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Act 1 reward ***


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Last night i think i finished Act 1 i wtfpwn angral took kira to council and got her knighted, i havent checked if this is the final section of the chapter yet as ive not logged in since then, but, *** is up with the reward.


I play a Jedi Sentinel, and for completing all that ruckas i get to select a Blue Lock Box, or a sodding GLADIATOR! light sabre, erh, hello? could we not at least have a choice of a DPS sabre for sentinels? this is the finish of the first section of the storyline quest chain and we arent given a choice of weapons, instead a tanking lightsabre and a box which could be anything.



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I don't know, I leveled 1-50 on my Sentinel ALWAYS picking the Guardian hilts and armor from quest rewards and commendations. I find that having a boatload more stam is much more beneficial than having a little bit more damage.


Now that I'm 50, I maintain a set of Guardian-modded gear for soloing and Might-modded gear for flashpoints.


I fail to see how "You can't DPS if you're dead" is "trolling". It's a fact. If stating facts is trolling, then I'm perfectly fine with being called a troll.

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There is no reason to take guardian hilts/mods for solo PvE, you're looking for max dmg output this is not PvP where your hp pool actually counts and a huge ROFL to the second set with more hp for soloing pve at lvl 50 just wrong at so many lvl's.


The OP is right the ammount of gear itemized with endurance over STR is massive and it makes no sense

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After going through the trouble of beating the last boss in the story quest I was awarded with a loot box that gave my Sentinel a pair of heavy armor gloves that had Aim on them. So, at least Sgt Rusk got something out of the quest.
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There is no reason to take guardian hilts/mods for solo PvE, you're looking for max dmg output this is not PvP where your hp pool actually counts and a huge ROFL to the second set with more hp for soloing pve at lvl 50 just wrong at so many lvl's.


The OP is right the ammount of gear itemized with endurance over STR is massive and it makes no sense


That's weird, I thought you were looking for max survivability so the mobs don't instantly kill you while you wait for Doc to heal your sorry ***. My bad.

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From a numbers perspective, I believe the extra survivability from a Guardian piece outweighs the minor damage you get from using a Might piece. That's all I'm saying. Prove me wrong.


This is all for solo/leveling, mind you. If you're leveling entirely through flashpoints then by all means load up on Might goodies.

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From a numbers perspective, I believe the extra survivability from a Guardian piece outweighs the minor damage you get from using a Might piece. That's all I'm saying. Prove me wrong.


This is all for solo/leveling, mind you. If you're leveling entirely through flashpoints then by all means load up on Might goodies.


Proof that you are wrong, for PVE and PVP, in all cases raising Primary stat is better than raising Endurance, here:


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Proof that you are wrong, for PVE and PVP, in all cases raising Primary stat is better than raising Endurance, here:




And copy pasting the appropriate section from your link, we find that....



What about Endurance?

If you play the role of a tank frequently, it may be in your better interest to raise Endurance as much as possible. However, you still should not neglect your class primary stat. You may notice a lot of gear that has Endurance listed as a higher number, such gear may be better for tanks. Even if you're not a tank and if survivability is quite important to you, raising Endurance more may be a good idea for you. Feel free to adjust the numbers between your primary stat and Endurance to match your own needs.



....at no point anywhere in that post does it postulate that your primary attribute is more important then endurance. In fact, it directly states that "Even if you're not a tank", if survivability is important to you, endurance may indeed be the preferred stat. At no point does it actually provide an objective statistical analysis of the benefits of 1 stat over the other for various activities.

Edited by Helmetted_Wonder
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Let's look at the text Helmetted_Wonder chose to quote:


If you play the role of a tank frequently, it may be in your better interest to raise Endurance as much as possible. However, you still should not neglect your class primary stat. You may notice a lot of gear that has Endurance listed as a higher number, such gear may be better for tanks.


Try reading what it actually says instead of what you want it to say. Since when are Jedi Sentinels primary tanks? Here's some info for you, if you're playing as one, 'you're doing it wrong'.


