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Question regarding Light Jaesa


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Howdy, all.


Now, during beta, I remember a lot of people mentioning that Light Jaesa's last conversation, there was an option for male SW's to say 'we should have children', or something similar.


However, I've reached her final conversation, and even at 10,000/10,000, it's not showing up. Is this a bug, or an intended feature? If intended, I'm sad, I was rather looking forward to it, as it was the closest one could come to a LS Jaesa romance.


Any help would be appreciated!

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If you are romancing or married to Vette, the option will not show up. Breaking up with Vette while dating will make the option show up. If your married.... well.... there's no way to get that choice.


Ah! Thank you! I'm at the point in the conversation where Vette is asking 'you chose me? Seriously?'. Do you happen to know if you can re-start the romance with Vette after that point, if you turn her down, or no?

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