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Patch 1.1 is Extremely Underwhelming


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So, asking for the most basic MMO functionality makes me a WoW fanboy now? Hm, interesting rationale there fanboys and apologetics.


It is not the most basic functionality. Most of what you asked for are features a lot of players do not want in the game at all, and even more do not consider important.

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Agreed. However, i would rather them postpone content and later releasing a more finished product, then releaseing broken features. Many MMOs rush at release and braking their game in the process. Bioware was wise to hold back unfinished content.
There are typically two different teams and groups of people that work them. Usually you have a content team or future team, their job is programming updates, planning and creating new content. Then you have a bug team, their job is to fix bugs. Two different sets of teams and programming skills used for those teams. Neither team effects the other. If they only focused on just one thing, then nothing would ever get done and it is just a plain waste of resources and times honestly.
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SWG was uber in its hay day, right around the time JTL xpac came out. SOOO many things you could just 'do' in that game without running back and forth from questgivers. Oh and did I mention they had Xwings and Tie fighters you could actually you know...pilot.



Nostalgia at it's best.


The quests in SWG were massive in terms of running/driving. What about becoming a Jedi, that included a daily 40 minute ride and back.


There wasn't actually much to do either.


I had a blast though, loved it, but if that game was released today, there would be out cries about the lack of end game.


The majority of people don't play games to craft stuff either, it's rather boring, but I do admit SWG done that amazingly well.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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I try not to be a pessimist but all new content means to me this close to launch is that 'it was slated for launch but did not quite make it'


They also kept their entire dev team on. this is unheard of. Most MMO's or any software releases are usually followed by an extreme cut of developers.


I'n not sure why you would be pessimistic knowing that.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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- Adding AA -- this should have been included during release. There's just no excuse on BW's part... They even admitted that they had to rush the game out and couldn't include everything they wanted at release. Good job.


Selling a beta as a final product on these days is something common and accepted...

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We then have a second update coming in March, and that’s going to be a much bigger update, another flashpoint – part two of Rise of the Rakghouls – and we’re going to have a whole new planet, with a brand new operation and warzone. We’re going to have the second part of the Legacy system, which is the real meat of it. We’re going to have guild banks, PVP ranking systems, and a lot of smaller additions and bug fixes. And we’re already working on the third update. The story’s already written out and being recorded for the fourth, fifth… and I can’t say how many updates we have, but we have a lot. Just to give you an idea of how far we’re planning ahead, we’ve already got voiceover being recorded for content you won’t see for a year or more. We’re really making sure we deliver new content. We also want to make sure that the Star Wars galaxy feels alive, so we’re working on an event system, which we’ll be giving more details about in the new future.



Holy crap, I didnt even get to read that until right now. Im totally 100% even more happy and CANT WAIT till March

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It wasnt till much later did WoW introduced duel-spec. This patch was surprising. The game will be barely a month old when this patch releases, and they are already adding new content? I have never seen this in a MMO launch, and i have been part alot of em.


I bet that they held this content back until after launch (whose to say that this wasn't already finished?) so they could hold the subscriber base

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- Fixing "various bugs" -- absolutely NO mention of what "bugs" they're talking about. I could list 5-6 on top of my head that need instant fixing but BW is completely mum about the subject. Thanks, I appreciate the secrecy.


They mentionned a lot of bug fix already, plus you are not entitiled to know every single thing that patch contain before it goes live. We dont even have an ETA on when the patch is being deployed.


Things they are omitting and not addressing:

- Brackets for PvP -- no explanation needed.

- Combat Log -- incompetence at its finest. Not a word has been said when this will be implemented.


Brackets for level 50 are coming, so is combat log for yourself.

Edited by boobaffet
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They're adding:

- A new Level 50 Flashpoint -- no mention as to whether or not the other broken Level 50 FPs are being worked on (of course).

- A new dungeon (Operation) that accommodates 8-to-16 players -- again, no mention whatsoever about the problems currently halting progress of most guilds due to broken Operations.

- Adding AA -- this should have been included during release. There's just no excuse on BW's part... They even admitted that they had to rush the game out and couldn't include everything they wanted at release. Good job.

- Fixing "various bugs" -- absolutely NO mention of what "bugs" they're talking about. I could list 5-6 on top of my head that need instant fixing but BW is completely mum about the subject. Thanks, I appreciate the secrecy.


Things they are omitting and not addressing:

- Macros -- people who know how to use them will agree with me. The vocal majority on these forums don't seem to know what a macro is or how it even functions (typing technical commands in-game too hard for you?), so they'll start insulting me. People usually fear what they don't understand so it doesn't bother me.

- Brackets for PvP -- no explanation needed.

- UI improvements -- at the very LEAST give us target of target. What kind of modern MMO doesn't have such a basic functionality? Let's not even get into add-ons since this is a topic for another debate.

- Combat Log -- incompetence at its finest. Not a word has been said when this will be implemented.

- Dual Spec -- I know I'm reaching for the stars at this point but between PvP and FPs/Raiding at Level 50, I'm changing my spec multiple times a day and the cost is just not worth it.


In summary, they've left out all of the important gameplay elements people have been begging for and are trying to appease the masses by releasing another FP and another dungeon? New flash: I don't CARE about the story of FPs past the first time I run them... After that it's just a race to see who can spam their spacebars the fastest to get through the BS cutscenes we've seen 20 times.