Strength for Sentinel's does more than just hit things harder. Endurance only does one limited function, Strength does multiple, got it yet? Keep trying until you do.


....at no point anywhere in that post does it postulate that your primary attribute is more important then endurance.


Furthermore, his helmet must be on a little too tight after having missed all of the following:


If you come across any gear for those particular slots early in the game but the gear does not match your primary stat, you may equip it for the time being so that you can take advantage of the Endurance. Just make sure that later on you eventually fill the slot with the correct gear that matches your primary stat.


Unlike other MMOs, the primary stat in SWTOR covers all combat abilities including melee, ranged, Force, and Tech abilities. The primary stat covers all damage and healing output. Make no mistake, raising the primary stat as much as possible is the correct way to go in this game.


If you don't focus on raising the specific primary attribute or stat of yourself and your companions in SWTOR, you are doing it wrong and your characters and companions will be weak and incompetent.


Yes, weak and incompetent just like HELMETTED_WONDER and TSURUCHI's characters.


But hey, if you want to be severly gimped hitpoint bloated punching bags, it's your $15 a month do what you want. Just stay the hell out of my groups! :mad:


To the OP, you had it right, pick Strength as often as possible, with boosts that'll set you up to shred through anything, especially those easy one-stat Endurance-spec trash players. ;)

Edited by devilinhell
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Right, because one person's opinion on how to go about the game is the only correct way to play.


As I said, I keep a set of Might-heavy gear for when I group up and a set of Endurance-heavy gear for when I'm solo in difficult areas. I wouldn't want to group with a devil anyway, regardless of if he was in hell or not.

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You, uh, missed the last 2 full sentences of the paragraph that I quoted, but I can understand how you might have missed them after reading them both in the post that you quoted and in the direct quote above.


Sentinels who solo using watchman derive a good deal of their ability to effortlessly maul through large groups of enemies from their self heals, which are NOT based on your primary statistic in any way shape or form, they are instead based directly off of your endurance, as a % of your maximum hp's.


The guide is also written for a crowd of people who have no idea how the game works, and is meant to tell you to raise your primary statistic in lieu of the other 3 statistics that are primary for other classes, which is why it specifically singles out endurance and tells you that if you value survivability then endurance over the primary stat is a viable way to go regardless of if you are a tank or not...considering that the top end battlemaster PvP gear for a sentinel has more endurance then strength, I guess the guys that made the game agree with me and not you.


If you come across any gear for those particular slots early in the game but the gear does not match your primary stat, you may equip it for the time being so that you can take advantage of the Endurance. Just make sure that later on you eventually fill the slot with the correct gear that matches your primary stat. [/Quote]


This quote is also referring to finding a piece of gear for a slot that is essentially empty, at the START of the game, that does not have your primary stat on but DOES have endurance on it which you can actually use, meaning it is a viable piece of gear to use until you find a piece of gear with both your primary stat AND endurance, not that your primary stat should always take precedence over endurance in every situation....but great job taking the quote out of context.


If you don't focus on raising the specific primary attribute or stat of yourself and your companions in SWTOR, you are doing it wrong and your characters and companions will be weak and incompetent. [/Quote]


This is again, a reference to filling your slots with gear having your primary stat, and not some other random stat, the guide is a primer for people who have no clue what they're doing, and is written for stating characters, not developed ones. Again though, wonderful attempt at taking a quote out of context.

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I don't know, I leveled 1-50 on my Sentinel ALWAYS picking the Guardian hilts and armor from quest rewards and commendations. I find that having a boatload more stam is much more beneficial than having a little bit more damage.


Now that I'm 50, I maintain a set of Guardian-modded gear for soloing and Might-modded gear for flashpoints.


I fail to see how "You can't DPS if you're dead" is "trolling". It's a fact. If stating facts is trolling, then I'm perfectly fine with being called a troll.


makes sense.

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