?

Btw remember as soon as you get the vaccine, Taris goes boom.

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Guys who are pissed on these forums. You have to give BioWare time to do these things. They will NOT disappoint with the content updates and WILL have them out within a couple of months from each other IF that long....just have patience, enjoy the game and the even juicier stuff WILL COME



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Guys who are pissed on these forums. You have to give BioWare time to do these things. They will NOT disappoint with the content updates and WILL have them out within a couple of months from each other IF that long....just have patience, enjoy the game and the even juicier stuff WILL COME




I'm with this guy.

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Fix for the people experiencing fps issues? Bueller?


Many of us can't enjoy the content presently available, never mind new content. You should focus more on making the game work properly for all the customers who have hardware your engine refuses to utilize. Still waiting for my above-recommended spec rig to play this game better than a slideshow (on all low settings with everything turned off, mind you).

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Fix for the people experiencing fps issues? Bueller?


Many of us can't enjoy the content presently available, never mind new content. You should focus more on making the game work properly for all the customers who have hardware your engine refuses to utilize. Still waiting for my above-recommended spec rig to play this game better than a slideshow (on all low settings with everything turned off, mind you).


In interviews, James Ohlen says you guys are just a tiny minority with crap computers. That's how much they care.

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In interviews, James Ohlen says you guys are just a tiny minority with crap computers. That's how much they care.


Lets be honest here, Bioware have no intention of fixing it since they can't.


My PC is able to run most things on high and yet i suffer from a drop in fps at random times, it does this when not one person is even around. i7-930, GTX580 6gig ram. This isn't a low end system.


This game is dying and losing a lot of subs for reasons Bioware could of fixed since most things where reported in beta.


Don't get me started on end game content and all the bugs it has. This game wasn't ready for release and will not be for another 6months.


ToR "could" of been a real good game if it wasn't rushed to be out before Guild Wars 2.

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ToR "could" of been a real good game if it wasn't rushed to be out before Guild Wars 2.
I love it when people make comments like this. They think games are rushed because someone is trying to make money or make it before a big game comes out... when in reality it is none of that. A game can not stay in production indefinitely. Here is a good example of what I mean:



It is unfortunate, but there comes a point in every big MMO's development when the publishers, the sponsors, and the rest of the investors demand that they start to see a return on their money.


I'm a fairly small-time developer myself, but I just write maintenance apps for business systems, and I know full well that every program that it is possible to write is inherently bugged. Even if the program works perfectly how the designer wants it to, the users will disagree with the way things work, and that is also a bug. The larger a program is, and the more different hardware a big graphical program like an MMO is expected to work on, the more bugs it will have even with years and years of polishing. SWTOR - just like any other MMO - will always be bugged in some ways, it will never be perfect, at least not for the users.


As such - unlike big-name console games - any MMO is going to get to a stage in development where all the content is finished, and the devs are just fixing bugs. Considering that the devs will never iron out all the bugs due to the sheer size and complexity of the program, and the different expectations and requirements of the millions of users, the software house has to make a decision on when to just call it 'good enough' and ship it. They don't get much of a choice, the people paying their wages demand it.


Anyway - all that is true of most games. Even the console games I mentioned have started to go that way since the latest gen consoles allowed after-sales patching. But of all the MMORPG launches I've been part of, this has been the least troublesome and least buggy I've experienced since I began playing them in the late 90s.


Besides which, leveling to 50 gives you 150+ hours of entertainment for your $60, more hours than any console game since Final Fantasy X and only then if you hunted down every secret. I'd say even without subscribing for a second month you got your money's worth. "


The funny thing is, if you really care about the game, you want it out in production. With it in live it serves 2 purposes. It generates revenue and direction for the company. Revenue actually means they can add things, fix things because while its in development they make nothing. It gives it direction because they actually see what the audience wants, likes and dislikes. So they don't have to waste more time on things people aren't liking and then can direct those energies towards actually enhancing things people want. All of which does take time. Programming isn't something you just whip up in a weeks time.

