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Notes on BioChem and Cybertech in Game Update 1.1


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Because the amount of people who chose biochem purely for how good the med packs were or cyber for the grenades, is still lol.


Sorry, but was still a ridiculous thing for those who dropped skills just to take these 2 for the sole purpose of dominating and not seeing it wouldn't last long.


If you think Bio chem is still the best skill to have, will leave it at that.


Umm bio chem still is he best skill to have since it is the only one that can make anything usefull. If you want to waste your time making obselete gear have at it.

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basically I liked the idea of biochems crafting their stuff in epic quality that is not consumable anymore. Saves you as a biochem lots of money. On the other hand you still could craft blues and sell them over the GTN. This, however, doesnt seem to be possible anymore due to the fact that now every usable consumable requires biochem 400. This is incredible dumb. And if this is really true, as I cant prove because I wont log in on testserver to level up another toon, this is the dumbest thing that could have happend during a "carefully handled" nerf.


So do the following. Epic versions are non consumables, this stays as it it. Same goes for the lvl 50 epic shematics. Biochems need a something that is unique. These require bio 400. The blue stuff is craftable and tradeable. No requirements other than levels.


Then you guys stick your heads together and actually think of something to make the other professions worth picking. And do it right this time. Atm every prof except bio is pure crap.


Oh and fix rataka med pack. In its current state this is garbage. Lvl 400 biochem only which heals the same amount of health like a lvl 48 medpack except the fact that it also increases health for 15 sec? Come on...it's a medpack, supposed to heal not increase health which drops us down to 1 hp when it runs out and we didnt get health. Or ...even better instead of increasing the amount healed by a fix value, pick a % value like 35% of maxhealth. then it'd be somewhat useful.


Current state, not worth picking over the pvp healthpack

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Poor excuse for pandering to a bunch of idiots if you ask me.


Biocem was a really useful skill for a healer, I could make my self a reusable medpack then use all my other resources to make the higher powered blue med packs. Now I'll just make my own and everyone else can go fish.


Each crew skill should have something personally useful to make it worth leveling but also something to help your group/guild. It might be that you have multiple people with Biocem and only one of the others but that's cos once you craft upgrades and mods for the guild the only thing you need to constantly refresh is the med packs and stims.

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Just a question to all those which see purple reusable as "too much". Keeping in mind that adding "charges" would be actually a lot of work programming wise (I don't recall seeing *any* item with charges so it might be something to add to the engine, if it is even possible) how would you make the purple item much better than blue (seeing how much they cost in RE) ?


At the moment except for a few stuff at 400 I haven't yet crafted we have the following :

* green slightly better than vendor stuff

* blue much better than vendor stuff (heal same as green+HOT / or stim stay on after death)

* purple , reusable but actually only as good as green in effect, blue doing better


Maybe some recipe at 400 don't follow that trend , but it should be easy to bring them in line, rather than suppress all the advantage of purple.


So how would you change it , still making them worth their while , like for other profession purple being better than blue ?


The only thing I can think of at the moment without engine change , is either make the purple heal more than blue, and make it so that they are consumed, maybe give them a burst of damage reduction, or similar.


But if you remove the reusable part you are making actually for most of the biochem tree (except again some stuff at 400) identical to green.


Also keep in mind that a lot of people won't even raid. If i remember a statistic (was it from WOW?) less than half finish a raid content before the next is ready ETA: in case I was not clear, raider and PVPer are not the majority of player. Player leveling up are actually the majority at any moment in an healthy game. Gimping stuff due to PVP or End content will enrage many more people than might be worth it.

Edited by Aepervius
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The values now look like this:


green is 3750-4350


blue is same as green + HoT


Rakata is same as green with +15% max health for 15s.




green and blue do not require biochem to use. So without biochem you can have equivalent (better with blue) healing. Biochem just gives the bonus that they are reusable.

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Just a question to all those which see purple reusable as "too much". Keeping in mind that adding "charges" would be actually a lot of work programming wise (I don't recall seeing *any* item with charges so it might be something to add to the engine, if it is even possible) how would you make the purple item much better than blue (seeing how much they cost in RE) ?


At the moment except for a few stuff at 400 I haven't yet crafted we have the following :

* green slightly better than vendor stuff

* blue much better than vendor stuff (heal same as green+HOT / or stim stay on after death)

* purple , reusable but actually only as good as green in effect, blue doing better


Maybe some recipe at 400 don't follow that trend , but it should be easy to bring them in line, rather than suppress all the advantage of purple.


So how would you change it , still making them worth their while , like for other profession purple being better than blue ?


The only thing I can think of at the moment without engine change , is either make the purple heal more than blue, and make it so that they are consumed, maybe give them a burst of damage reduction, or similar.


But if you remove the reusable part you are making actually for most of the biochem tree (except again some stuff at 400) identical to green.


Also keep in mind that a lot of people won't even raid. If i remember a statistic (was it from WOW?) less than half finish a raid content before the next is ready ETA: in case I was not clear, raider and PVPer are not the majority of player. Player leveling up are actually the majority at any moment in an healthy game. Gimping stuff due to PVP or End content will enrage many more people than might be worth it.


Good idea... except the purple mats are a tad hard to get?

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Because the amount of people who chose biochem purely for how good the med packs were or cyber for the grenades, is still lol.


