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We badly need incentives for people to reroll republic


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Just make chars on both sides of the server and check the population in a certain zone, people do that and that is also a reason why even more went Empire. Nobody likes to pvp outnumbered or having too many difficulties finding a group, it's understandable.


In most zones imps are usually 2 or 3 to 1 on my server and once was reasonably balanced.


IMHO Bioware needs to admit and fix the faction unfair discrepancies ASAP. Players are well informed about the current state, word spreads fast and that's hurting.


After that they should think up something to entice people to Republic without actually giving republic any unfair advantage. The general un-coolness of the faction is simply bit overwhelming for most I'm afraid. Just look at armor looks like Power Rangers or the republic fleet station that looks like some Nar Shaddaa shady version of the Empire fleet station, thats not even the Republic normal look nor the way it looks on the loading screen, smells of "we had not time so we mocked up the Empire station and give you that instead". Not good, not good.

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i duno about u, but after openning 40 champ bags, i only got 3 pieces of champ gear. so i'd say.. yea getting dat random drop pvp gear is hard.


so your 3 pieces of champ gear on your 50 that youve gotten all after >LESS THAN A MONTH< of play was >SO HARD< that you couldnt possibly suffer through it again?

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