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Underleveled, tumult and too many abilities


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Since I can stealth past most things, I've been severely underleveled for the zones I'm supposed to be going to, which makes me have to GRIND space missions and warfronts to keep myself up there. But now as time goes by, I'm at least 2 levels below the zone and to keep grinding this is getting pathetic. I can't even do bonus series anymore because apparently either they don't exist starting from Alderaan or you need to be level 40. Why level 40? The zone doesn't even go that high.


Tumult doesn't even work in PvP and sometimes I even forget about it anytime of the day. Is this ability even useful or just forget about it?


Also, Shadow has way too many abilities. My actionbars are FULL and I keep getting more and more. There is no room, I don't have enough fingers and I can't make more keybinds. I need to use all of the abilities, sadly, but there just isn't any room for them.

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As you have stated stealthing through all the mobs makes you under levelled. Well erm... I would have thought that not doing it would be a good idea then, and would resolve this issue.


From personal experience I found Warfronts much more profitable then questing.


As for too many buttons, well as a Kinetic Shadow I have my standard rotation then a few buttons for situationals. I don't see to have a problem as I don't have to press every single skill to kill something.


I would have also thought that kiing a few mobs to get to a quest target would help with item drops and cash that might help you as well as additional exp to help you level easier.

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I understand the desire to sneak past as many enemies as possible, that seems a fundamental option for a light-side jedi stealther: Kill only what is unavoidable to achieve your objective, but avoid unnecessary suffering of others.


That is certainly how I always played Deus Ex, and it seems they should support it in TOR, even if that means adding an XP and/or credit bonus for completing an objective while killing few or no targets in an instance.


Having said that, I also mostly avoid unnecessary kills as an Infiltrator, and consider the perfect mission to be the one where nobody knows I was there, and I find it impossible to believe that you have somehow undershot the experience curve if you are actually playing through more than just your class missions.


There are a bajillion missions on each planet. I have begun skipping entire regions on Taris, Tattooine, and Alderran because the entire planet turns grey with the experience firehose that they shove down my throat.


A completionist at heart, I would love to somehow turn off the experience bar so I can see everything each planet has to offer while it is still a little bit challenging.

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I understand the desire to sneak past as many enemies as possible, that seems a fundamental option for a light-side jedi stealther: Kill only what is unavoidable to achieve your objective, but avoid unnecessary suffering of others.


That is certainly how I always played Deus Ex, and it seems they should support it in TOR, even if that means adding an XP and/or credit bonus for completing an objective while killing few or no targets in an instance.


Having said that, I also mostly avoid unnecessary kills as an Infiltrator, and consider the perfect mission to be the one where nobody knows I was there, and I find it impossible to believe that you have somehow undershot the experience curve if you are actually playing through more than just your class missions.


There are a bajillion missions on each planet. I have begun skipping entire regions on Taris, Tattooine, and Alderran because the entire planet turns grey with the experience firehose that they shove down my throat.


A completionist at heart, I would love to somehow turn off the experience bar so I can see everything each planet has to offer while it is still a little bit challenging.


I have no idea what you're talking about.


I've wiped out every quest on every planet so far and I'm 2 levels minimum under Hoth right now. I should even be 38 before going to Hoth but I'm going at 37. 36 currently.

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I have no idea what you're talking about.


I've wiped out every quest on every planet so far and I'm 2 levels minimum under Hoth right now. I should even be 38 before going to Hoth but I'm going at 37. 36 currently.

I believe you, but the fact you can make that statement blows my mind. I can only imagine this could somehow be possible by perhaps skipping all Flashpoints and all Heroic areas.


Are you going it completely solo and avoiding all contact with others? If I could core dump you about 5 of my levels I would take that offer in a second.

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I believe you, but the fact you can make that statement blows my mind. I can only imagine this could somehow be possible by perhaps skipping all Flashpoints and all Heroic areas.


Are you going it completely solo and avoiding all contact with others? If I could core dump you about 5 of my levels I would take that offer in a second.


I've skipped most Flashpoints. The only one I did was Cademimu but that's because I don't feel like wasting my day spamming chat for a group. I've done all Heroics except one on Balmorra.


The only thing I have skipped mostly over is the random bonus grind quests you get occasionally. Otherwise, I'm not doing anything different then I would have on my Jedi Guardian except for stealthing past certain mobs during the class storyline but I have been by no means ahead or even-level with the zone I'm in. I've always had to work my way there. Right now I'm level 38 in Hoth but I had to gain 3 levels by doing continuous warzones.


My guildmate scoundrel also said that he's far overleveled and it blows my mind. I just don't know where I went wrong at some point that makes me have to work harder to get back up to par.

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I don't know what to tell you OP. I also stealthed around when leveling but did every quest and bonus quest including the bonus series and my daily space missions and I was always 3-4 levels above my questing areas. No grinding necessary if you do it right.
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The only thing I have skipped mostly over is the random bonus grind quests you get occasionally.


Actually, bonus objectives give the most XP, especially the ones with stages.


Also don't forget to make use of RestXP. Always log out from the cantina (or rest zone). You'll get double XP for mobs when you're rested.

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