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Simple change that would make life easier in game.


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PLEASE change it so when companions come back from gathering missions the pop-up window DOESN'T close every thing on your screen.


It is extremely annoying when your trying to Mod gear, sell/buy/browse the GTN, searching vendors for something when it Pops up and closes all the windows you had open.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reported this several times time, -Especial bad when writting a bug report and forgotten that you have sent one out on a 30 minute or so mission -and durring that time you have found a bug - just about finished it and bam


- i have returned master -closed you,re open window and about 5 minutes of typeing out a bug report, but at lest i dident get the gems you where looking for - better send me on another mission.

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This is probably my biggest gripe about the game. I love everything about this game but this absolutely annoys the heck out of me. Especially when it happens like 5 times in a row lol.


It's like...I get 1 that closes my GTN window in the middle of searching for something. Then I open the GTN back up and it happens AGAIN! Then I just say forget the GTN ima wait 10 minutes for all my missions to finish lol.

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Agreed. Tired of being notified in the middle of combat/warzones/inventory management/shopping at a vendor/GTN searchs or sales that my companion has returned from his crew mission and failed miserably at it.


Crew skill mission results are low priority. Just queue them up in the queue system that already exists and let me get to them when I choose to.

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PLEASE change it so when companions come back from gathering missions the pop-up window DOESN'T close every thing on your screen.


It is extremely annoying when your trying to Mod gear, sell/buy/browse the GTN, searching vendors for something when it Pops up and closes all the windows you had open.


Yes, I agree.

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