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We badly need incentives for people to reroll republic


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The population imbalance is much too drastic right now. Why BW hasn't been on this from day one boggles my mind but there is no excuse for letting things fester any further. Well, no excuse except BW's hurt pride in admitting they screwed up badly.


Faction switches will probably ultimately be necessary but in the meantime there are some easy and obvious things that can be done in an hour or two of dev time:


1. Give a 15% exp/credit/valor bonus to republic on every server with unbalanced populations until the population balances out.


2. Put a character creation warning people have to click through explaining the unbalance and advising new players to roll republic on unbalanced servers.


More drastic intervention may be necessary anyhow but why not do what you can to use the carrot instead of the stick? Neither of those things are going to have dramatic, immediate effects but every single player who chooses to roll republic instead helps.

Edited by yukirshiro
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The population imbalance is much too drastic right now. Why BW hasn't been on this from day one boggles my mind but there is no excuse for letting things fester any further. Well, no excuse except BW's hurt pride in admitting they screwed up badly.


Faction switches will probably ultimately be necessary but in the meantime there are some easy and obvious things that can be done in an hour or two of dev time:


1. Give a 15% exp/credit/valor bonus to republic on every server with unbalanced populations until the population balances out.


2. Put a character creation warning people have to click through explaining the unbalance and advising new players to roll republic on unbalanced servers.


More drastic intervention may be necessary anyhow but why not do what you can to use the carrot instead of the stick? Neither of those things are going to have dramatic, immediate effects but every single player who chooses to roll republic instead helps.



2 doesnt make much sense really...if ppl know that rolling one side means less ppl you really think there going to pick it?


as for 1....not far to everyone so i'm just going to say no

Edited by tindin
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I would wager that more people play Republic. The issue is that fewer of them enjoy PvP. This doesn't really surprise me much as the 'evil' side of games often attracts the more pvp oriented playerbase.


Give it a little time. PvP enthusiasts will often reroll to find a more target-rich environment.

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Bluntly both your ideas suck, but the issue of imbalance can be adressed by giving leveling incentives or a bonus for hitting 50 on the unbalanced side...giving a valor buff etc. Doesnt encourage rerolling just makes the people getting steamrolled feel theyll still get their gear eventually
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There's a few forum posts around about it. It's pretty much common knowledge. I didn't think anyone would even think to deny it.


But you can see yourself easily enough if you have a republic and imperial character on the same server. Take them both to the fleets and see how many people are there.


On my server when imperial fleet has 250 republic fleet has about 150. This has been true every day over the past week, plus or minus a few people.


Other servers are even worse.


There is absolutely no question many servers have drastically unbalanced factions.

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I would wager that more people play Republic. The issue is that fewer of them enjoy PvP. This doesn't really surprise me much as the 'evil' side of games often attracts the more pvp oriented playerbase.


Give it a little time. PvP enthusiasts will often reroll to find a more target-rich environment.


How much you willing to wager? I'll take that bet.

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That most servers have drastically unbalanced populations?



Like alot of people I have characters on both side, And on my server its about


40R/60I split, Which isnt bad in my opinion




My assassin is 50, and sage is closing in on 40 now.

Edited by Kesica
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I would wager that more people play Republic. The issue is that fewer of them enjoy PvP. This doesn't really surprise me much as the 'evil' side of games often attracts the more pvp oriented playerbase.


Give it a little time. PvP enthusiasts will often reroll to find a more target-rich environment.


You can login as a republic and imperial character on the same server, and check how many people are in the imperial/republic fleet. On most servers the ratio at a specific point is over 2:1 (175 imps, 80 republic). This has nothing to do with how many players are pvping or not.




/who 40-50

Edited by shadowAI
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you can login as a republic and imperial character and check how many people are in the fleet. On most servers the ratio at a specific point is over 2:1. This has nothing to do with how many players are pvping or not.


Well, it sort-of does. Since the fleet is more of a pvp than a pve location.


But yes, it's not just an issue of Republic not PVPing. The numbers themselves are quite dramatically different.


Also, to the person who said 60/40 isn't a huge imbalance: lol.

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also, I reckon across all servers there probably are more republic, but definitely more pvp oriented empire.


Even if true, not really the point. It's individual server numbers that matter.


If some servers don't have enough Imperials by all means give the Imperials the incentives on those servers.

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You can login as a republic and imperial character on the same server, and check how many people are in the imperial/republic fleet. On most servers the ratio at a specific point is over 2:1 (175 imps, 80 republic). This has nothing to do with how many players are pvping or not.




/who 40-50


My experience was a bit anecdotal as I have Rep and Imperial on the same server. Republic is MUCH more crowded on my server yet almost noone seems to pvp. Additionally, Ilum has 1 Rep player for every 10 Imperials. The population balance is nothing near that 1:10 ratio.

Edited by Ancient_karp
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BW has the metrics for each server easily available and can use them in determining which faction gets the incentives.


You could also make the incentives only apply in PVP if you wanted to target that specifically. I.e. +15% to all gains in PVP only.

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I couldn't be arsed to leave my geared 50 behind and reroll just to address something BW should have thought of in the first place - and I am sure there are others who share my opinion.


However, I wouldn't mind to "convert" to Republic for the balance sake.


So why not make a short "conversion" quest available (e.g. you get duped by the Empire and now repay them by turning coat) on servers for which people can sign up and after a rough server balance is achieved the quest stops to be available. I say "sign up" because that way whole guilds could convert and no one would be left behind.

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