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Jugg damage and survivability a joke.


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Anyone else find it straight out impossible to kill healers? Even mob heals on themselves it is an all day stalemate fight. Sage and sorc are impossible to take down alone and Powertechs need not fear you because your best attack will only do 2k on a good day so they can just stand in there acid pits in huttball and laugh at you. DPS jugs are the biggest joke in this game, smash is the only attack that does any real damage and its CD and rage cost make it slow. The only reason jugs can get to the top of the damage board in pvp is because smash is AoE.


I believe if you are a ranged class and you cant get away from melee you should pay the price, not heal all day long and wait for friends to show up. Just like if you get kited and cant find a way to slow them you should die. Fix melee classes please!!!!!!

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with what? my force choke that likely is on CD to build rage and smash effectiveness? with interrupt that, on a 1.5 sec heal is near impossible to get off? with force push that will be on a minute CD after?


disrupt or w.e. If its keybound and you are fighting a healer you should be pretty quick at getting it off. its not on the GCD i dont think


and choke does come in handy, i mainly use it when people run accross the fire things or i need a couple seconds to wait for help


force push is the greatest in huttball or voidstar


i agree its frustrating, but thats why you need to run with the team in pvp. If you go against 2 other people you will get wrecked, it happens



p.s. my main strategy in most WZs is go to soresu and guard the biggest baddest 50 i can find, and then go wherever they go. may not be as fun as stomping faces, but you live longer.

I usually try to guard a healer so if i get focused they hopefully turn around and save me.

Edited by Redial
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with what? my force choke that likely is on CD to build rage and smash effectiveness? with interrupt that, on a 1.5 sec heal is near impossible to get off? with force push that will be on a minute CD after?


It is called Disruption, it has an 8 sec. cooldown and is not on the global cooldown, which means even if you are in the middle of an animation of another skill and you hit taht interrupt it will execute it immediately. Disruption also prevents the other character from using the disrupted skill for four seconds.

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Sounds like you should try vengeance spec. Smash costs no rage and the stance refunds 1 rage from all abilities so there's always 1 rage for disruption. Try to rotate disruption, force choke with dots up, disruption, force push, force charge.





i tried vengeance but could not stay alive long enough for DoTs to do anything useful

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If you have issues as veng staying alive, try the survivability talents in the 2nd and 3rd last tiers, and rotating you're defensive CD's. if it's 1 on 1 healer you're having trouble with, they shouldn't be doing enough dmg to kill you, and you just need to pop relics, and stims early and try to kill them before their buddies show up.
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to the OP:


everyone here are just being ******es - they either don't actually play a Jugg, or they have an overinflated sense of how well they are doing in Pvp.

The Jugg is a TERRIBLE class, and especially in pvp - the entire warzone just becomes a lesson in frustration when you cannot even break a sorcs shield before they dps you down.

What a joke - its the warrior in vanilla WoW all over again.


/reroll sorc

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What the hell are you guys talking about... people who say juggs are underpowered get proven wrong over and over again on this forums. heres a vid of me personally ruining days of the same kinds of people who probably QQ that their class is under powered.




I'll be curious to see if that holds up once the lvl 50 bracket goes live. *I don't doubt that damage spec'd Juggernauts can do well in PvP but a video of smashing lvl 25 PUGs in Hutball doesn't really prove it IMHO.

Edited by MorgonKara
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What the hell are you guys talking about... people who say juggs are underpowered get proven wrong over and over again on this forums. heres a vid of me personally ruining days of the same kinds of people who probably QQ that their class is under powered.





What a joke, a level 50 in full pvp gear against lvl 30s and you barely kill anyone, and you think that's good.


Like he said "overinflated sense of how well they are doing in Pvp".


This is what ruining days looks like:

Edited by Demorase
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quit crying and learn to play the game jugg dmg in pvp is fine i play one and surviablity is good and so is damge if your crying about 1 vs 1 same thing just learn to play the class. I kill sorcerres and troopers all the time. Try the vengance spec. its good all around. and if you dint know bout the interupt on a 8 sec cool down and are crying about interruptions perhaps you should read up on your class or play a diff easyer class. :cool:
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Step 1: Don't cry, level to 50 and get pvp equipment

Step 2: Melt faces and score 8+ medals ever wz, except very short ones

step 3: ???

step 4: Profit!



http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/407/screenshot2012010703430.jpg/ except the 2 healing medals, you should be able to gain most of them in every wz (guard and 10 kills + killing blow = 5 medals already)



Additional tips and hints:

For pvp, spec rage.

