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Jugg stuff, do you have this happen too?


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Some stuff that I experience as a Jugg, I guess it could be working as intended? hopefully not, just wondering if everyone else is experiencing this too, I haven't really seen any posts about it.


After playing the game a while you do kind of get used to the activation time of skills but I've been noticing other stuff as well.


I'm unable to chain non-offensive abilities. Can't use endure pain, Invincible, or Saber ward right after each other, or even intimidating roar or any of the taunts, or even the interrupt. I've tried this quite a bit and I can't seem to ever chain 2 non-offensive abilities. I can spam hit them and they won't go off until like 3 seconds later or if I use an offensive ability first. As soon as an offensive ability is used they will go off right away, even the ones not on the GCD. I assume this is not working as intended, any others having this issue? if it's working as intended then its lame and i'll look stupid.


Another issue that i'm positive doesn't work as intended, and idk if others have it but using ravage after force leap. Using ravage after force leap is the most opportune moment (during choke and backhand works too but you know what I mean) because it immobilizes the target and ravage is a channel, with the last tick hitting the hardest. Yet everytime I use ravage right after a leap the animation goes off but the skill itself does not and am I forced to go through the whole 3 sec animation before I can move and hit it again or hit another skill.


Sadly I've learned to play around these things but I don't think I should have to and with the already horrid activation times bunched with these issues makes battles, and especially pvp, not flow at all.


So what I'm getting it, are these things that everyone's experiencing? I haven't seen much information on this, just see general activation time issues, then again I don't spend too much time on the forums.

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Sounds like you aren't paying attention to your global (and maybe skill) cooldown because I can use these skills one right after the other just fine as long as they aren't on their skill cooldowns (three of the skills have a 3 minute cooldown, one has a 15 second, etc.).


I haven't fiddled with that delay setting under options that supposedly let's you queue your skills somewhat but mine's at 0.5 seconds, which I think is default. You might try playing around with that to see if it helps you any.

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It's not something that has only happened on one occasion, can't really miss it. many times I hit, lets say, invincible and wanna hit saber ward right afterwards, the GCD is over, the skill is not greyed out, you can see it being pressed, it just won't activate until I use an offensive skill and then it goes off right away if i use it after that. I haven't changed the default for que times so its also at .5, maybe I should play around with that.


But I guess it's not happening to everyone so it answers that, just don't know why it happens to me other than the generic reason of this game having horrible activation delay.

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It's not something that has only happened on one occasion, can't really miss it. many times I hit, lets say, invincible and wanna hit saber ward right afterwards, the GCD is over, the skill is not greyed out, you can see it being pressed, it just won't activate until I use an offensive skill and then it goes off right away if i use it after that. I haven't changed the default for que times so its also at .5, maybe I should play around with that.


But I guess it's not happening to everyone so it answers that, just don't know why it happens to me other than the generic reason of this game having horrible activation delay.


Yeah I have had the same thing happen to me a few times. I'll hit Invincible and then Endure Pain in an emergency and sometimes EP won't fire. Or I'll hit Disrupt on an enemy channel (which is the Juggernauts most twitchy ability) and it won't fire or it will be ignored.

I assumed it was due to latency or something because it doesn't happen every time.

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If it's not the GCD, then I really don't know. The only time I've had a skill trigger the GCD but not fire is if I got CCed. Maybe when I log on later, I'll play around with the skills mentioned and see if I come up with any other thoughts.


You don't know, that's the thing. Yet you decide to chime in thoughts anyways. Read ALL over the general forums about the ability delay and how it is adversely effecting countless players, then pipe in.

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