What kind of developer centers an MMO around the class quest aspect of the game hence turning it into a weird SP-MP hybrid that caters to the most casuals of casuals?


There'll never be a good SW MMO IMO. Not with vultures like EA hogging the creative rights and pushing good developers like BW to release half-assed games.


Grow Up

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I suggest bioware to create a simple button in inventory called sort...for god sake, i want to organize things there and i need to doi it manually instead of touching a simple buttuon to solve the thing...i am actually surprised to not see that kind of button in an mmo like this.
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- Brackets for PvP -- no explanation needed.


They have mentioned that they are bracketing PVP. 50s get a bracket and everyone else gets a bracket. This is a non-issue.


- UI improvements -- at the very LEAST give us target of target. What kind of modern MMO doesn't have such a basic functionality? Let's not even get into add-ons since this is a topic for another debate.


They have mentioned they are working on UI improvements. If they aren't ready they aren't ready and you'll just have to be patient.


- Combat Log -- incompetence at its finest. Not a word has been said when this will be implemented.


They have stated they are working on a combat log. Not sure what your problem is here.


- Dual Spec -- I know I'm reaching for the stars at this point but between PvP and FPs/Raiding at Level 50, I'm changing my spec multiple times a day and the cost is just not worth it.


You aren't meant to be switching specs multiple times per day/week. Pick a spec and play it or roll another of your class. This is also a non-issue.


Comments inside quote for OP.

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100% agree with OP.


This was the make or break patch for me, and I believe for many others aswell.


The first major patch since launch and it literally didn't have ANY of the stuff this game needs in order to survive. If they seriously think target of target is ALT+T then.. yeah.. good luck with SWTOR, hehe.


Too bad BioWare didn't realize this.



I'll check in again in March when 1.2 is supposed to come out to see if it's worth subbing.


so your quiting over this patch


well to be honest if you quiting over the first patch not living up to your hopes then you would have quit anyway


i my self are looking forward to this patch and the content that BW are giving us


enjoy your panda pokamon rip off

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I dont know why the OP wants to humiliate himself infront of thousands of people.


Ive played all mentionable mmos since SWG and Bioware is hotfixing the game on a daily basis. Ive been sending feedback to Wow devs about bugs that was in the game for several years and they are still not fixed.


Now get this fact in your head: The reason why all the things you want arent fixed on day 1 while other things gets fixed first is because SOME BUGS ARE EASIER TO FIX THEN OTHERS"


Now bashing a 1 month old game because all your features are missing is only stupid. They will release features and fixes when they are ready to be deployed.


Its like wathcing the whine over again about "OMG some dude is going to reach level 50 1 days before me" during the Early Access days.


Grow up.

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This is ridiculous. Why do developers seem so far detached from the games they design for? This is the biggest downfall of all failed MMO's. I can't play any warzones without getting kicked to login screen and then the maintenance day for 8 hours on top of that.


FIX THE BUGS FIRST!! The patch is PVE content, is it really obvious there are PvP servers and MAYBE a PVE team and a PVP team should each contribute something? WOW....was that hard?


Warhammer lost thousands of subscriptions because they never fixed all the bugs but focused on trivial items such as emotes while riding a speeder...peace.

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I guarantee you that for most of the haters out there, there was nothing Bioware's team could do short of addressing everything on their collective lists, and also including a bunch of stuff not on said lists that would have kept these folks around.


At this point, it's no longer complaining or even an attempt to get things "fixed". It's a negativity crusade to try and change other people's minds about liking the product.

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Why do I keep seeing folk mentioning that Rise of the Rakghouls is the first part of a series? My understanding was that that the expanded operation in the Hutt's palace was the start of a series not the new flashpoint?


The Palace is an expansion of an already existing Operation.


The Rakgouls feature in a new Flashpoint in 1.1. They will appear again in 1.2 in March where the story of the Rakghouls will be carried on further (1.2 is also named Rise of The Rakgouls at this present time)

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This is ridiculous. Why do developers seem so far detached from the games they design for? This is the biggest downfall of all failed MMO's. I can't play any warzones without getting kicked to login screen and then the maintenance day for 8 hours on top of that.


FIX THE BUGS FIRST!! The patch is PVE content, is it really obvious there are PvP servers and MAYBE a PVE team and a PVP team should each contribute something? WOW....was that hard?


Warhammer lost thousands of subscriptions because they never fixed all the bugs but focused on trivial items such as emotes while riding a speeder...peace.


This is ridiculous. Why do many gamers seem so far detached from the games they play? This is the biggest downfall of a lot of MMO communities......


See, I can turn that around for you as easily as you aimed it at Bioware.


Content teams are not singular groups of people. There are separate teams doing new content and separate teams doing bug fixes. Creating new content takes exponentially less time than bug fixing content. And seeing that there are different teams here, it's pretty understandable that new content can be released before all these bug fixes.


That's not to say that the bug fixes aren't being worked on, but I can safely guess that pouring through millions of lines of code to determine what is wrong and fixing it while minimizing damage to other lines of code is far more difficult than most would think.

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LoL if there is no level 50 content and only raiding updates I can assure you that my account is closed. Why does every MMO try to cram down Raiding updates as the only source of new content.


I guess that is why each of them fails as the casual players leave for new content.

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