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All in one alt crew


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How would you guys distribute crew skills among 4 characters to cover as many crafting skills as possible, assuming you want to make stuff and not just make money?


EDIT: So far I've come up with a setup that's missing Armstech, do you think this makes any sense?


Char 1: Scavenging - Armormech - Underworld Trading

Char 2: Archaeology - Artifice - Treasure Hunting

Char 3: Bioanalysis - Biochem - Diplomacy

Char 4: Slicing - Synthweaving - Cybertech

Edited by JoeVertigo
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How would you guys distribute crew skills among 4 characters to cover as many crafting skills as possible, assuming you want to make stuff and not just make money?


EDIT: So far I've come up with a setup that's missing Armstech, do you think this makes any sense?


Char 1: Scavenging - Armormech - Underworld Trading

Char 2: Archaeology - Artifice - Treasure Hunting

Char 3: Bioanalysis - Biochem - Diplomacy

Char 4: Slicing - Synthweaving - Cybertech



Character 4 wouldn't work because you can't take synthweaving and cybertech at the same time.

Best to pick one armor style, either synthweaving or armormech to conserve resource gathering needed.

I'd recommend armormech because it shares resources with cybertech so you would only need to max scavenging for basic stuff and underworld trading for the fancy stuff.

If you really want synthweaving then change character 3 and drop biochem and friends to further consolidate your resource gathering requirements.

You can always buy the good blue biochem items as needed as they are better in quality then the reusable purples.

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How would you guys distribute crew skills among 4 characters to cover as many crafting skills as possible, assuming you want to make stuff and not just make money?


EDIT: So far I've come up with a setup that's missing Armstech, do you think this makes any sense?


Char 1: Scavenging - Armormech - Underworld Trading

Char 2: Archaeology - Artifice - Treasure Hunting

Char 3: Bioanalysis - Biochem - Diplomacy

Char 4: Slicing - Synthweaving - Cybertech


You can't have 2 crafting skills on a char.


Armstech is not really necessary because every class gets multiple orange weapons from the class quests alone, not to mention the orange ones you can buy with commendations on every planet.


I agree with the above poster though, why do you want to make everything yourself? It takes A LOT of time/resources to get all schematics+upgrades for 1 character, let alone 4! And since crafting in general (except biochem) is not of much use in endgame there really is no good reason to wanting to do everything by yourself (not that you'll reach it anytime soon by juggling 4 characters..). Buy things from GTN and commendation vendors and you should be fine with 1 or 2 crafter alts.

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Ouch... smells me like a lot of work for doubtful profits. :rolleyes:

Especially with the last character (who is impossible to exist anyway)


I have no idea what you try to achieve, but probably a thing you want to do is to get into a guild instead of making 4 characters.

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Forgot you can't have 2 crafting skills, so that's my bad.


And I'm gonna have 4 chars anyway, so just wanted to plan their crew skills ahead of time. I have no idea if I will pursue maxing all the crafting to the max or even play all the toons to 50 level, but if I'm gonna have 4 chars might as well distribute the crew skills between them in a way they compliment each other at least a bit.


I really want both of the armor crafting skills, not sure about the others. It's either making weapons or mods for them it seems, no idea which might be more handy, kinda thinking mods might be better in the long run.


And you can say all about how biochem is the only useful crew skill and the others don't offer anything interesting or profitable, but I think it's a safe bet this is gonna change at some point and suddenly everyone will be dropping biochem in favor of other stuff.

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How would you guys distribute crew skills among 4 characters to cover as many crafting skills as possible, assuming you want to make stuff and not just make money?


EDIT: So far I've come up with a setup that's missing Armstech, do you think this makes any sense?


Char 1: Scavenging - Armormech - Underworld Trading

Char 2: Archaeology - Artifice - Treasure Hunting

Char 3: Bioanalysis - Biochem - Diplomacy

Char 4: Slicing - Synthweaving - Cybertech


WRT what was already mentioned about Char 4, I think you should consider which crafting sets to play first to help your alts level a bit easier. Also, there's a sticky topic on which companions are best for which crafting profession as far as bonuses go.


Keep in mind that my playstyle will be different from yours (I'm a trooper first, smuggler second, jedi third kind of guy). If I had it to do again, I'd go biochem first, then cybertech, then armormech. I'm only mid 30's on my main guy, but that's where I see the most gaps in my alts' (and companioins') gear.


The giant PITA is fitting slicing in there for pattern collection. I went cybertech, slicing, UT and had to buy all my green materials. I got stuck once higher level materials weren't on the GTN.