Edited by DarkSeverance
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Can something be done about the Smuggler beginning Storyline Quest? It is the very first quest after creating a Smuggler toon. Below are some forum links about it. I'm not sure how many tickets/reports have been sent in from other players but I have sent in 8 tickets not counting the ones I've sent in when I was in BETA.






* Characters Name: Lorccan

Level: 13

Class: Smuggler

Advanced Class: Gunslinger


* Server: Kaas City


*Quest name & Description :Landing Party- Speak to Skavak

Created a Smuggler, watched initial scene where you land and talk to Skevak and pick each time what I want to say out of the 3 options you get when talking to Skevak then after the whole conversation ends...My character just stands there doing nothing. The Storyline mission/quest DOES NOT UPDATE meaning the story doesn't lead anywhere. Since I'm not able to advance in the Storyline one of the many things I'm not able to do is get a Companion to fight with and do Crew Skills.


Besides Lorccan I also have another Smuggler on the same server name Amalric that has the same problem. It's going on 30 days that it has gone on with out being fixed. I have done everything possible like hitting the Spacebar, CTRL+U. I've even tried making a Smuggler on different servers. PLEASE FIX THIS RIGHT AWAY. Also is there a 800 number that I can call?

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I find it amazing how much people can complain. Yes the game is buggy and there are things that can be improved. But thats true about every game like this. It's nearly impossible to find out every problem that someone complains about and fix it along with others complaining about their own bugs and others wanting gameplay to be changed in some way and then theres the ones who ask for new content already. Personally I want to see them activate the Legacy system so I haven't leveled and geared all my alts to 50 before it goes live. But it hasn't even been that long and it'll take time to attempt to please everyonewhich will never happen. Even WoW forums are full of complaints and many things people complain about took WoW years before it was part of Blizzards game. Relax and enjoy what we have. Things will get addressed eventually. Not all in 1.1
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I read somewhere next patch is sometime in March, which will add something PvP Related.


by then pvp in this game will be long finished


Before you chime in with 'whiners can leave..whatever'


consider this


less players means less income.


meaning less future support and content for you.


I honestly have no idea what BW spent all the money on as nothing works properly.


Lord preserve us from new content when the content we have is simply not upto standard.

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I'm stunned by the responses in this thread. Am I playing a different game from you folks? The game I'm playing has been patched AT LEAST once a week since launch to do nothing but fix bugs.


Your problem is your priority issue, I get that. I've got a playstyle-breaking bug that I won't mention here (out of principle). That doesn't diminish the efforts nor the value of a content update.


What an impossible set of standards this community puts on Bioware. There is honestly nothing they can do that wouldn't result in a thread full of negativity. Frankly, I feel that it's that negativity that will impact the community far more than color matching or ugly gear or pvp warzones ever could.




TLDR version: Whatever you said before "but" doesn't count.

Edited by kisharrr
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Look all you whiners...chill:rolleyes:. Remember in vanilla WoW the game was too pretty buggy, and had very serious hacking issues (something that Bio in the beginning jumped on). Any big mmo such as this will have issues, that doesn't mean don't come out with new content. People was complaining about the launch (I was one of them...guilty:o) so stop crying. It'll take awhile for them get the game up to top notch standard. In the mean time I'm enjoying the game, and can't wait for this new update 1.1. Edited by Alukah
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I'm stunned by the responses in this thread. Am I playing a different game from you folks? The game I'm playing has been patched AT LEAST once a week since launch to do nothing but fix bugs.


Your problem is your priority issue, I get that. I've got a playstyle-breaking bug that I won't mention here (out of principle). That doesn't diminish the efforts nor the value of a content update.


What an impossible set of standards this community puts on Bioware. There is honestly nothing they can do that wouldn't result in a thread full of negativity. Frankly, I feel that it's that negativity that will impact the community far more than color matching or ugly gear or pvp warzones ever could.




TLDR version: Whatever you said before "but" doesn't count.


I agree fully with you. FULLY.

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