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Where is the trooper's medical probe?


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I'm told that the commando should have a robot called a medical probe, that should be able to heal other characters. How (and/or where) do I get it? It's not in my abilities-menu, so I guess I somehow have to earn it or buy it somewhere? Or perhaps I need a certain level to get the probe?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Strejferen
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All abilities are bought/learned from your class trainer. However when you pick your specialisation take a look at the bottom of the new skills window and you will see an extra TAB for your specialisation class.


Just make sure you've checked both tabs for available skills/abilities

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Medical Probe is one of the baseline healing spells you get for choosing Commando as your Advanced Class.


It is by no means a robot, so don't expect it to summon a droid who heals for you or anything like that. It's simply a spell which you learn from the trainer and which you cast on people to heal them (or yourself, companions, etc.).


I can't remember when I got it, but it was pretty early - 10-15, I think. Both your abilities window and the trainer have two tabs - generic Trooper spells (which you share with Vanguards) and specific Commando spells.


If you trained everything, look under your Commando tab. Otherwise, check the trainer and see if there isn't anything in the Commando tab that you haven't trained.

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