Your interrupts are: Charge, Disrupt i think (8sec cd for 1 rage), Force Push, Force Choke.

Remember, that after you push a target away and you want to keep him from casting, wait until the stun from push wears off (enemy gets up) and then charge when he is casting.


Most Commandos/Mercenaries are bad, even at lvl 50. Interrupt Grav Round/Tracer Missile und laugh at them because they dont know what else they can cast.

Vs healers, save force choke until they are at 50% hp or lower, then choke and slam that ***** like wayne brody.

If you are low hp, pop Endure Pain before Saber Ward. Saber Ward does not offer 100% protection vs Casts, meaning you can still be killed in the first two seconds of Saber Ward.


Use Intercede to heal yourself and/or to get away from enemies. It's the second most useful pvp skill after Charge. Intercede is your friend, especially in Huttball. Use it to cross over fires, get back up on the ledges, buy a teammate some time and to heal yourself.


If you play Warzones, go after objectives. Save the zerging for when you have a 3:0 lead in Huttball etc. You get far more commendations if you win.


Do use Guard, especially on the ball carrier and healers. There is actually a 50k protection medal, but the main point is that guard+ taunt makes enemies do very little damage to your guarded friend.


Use Saber Throw as often as you can. When specced right, it's 2 stacks of Sunder Armor (-16% armor), looks awesome and you get 3 free rage as bonus, all that in one cd. Always try to use throw before charging, you now start the fight with 6 rage, as rage spec that lets you cast force crush and smash + your free scream.


Lastly: Don't get discouraged, starting as a Juggernaut is very hard and doesnt get easier until you hit 50 and get some decent gear. But then you can just enjoy one of the few good looking pvp armor sets, nice burst damage and the benefit of often being underestimated (i love people who think they can just run away from me).

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Jugg dps is not that bad. I just think people fail at reading their abilities to find out what they do, reading talents to find out what they do, using defensive cooldowns, and using offensive cooldowns. You're not a death knight. you can't just copy a spec, and do 30k dps. Try all the builds out. if you can't cut it in pvp as dps, go immortal spec. Guard a healer or whoever has the ball. Guard let's you take half their dmg, so make sure you pop defensive cooldowns. Rush into a mob, and start taunting players, and aoe taunting larger groups. For those who don't know, all taunted players get -30% dmg to anyone but you for 6 seconds. You get lots of medals for preventing dmg to players. Also as immortal spec, you're survivability is better. grab the ball, kite players away from teammates and pass the ball before you die. You may not get votes, or be able to pad the meters, but you become much more useful.
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What a joke, a level 50 in full pvp gear against lvl 30s and you barely kill anyone, and you think that's good.


Like he said "overinflated sense of how well they are doing in Pvp".


This is what ruining days looks like:




Yeah seriously, congrats you sat there and resisted death from a bunch of lvl 20s and 30's and in some cases while someone was healing you, and i saw very few die from you alone....



That scoundral video is sickening.......

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All I am saying is this "burst" damage the devs speak of comes from smash only. Also, if melee closes then casters/ranged should pay for that just like we do when we get kited. Plus I will add the ever popular nerf troopers/BH, not fair to be ranged heals/tank/Dps with heavy armor, shields, and more knockbacks and stuns than any class in the game.
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Yes sorc/sages are hard to take down, I can handle BH/troopers and operatives/scounderals if the trinklet or unleash aren't on CD, but assassin/shadows for some reason gives me the hardest time (mostly those voltaic spamming ones), everyone else I'm able to deal with.


Classes may be "balanced" at 50, but expertise and consumables throw the balance off big time, a healing spec sage should not be doing 7K damage project (which was what I got the other night), but that's a whole other topic.

Edited by Sookster
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I see my jugg as a support class on my own not the most use but with others I can really help, screams that slow movement and reduce damage. If you pop all your defensive abilities you really can be immortal for a short time, with a healer a long time.


Your looking at 3-4 medals for using Guard, 10 and 25 kills (25 in a good round) 1 for 75k damage and if you use the right medpacks a healing medal or 2 aswell as killing blow and sometimes assasin medals.


My damage isnt great but I aim for 75k, nothing for the dps classes but can take some doing sometimes heh. The most I have done in a round as jugg was 130k on voidstar.


If you want to do damage play another class, survivability seems pretty good to me although nothing compared to troopers lmao.

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