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Please don't rush through this game!


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Now that the holidays are over thats about right, but I played 8 hours a day every day for about two weeks solid during the holidays.


And it takes approximately 14 hours to reach level 13 if you do all the side quests getting there. I should know. I've done it a lot of times.


Once again slow. Ridiculously slow. I have 4 characters over that level now, it didnt take anywhere near that long, even sitting through the cut scenes.


It's funny how people level really slow then give other people crap just because it doesn't take them as long. Ever think some people are just plain better? It happens. Every MMO some people are better at leveling than others.


But really, quit telling people how to play their game. On my 36 consular, I'm getting BORED of the side quest cut scenes. I watch the class cut scenes, but the side quests are 'meh' a lot of the time. The story isn't as amazing as some of you make it out to be, single player RPGs do it much better. It's good, but it's not earth shattering.

Edited by Rinkitink
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I really don't get why people are so determined on reaching the level cap as soon as possible. Where's the fun in that?

I bought this game for the non-MMO aspects. I am rushing through to the end (not necessarily to 50) so I can get full value from the game without paying $200 for something that would have been worth it for $60.


I could honestly not care less if there is no end game content. I would not play it if it existed.

Edited by ApesAmongUs
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That's just plain slow. :-P


Well, I've only clocked in 2 days 10hrs. I am only a casual player afterall. If the game takes 4-5 days to get to max level surely there's nothing to complain about? I don't expect everyone to level up as slowly as I do but it also cannot be denied that this game has a shed load of content. :rolleyes:

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If you aren't 50 by now, you'll struggle in PVP as lots of players are running round in full PVP gear already and you won't even scratch them without comparible items.


Yep - and this is why the Imps on my server were all level 50 and geared in the 1st week: The same kind of people who like to rush through games do so to have a leg up on the opposing side and dominate in PVP.


They also like to roll Imp characters with nasty and rude names because...well...they are :)


On the flip side - Republic players tend to take their time and enjoy the game along the way leaving them behind at 1st in PVP. I have noticed this past week that the Republic players ARE catching up and the matches are no longer blow outs like they were in the beginning.

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I bought this game for the non-MMO aspects. I am rushing through to the end (not necessarily to 50) so I can get full value from the game without paying $200 for something that would have been worth it for $60.


I could honestly not care less if there is no end game content. I would not play it if it existed.


That has to be the most retarded thing I've EVER read a forum.

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Once again slow. Ridiculously slow. I have 4 characters over that level now, it didnt take anywhere near that long, even sitting through the cut scenes.


It's funny how people level really slow then give other people crap just because it doesn't take them as long. Ever think some people are just plain better? It happens. Every MMO some people are better at leveling than others.


But really, quit telling people how to play their game. On my 36 consular, I'm getting BORED of the side quest cut scenes. I watch the class cut scenes, but the side quests are 'meh' a lot of the time. The story isn't as amazing as some of you make it out to be, single player RPGs do it much better. It's good, but it's not earth shattering.


Impatient does not equal better. If you want to skip through content to 50 - that doesn't make you a better player...that makes you stupid for skipping content. I have no sympathy for anyone rushing to 50 and then crying about lack of end game or not seeing anyone (zomg the game is dead etc)

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A couple of questions for the community:


I really don't get why people are so determined on reaching the level cap as soon as possible. Where's the fun in that? It's quite obvious that in a game that has just been released there might be very little to do once you reach 50. And indeed, people are already complaining about the lack of endgame content here on the forums. Why do you do that to yourselves and your fellow players?


This Game is really huge, content-wise. Of course, you can only enjoy this feature if story and character development are something you're actually interested in. But if you're not, why play this particular game in the first place?


It has always been advertised as a story-driven game and that is what Bioware and the whole KOTOR franchise stand for anyway. So why are people treating SWTOR like some kind of e-sports event, as if there were any real benefits from 'crossing the finish line'?


I know this is in part due to a fundamental flaw in the MMO - concept, where in the end it has to come down to who has the biggest gun, the most exclusive mount, the shiniest armor and so on. But I have been playing a lot of MMOs and here i thought this is finally one that agrees with my desire to immerse myself in a completely made-up universe, where I don't have to act like an *****#*/= , to outpace my competitors like it so often seems to be in real life these days.


I play on a RP-server, by the way. But even there, people are running through flashpoints, screaming 'GOGOGO' and force-leaping into the fray like there was a reward for finishing the thing faster than anyone before. Nobody talks about anything, or waits a few second for a straggler, or for someones force/energy/ammo bars to refill. And once it's over you barely have time to say 'thanks' or even 'good bye' before the group dissipates into infinite space.


I used to play RIFT before this one, and I really liked the story and a lot of other things. What struck me as very odd was the fact that you could sometimes be in a raid with a hundred other players, and beat up some giant invading the countryside and not read a single line of communication in the chat window. It was actually quite easy to find a group or even a raid just by running in to a certain area. But nobody seemed to care about each other. Sadly, a certain other MMO (whose name I will not mention here, because it already is all over the place) comes to mind, when you look at this kind of behavior.


