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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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Your correct, the advanced class is NOT labelled as a class. Words matter, especially placement and definition.


Think of Coke as an example. You have Coke, then you have Cherry Coke. See how that word Cherry changes everything ;)


Both ADVANCED classes of each of the 4 actual classes share about 6 abilities, the main stat (Aim, cunning etc.) a talent tree and even the storyline with the other advanced class.



Advanced: adjective; meaning = ahead of or further along in progress, complexity, knowledge, skill, etc.


By its very definition an AC is a subset of class, not seperate from. You act like allowng to change AC is going to break the game.


Not really, Cherry Coke doesn't suddenly become Lemonade.

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It's not changing a class! All they did was give each subclass 3 different talent trees instead of ONE! A class is something you pick at level 1, what type of that class you pick is at level 10! Again that's like saying a Marksman Hunter in WoW is a class, it's NOT.


They don't give a different story for ACs, they don't give different companions..........it is the same class just a different subclass.


Your only experience with MMOs is obviously WoW.

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Let's go to any other MMO and all makes mages. For those of us who hate mages are we going to sit in the forums and scream at the devs and demand they gives us the power to change our mages, because we're level 40 and hate them, into warriors?




The game developers, yes BioWare, has STATED that your Advanced Class is your CLASS.

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And at level 13 it would probably take you a couple of days to get to the same level. I've run Korriban and Dromond Kaas about six times through beta and release, it takes me a few hours to get to level 11. Once I'm level 11 I can run daily Flashpoints, Warfronts and do the Heroics to level without having to touch any of the other side quests. Once you get your ship you can do the daily Space Missions, all a completely different way of leveling.


Some of us aren't level 13. Are you going to say the same about level 50?

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Meaningful choice is removed from the game if you can do it.


I've already addressed that by saying that I would agree if this weren't a completely new game. When I chose to roll my Juggernaut sites like Torhead were still pretty empty, there wasn't a lot of useful information out there to tell me if the AC was particularly for me unless I tried it for myself.


So what would be taken away?


And at level 13 it would probably take you a couple of days to get to the same level. I've run Korriban and Dromond Kaas about six times through beta and release, it takes me a few hours to get to level 11. Once I'm level 11 I can run daily Flashpoints, Warfronts and do the Heroics to level without having to touch any of the other side quests. Once you get your ship you can do the daily Space Missions, all a completely different way of leveling.


What's taken away from the game if I can respec instead of grinding Korriban again like a spacebar-mashing zombie?


And then he pulls out the other argument of the instant gratification crowd..."it doesn't affect you"...


Its almost like you can't read what you write. You CHOSE your AC and decided you didn't like it. You then CHOSE to reroll a completely different class. If you can do that, you can reroll your original class too.


You're not reading a word I've said, have you, because I'm going to need to repeat it now for the third or fourth time: -


I was fine with rolling a completely different base class, instead of the same class but a different AC, because I didn't feel like sinking a couple of hours in to the game doing the exact same content with zero challenge like a spacebar-mashing zombie.


I'm sure this will be ignored yet again though, when someone else with no real reason for why this would ruin the game, comes along to attack another straw man. The fact someone literally just told me to grind "4 or 5 hours" (their words, I know it would be a bit less) on the previous pages says it all, that there would be nothing of value actually lost in my situation.

Edited by PJEBarlow
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Actually they would not be. Rift had far more uniqueness in each soul then SWTOR has in talent trees. They would have to add AC switching (Roles via souls in RIFT) to copy them.


Yes it was an off the cuff kind of statement I admit, but you get the idea. I see no reason that we can't have a PvP spec, and a couple PvE specs, heal and DPS for example. All within your AC of course.


You can only switch out of combat, as you'd expect.

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They arn't classes, they are advanced classes. Completely different. And yes its quality of life. Please tell me how being forcced to reroll my 45 shadow because i wanna try sage isnt quality of life?


Clearly you dont see the point i was trying to make. But you did gather enough from my post to rile you up enough to spew nonsensical comebacks in the form of this.





Let's put this is WoW context. You have a 50 rogue for example. And you don't want to play it anymore, and you want to try out a mage? You want to be able to completely CHANGE your CLASS and have a level 50 mage right of the bat? Because that is exactly what you are saying.



"I don't like being a rogue so i want to be able to switch to a different class at the same level pl0x."



What don't get is that at ten, you are literally choosing your MAIN CLASS. This AC is what makes you SO different from a sage, because it is literally the complete opposite.






Edit: And to people who say they didn't have enough info for you to choose on your AC, you were able to look at the given trees for each AC so you get a more in-depth look at that AC. If you looked into more, you probably wouldn't be regretting your AC.

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QoL is the new code word for "I don't feel like it" or "I should be held accountable for any choices I make in game".


No, its a new code meaning. yes I like to game, but hey I have a life and friends outside of swtor too, and dont want to redo all the exact same quests again. I just want to enjoy the game enough to continue to keep the lights on at the server farm by continuing my subscrption..



Its a fraking GAME to have FUN, not something to work at. I dont get paid to play, I play to have fun, like you know, what kids do?


http://www.l2pnoob.org excellent site about having FUN, and PLAYING

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I would argue against dual specing advanced class.


Cause let's face the music folks, this game has 8 classes, not 4. Calling it "advanced class" is just a marketing ploy in an attempt to make things seam different when in reality, it's not. Allowing dual specing of said "advanced classes" is like saying "let me play 2 classes" which is silly.


I would support an "are you sure" feature at some point along the leveling curve. Say maybe at Level 25, you're asked again whether or not you want to keep your class or learn "the other discipline". Cause by that point, you'll know whether or not you like your playstyle and it gives you a chance to swap over if you feel you made a mistake.