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And you can say all about how biochem is the only useful crew skill and the others don't offer anything interesting or profitable, but I think it's a safe bet this is gonna change at some point and suddenly everyone will be dropping biochem in favor of other stuff.



True, but in the meantime, why hurt yourself? I strongly doubt that any of the crafting stuff will be made viable at end game until the first major content patch, which is probably 3 months out at a minimum. My guess is that as a first swag at it, they'll add new schematics to the second tier of operations, both BoP and BoE ones. The BoE gear you'll be able to sell to the people who don't raid.


By then, if you take just gathering skills (including slicing) you can make more than enough credits to buy anything, as well as get enough mats to level whichever crafting skills you want.

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My four characters have the following crew skills:


Guardian: artifice, archaeology, treasure hunting (classic artificer)

Sage: synthweaving, underworld trading, investigation (he gets arch mats from guardian)

Scoundrel: cybertech, scavenging, slicing (gets UW mats from sage)

Vanguard: biochem, bioanalysis, diplomacy (self-sufficient)


Only things i dont have is armstech and armormech, which are impossible to get with 4 chars anyway since there are 6 crafting skills and my other 4 chars are imperial.

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I'm doing this right now with the goal of having all 6 crafting skills (so 6 characters total). So far I'm around level 20 with my Artiface, Synthweaving, and Cybertech characters, and level 10 with my biochem specialist. Here are my observations so far:


If I had to do it all over again, I would have leveled my Slicing/Cybertech character first simple because Slicing missions that produce lockboxes are still profitable. All my other characters are struggling to make enough money to buy their skills each level, while my Slicing toon has money to spare. I went Cybertech/Scavenging/Slicing, which means that my Cybertech has to look elsewhere for prototype/artifact quality metals. Cybertech hasn't really done a lot for me yet because the materials needed to make items past skill 60~ don't drop until the last mission area of Dromund Kaas, so it's lagged behind what I need to keep my custom armor and ship parts up to date. Hopefully this will change now that my character is in Balmorra.


Instead my first character was Artifice/Archaeology/Treasure Hunting. While poor, this character always has the best most up-to-date lightsaber and easily supplies my other characters with color crystals/enhancements/etc. I think if I had leveled him last I wouldn't be so poor, but then my Synthweaving may not be where it is.


That's because Synthweaving takes a ridiculous amount of materials to skill up, but I've found that my Sith Assassin is handling the content very easily with all the blue quality armor that I'm making. I did leveled this character second (behind the Artificer) so I was able to funnel more materials backward to him. I've spent a lot of money with underworld trading and splitting my results between blue/purple fabrics and metals, and find that (with Cybertech) I'm usually short on metals and fat on fabrics.


I haven't really gotten a feel for Biochem yet. I don't use a lot of medpacks/stims but that's also because I don't have the spare cash to buy them from the med droid. This character is also Sith, so my Artifice and Synthweaving get funneled back to him.


Bottom Line: Whatever you decide on for your skills, level your Slicing guy first. If you like Sith/Jedi, you'll need a lot of Archaeology. Cybertech will keep your custom armor up to date, but so far at early levels it's been unreliable.

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jus pick 1 or 2 main crafting skills and use your other characters as resource mules. Having all 6 will be a pain and costly. Plus i dont know to many people have 6 main characters, mostly just 1-2. So unless you are going to invest equal time over all 6 characters, you are asking for a troubled crafting experience. Some of these mission skills cost a good bit to get rolling, and can eat away at your bank account. With a stagnate market resource buildup is always a good thing also.


I pick bioware to make med packs and stims for all my alts and cybertech because i fly a lot of space missions. Also get certain other items i want/need.


Armor is pointless even weapon skill is pointless atm.

artifice is only profitable i hear from higher levels.

slicer with scav and bio is a good thing.

also each classes companions have certain bonuses in certain areas, use them wisely.


If you can afford the time to use all 6 characters daily, more power to you. But i prefer my wife and daughter than 8+ hrs of TOR daily ;) Just level as normal with scav, bio, and/or slicing/uwt/diplo and just ahve fun.

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1. Level 16 slave named Kuntakinte. Underworld T, Treasure H and Investigation at 400


2. Inquisitor (probably future main) - Cibertech - Scavenging - Slicing

3. Warrior - Artificer - Archeology - Slicing

4. Bonty Hunter - Bio - Bio - Diplomacy

5. Imperial agent - Armstech - Slicing - Diplomacy*


* not sure, it's only for money


There are 5 but i'll play with 4


(sorry about poor grammar, not native language bro)

Edited by Antarchan
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