Maybe even this game will eventually and inevitably have to turn into the same old routine, that usually makes people like me who still see this as a recreational matter leave for good. But I don't think we're even remotely there yet! And I hope we don't rush things up to reach that point.


So please, please, my fellow players, don't turn SWTOR into another one of those mindless grindfests. Thank you.


I didn't rush, i had time to check few professions and i still hit 50. It's just lack of content. See you in couple of months...

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Yep - and this is why the Imps on my server were all level 50 and geared in the 1st week: The same kind of people who like to rush through games do so to have a leg up on the opposing side and dominate in PVP.


They also like to roll Imp characters with nasty and rude names because...well...they are :)


On the flip side - Republic players tend to take their time and enjoy the game along the way leaving them behind at 1st in PVP. I have noticed this past week that the Republic players ARE catching up and the matches are no longer blow outs like they were in the beginning.


... But there are PVP-servers where you can massacre each other to your hearts content without even having to queue up for a war zone. So why take that fight amongst us carebears and treehuggers who just want to have fun and not dominate the world through the virtual awesomeness of our digital alter egos?


And I really didn't want to judge people for the amount of time they spend online or not.

I simply wanted to point out that it doesn't make sense to eat through the storyline at hyperdrive speed just to end up in a PVP-Endgame that is more or less a slightly more complicated 3rd person view-version of counterstrike without the gore and blood. And upon realization of that fact then go complaining about it on the forums.


If it is ones sole purpose in life to be the baddest of all bada**es and to feel superior to other players, why not roll a toon on a PVP-Server or just stay with your trusted other MMO (the one which I still won't mention), that so many people here are constantly comparing to SWTOR, where you are among veterans and friends and guildmates who all share your dream of superiority?


I just wonder why that is...?

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Problem is most don't stop and enjoy the world and their surroundings. When i'm out questing i take my time and explore, but when grouping or any other time i just people running from one objective to another during flashpoints i've gotten yelled at for watching the cutscenes which i will everytime because part of the enjoyment of a mmo to me is the immersion. I could careless if i'm slowing someone down because they want to skip a big part of the game.
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I bought this game for the non-MMO aspects. I am rushing through to the end (not necessarily to 50) so I can get full value from the game without paying $200 for something that would have been worth it for $60.


I could honestly not care less if there is no end game content. I would not play it if it existed.


Ok. Now THIS is why I asked. That ABSOLUTELY makes a LOT of sense. It's not the way I want to play the game, but I can definately see why someone else would possibly want to play the whole game as fast as possible when the longer they play the more they pay, especially if they aren't into gaming online with others and just want to play the game like you might play Mass Effect.

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Once again slow. Ridiculously slow. I have 4 characters over that level now, it didnt take anywhere near that long, even sitting through the cut scenes.


It's funny how people level really slow then give other people crap just because it doesn't take them as long. Ever think some people are just plain better? It happens. Every MMO some people are better at leveling than others.


But really, quit telling people how to play their game. On my 36 consular, I'm getting BORED of the side quest cut scenes. I watch the class cut scenes, but the side quests are 'meh' a lot of the time. The story isn't as amazing as some of you make it out to be, single player RPGs do it much better. It's good, but it's not earth shattering.


Ok. The fact that you are suggesting that people who level faster are "better" at this game basically proves the point, and that is: that a lot of people seem to think the whole point of the game is to reach level 50 as fast as possible.


I actually don't have a problem with others playing the game the way they want to play it, as long as it doesn't diminish my gaming experience. That's probably the reason that I'm not the OP, because I've been thinking about making basically the same post for weeks now and just haven't because I'm not all that overly concerned about people rushing to 50th. I'm curious why, but I'm not losing any sleep over it at night.


And the fact that you say that you got four chracters over 14th level "without skipping the cut scenes" and that you are "bored with the cut scenes" suggests that you have been skipping side quests or space barring through the cut scenes and not really thinking about the decisions you make in them. In other words, rushing through the game.


You definately CAN reach 14th level in less than 14 hours, but it's really tough to do if you're not rushing through the game. I was able to create a new Consular, get Qyzen, get all 6 datacrons on Ord Mantell and Tython, and come back to Tython by level 7 in probably about 6 or 7 hours, largely by avoiding anything other than the main quest. Although, I still wasn't rushing other than trying to get all my crew skills trained at the lowest level possible in order to start gathering materials at the lowest levels possible.


Now that I've done that, and am going back and doing the side quests, etc., it's starting to get back closer to reaching 14th level in 14 hours.


Anyway, I'm not saying people can't rush through the game if they want to. I'm just curious to know why they do it. I'm wondering if there is some reason for it that I'm just not understanding, since I've never had a max level character in an MMORPG.

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