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Anyone arguing against Ac change is actually saying "Yes we like having no choice, please make all our decisions for us, and by all means dont let us expiriment then change our minds later after having learned from first hand experience that we hate this style. By all means dont let us PLAY.



You can read all the guides you want, watch all the youtube videos you want, be able to recite from memory every talent point and ability of each seperate Ac, but until you actually play it you wont know if you really like it or not. By then youve invested 4o hours, thats five 8 hour days into the character. Expecting the majority of people to then "reroll" HOPING that it will be better? Are you Serious, have you actually thought any of that through? People wont stick around if things dont change, then youll be alone in fleet, twiddling your light saber. Have fun with the tumbleweeds!


And yet that's exactly what people had to do in every other MMO if they wanted to play a different class.

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Let's go to any other MMO and all makes mages. For those of us who hate mages are we going to sit in the forums and scream at the devs and demand they gives us the power to change our mages, because we're level 40 and hate them, into warriors?




The game developers, yes BioWare, has STATED that your Advanced Class is your CLASS.


In some other MMOs let you be a healer/tank/dps etc within one class. They don't make you choose early on to blank out any ability of being any of the others. If you have a change of heart at 40 you can still go from being a healer to being a tank etc.

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No, its a new code meaning. yes I like to game, but hey I have a life and friends outside of swtor too, and dont want to redo all the exact same quests again. I just want to enjoy the game enough to continue to keep the lights at the server farm by continuing by subscrption..



Its a fraking GAME to have FUN, not something to work at. I dont get paud to play, I play to have fun, like you know, what kids do?


Exactly. If a respec from one AC to another actually removed some difficulty from the game then I would be against it, but all it takes away is treading over potentially hours of the exact same content just to get back to where you were with different combat skills.


Ergo: A respec would essentially produce the exact same net result, all that changes is the skills.


And yet that's exactly what people had to do in every other MMO if they wanted to play a different class.


An appeal to tradition is a logical fallacy. The only logical way to justify not implementing this would be to explain exactly what would be lost that is of any value.

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You all know that there are different stories for each and every single advanced class in the game.


So what would you like the game to do for you if you decide to switch from Sage to Sentinel or Powertech to Mercenary?


Would you like the game to somehow calculate your progress in the Sage story and put you at the exact same spot in the Sentinel class quest line?


How about if you want to change back after you decide that nah Sage wasnt really for you. You would then like the class quest to figure all that out for you again after you did some Sage class quest stuff?


And don't say "Level 50s should be able to because they are finished their class quests"


BioWar has stated that they will be adding more to each advanced classes story quest lines in future patches.


You were told in game and by the developers that what you pick will shape how you play the game. If this game had no directly tied in stories to each advanced class then I'd say sure. But you made the informed decision to choose that advanced class and you should have to live with it.

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You all know that there are different stories for each and every single advanced class in the game.


So far my level 13 juggernaut has done exactly the same quests as the marauder I had during beta. Someone in this very thread told me that changes when I move on to the next planet, so why not let people change their AC up to about level 16 since Dromund Kaas and Coruscant are the same for paired ACs?


Slap a hefty respec cost on it if you like, make the cost quintuple every time you attempt it, but until I hear what it would take away from the game if I avoid doing the exact same 1-13 routine like a spacebar-mashing zombie I'm still going to ask for it.

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Exactly. If a respec from one AC to another actually removed some difficulty from the game then I would be against it, but all it takes away is treading over potentially hours of the exact same content just to get back to where you were with different combat skills.


Ergo: A respec would essentially produce the exact same net result, all that changes is the skills.




An appeal to tradition is a logical fallacy. The only logical way to justify not implementing this would be to explain exactly what would be lost that is of any value.



It's the same thing as leveling a Orc Rogue after leveling a Orc Warrior. You literally go through the exact same thing, same quests, same content (save for the terrible "story quests").

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So far my level 13 juggernaut has done exactly the same quests as the marauder I had during beta. Someone in this very thread told me that changes when I move on to the next planet, so why not let people change their AC up to about level 16 since Dromund Kaas and Coruscant are the same for paired ACs?


The quests never change. They are the same all the way through the game.

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Some of us aren't level 13. Are you going to say the same about level 50?


And if you rolled a mage and leveled that to 50 and then decided you wanted to play a warlock - to try it out - you'd seriously not expect to have to level a completely different character?

Same thing in SW:tOR Advanced Class != Class. There are eight Advanced Classes in this game not four Classes with two different specialisations.

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Are you kidding me man?


Quit acting so *********** spoiled, you chose a class and because you don't like it, you expect them to just give you any class you want at the same level?


Dude, your question and logic is a joke


What is it with people these days

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You choose, you play, if your choice is bad try again.

Respec or dual spec makes sense but Class respec just NO.

Welcome to MMO's where your time is wasted on pixels and polygons.

Re roll that how its done. Again you chose and you need to live with it.

example, I'm finding gunslinger to be difficult, maybe I should've gone scoundrel

but I chose and was warned so if I try scoundrel it will be on a new toon.


People who want this and can't admit they are the instant gratification crowd are delusional.

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So far my level 13 juggernaut has done exactly the same quests as the marauder I had during beta. Someone in this very thread told me that changes when I move on to the next planet, so why not let people change their AC up to about level 16 since Dromund Kaas and Coruscant are the same for paired ACs?


The class quests are still different. The quests on my Sage at level 12 had different objectives than my boyfriends Guardian at level 12. If all quests were pointless as the side quests, then yes, go for it. But even at level 12 the class quests are different with different characters and objectives.

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