Sorry, but was still a ridiculous thing for those who dropped skills just to take these 2 for the sole purpose of dominating and not seeing it wouldn't last long.


If you think Bio chem is still the best skill to have, will leave it at that.


sorry but i culd give a rats *** about pvp - the med pack was op sure and is still good after the nerf - but its the stims and adrenals not the med-pack that's important and those are just retarded atm - seeing as lower grade stuff than the vendor learned drops in raids and both have bio 400 req. --> nobody needs those drops


I don't understand the logic on having T3 Recipies on vendors for a meager fee of 20k and still have worse recipies of the same thing (T1, T2) drop...

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rofl what nerf , its a BUFF man!


Non Biochem cant use the Exo stuff so my med stuff just got even better.

Non Biochem items that all can use need L5! mats and not a little mats nobody gonne sell that cheap.


Just a little less HP from Medpack but a temp HP buff! cool a new cooldown for my Juggy to increase my HP against ops bosses. Who cares about the amount of HP it heals soon we will all be like 30K hp but a temp increase in HP OMGAZ thats OP!!.


Not touching my adrenalines thanks!! Not touching my stims Thanks.


Avoiding that Biochem is mandatory for operations guilds ROFL this change just ADDED the need for having Biochem for 25% better stuff and no chance of running out of adrenalins.


Bring on more of these changes !!


All jokes aside Bioware just shot themselves in the foot here.


Good luck with it

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Good idea... except the purple mats are a tad hard to get?



I am not sure either on that. personally I think 10 items should count as one for crafting and RE, that is you craft stacks of 10, lower the price to be 1/10, and cannot RE stack lower than 10. Would be identical with purple and would make it worth it.


The easiest solution is to naturally nerf biochem to the ground , and i say that as a biochem user.


What we would all wish, is to see all craft brought up to biochem level.


ETA: oh, and BOP is non sense for crafting. Absolute non sense.

Edited by Aepervius
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I saw it coming for one reason: it is simplier to nerf single proffession that worked out well than to work on bolstering others.

Why in the galaxy other proffessions did not receive BoP schematics which made them worthwhile? This is just illogical.


Hang on, I guess reason is similar to removing combat logs and lack of target of target frames - game breaking stuff. ;)

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The change making these items require biochem to use will just force everyone to go biochem. Cause, guess what? The Rakata Adrenals and Stims still have the biggest stat boost, and they're reusable. So now everyone is just going to go Synthweaving/Armortech, make their Rakata belt/bracers drop synth/armor and go biochem.


Great job forcing everyone to go biochem.

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Hmmm, I guess this was coming.


I was doing the whole armstech route which had no benefits whatsoever to my character (paying money to get resources to craft crappy equipment - some of which my companion could use for a short while before finding something else). So then I switched to biochem hoping I could at least use my own medpacs.


Frustrating but whatever. Biochem still produces usable stuff and you can benefit from the whole ls/ds points awarded from diplomacy.

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im so happy that these nerf are going to happen, i have seen so many poeple taking biochem only to use with PVP, cause of the benefits it gave them wich actually was OP and not fair in any way, professions should be only be used to make money or items that can compare to what you can get in game wihtout having to force pick a profession only to get an edge over an other player.
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I think making Proff. Exclusive items is just not going to work in the long run. Giving a certain bonus to one player over there other might not make having that bonus mandatory for players, but it might make it mandatory for some classes at least.


So you are limited to maing the exclusives thast gives a bonus, thats is more of a convenience rather then a requirement.


You can make exlusive adrenals with infinite uses, but you can't make them better then the ones with limited uses and available to other players. That way biochem crafter will save a pretty penny on the adrenals/medpacks in the long run, but it won't affect other players in terms of game/raid performance.


You can give an exclusive raid quality armor recipie to armortechs that never has to be repaired. But you cannot make it statwise better then what other can get. And so on...


But imo exlusivity is not the best way to go about this. Just my 2 cents.

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Here we go, yet an mmo that will be destroyed by NERF NERF NERF! some is needed sure, but if this game starts like world of warcraft & other mmo's, that they will do EVERYTHING whiny people say, i'm out... Big shame too as the game is awesome right now.. I guess in the end is all about the money, who cares if you destroy the game right? ...


If you are gonna nerf something how about nerf Agent's Operative? 2 hit me to death(Even 1 hit to death times too, and i'm heavy armor user, and heard many say the same about this class...), and i'm full champion gear +++++!!! How's that for "op" ? do you guys care about that? also they can stun you FORVER! don't they'r 4 sec stun have cooldown?.... Not that the stun mathers that much as u die before even 4 sec is over.

Edited by DEuZZ
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BioChem crafted medical kits were too good. In fact, they were too good both in the amount of healing they provided (often more than half a character’s health) and the frequency they could be used (every 90 seconds!).


For one thing, the point of crafting anything is so the gear you make is better than what vendors sell. I do agree that the med kits "over" heal and that needs tweaked, but you can't be considering changing the cooldown. Medpacs dropped or bought are 90 secs, so are Biochemists going to be punished for crafting their own with what? 2 mins? 3 mins? Would give up and take up slicing but you've taken a gaffi stick to that too, innit! Some clarification as to what you're reducing Bio and Cyber to would have been nice.


Anyway, that's my whinge done, keep up the good work and all that.

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