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Interesting Review From PCgameworld


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Employed programmers however have to deal with deadlines that necessitate trade offs in the code.


Give a developer all the time and money in the world, and they will take 2 months optimizing a 'hello world' program to perfection.

And while the final 'hello world' program is fantastic, it is not economical feasible to spend 2 months on that.


No programmer, the brilliant and the not so brilliant, like to provide a program that is not at least 95% functioning as they had perceived.


You speak the truth. Nonetheless, I come from a place of harsh criticism of the overall development focus of the game. I think they spent the available development time working on the aspects that matter least in the pursuit of a successful launch endeavor. It's personally disappointing.

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I just want to point out that when you do optimizations you are not making optimizations to get the highest possible FPS possible. You are trying to get the most stable FPS. You want the game to run at a consistent FPS like say 20 FPS rather then 100 FPS that dips down into the 30s occasionally.
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I have 3 comps, one has fps issues, 2 have absolutely none. The one with fps issues is the one with a 6 year old motherboard/processor and 2 gigs of ram. It still plays the game passably enough to pvp and tank instances, but takes a while to load the fleet and most convos. My other two comps have zero fps issues. Not saying most dont, but I dont see the major problem. Maybe turn off shadows?


And there are people with 6 year old computers holding a steady 60 frames +, yet other with month old systems that have the latest hardware can be stuck at 10 or 20 frames.

All drivers and everything updated shadows make no difference on or off, I can set max setting or low setting frames remain unchanged. I can view thing at full settings, or at low settings and not see 1 diff in frame rates, not even a 5 frame increase shadows or not, mind you only in certain areas(but key areas, PvP IF, flashpoints. This can happen on a new computer or an old computer, the age of quality of the system is NOT what's creating this effect. It's total hit and miss in a way at suggests a chipset compatibility issue more than it suggests a ram or vid card issue.

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Friend, I know where you're coming from, but your point is invalid. It doesn't take an understanding of all the wheel rims in the world to know how to build a tire for them. It takes an understanding of the wheel itself. I hope you grasp my analogy.


You don't need to pay attention to how each and every complex component works with each other in a computer to understand how binary works in accord with the fundamental theories of all electronics which govern how each and EVERY SINGLE computer in the world works. Apples to oranges, man.


Um, you seriously have not a single clue about computers.

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I have no issues at all and I don't have a monster machine.


However ....


If you are running a 6 year old PC and trying to pas it off as a gaming rig, I would suggest adding another Hamster wheel. Get enough of those bad boys turning in sync and you may have something.

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There is a conflict of interest here with BioWare-devs can and will underplay the flaws of their game. They could have used tact and indicated they were looking into the issue.


ahh you mean like their posts in this thread about the fps issues and the fact they are looking into them?



nice little part of the forums called the dev tracker, i suggest you use it before saying they are not doing something about a particular game issue.

Edited by Jheather
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I question whether they can really help those with decent machines who are having problems.


I do a lot of PC repair work on the side and if their machines are like some of these ... with tons of programs running on startup sucking the life out their machine before the game even starts ... then their is nothing that BW can do.


There is nothing that BW can do when people buy the latest video card and put it into a PC with a CPU so old it doesn't even need a heat-sink and fan.


There is nothing that BW can do with people who run windose 7 and think that 4G's of RAM is the "butter zone" for that bloated OS.


I've never seen a MMORPG that ran smoothly for everyone. There is always a subset of people who for whatever reason, just can't get the performance they want. EVERY MMORPG is like that. The "I can run BF3 on high but my WoW is slow" group exists in every game. Just go to the WoW tech forums, AoC tech forums, LOTRO tech forums and read.


Personally, I hope BW doesn't spend to much time dealing with this because IMO, they are wasting their time that could be better spent giving me some decent SW armor instead of the "Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen" look. Ya I know, personal problem for me. Well ... right back at ya ....

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Good programmers make streamlined, efficient programs in the first place.


OMG...you obviously have never worked for the government. I haven't seen ANY program designed by even GOOD programmers come out of the gate without several things needing improvement or tweaking. They do their best (some of them), but they cannot anticipate every problem that may arise.


And when the bugs are found or some tweaking needs to be done, the programmers need to go through 344 supervisors and 9,456 committees before they can get approval to make any changes to the programs. Stupid, but that's the reality of it. Trust me...my office has to deal with this on a daily basis.

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Personally, I hope BW doesn't spend to much time dealing with this because IMO, they are wasting their time that could be better spent giving me some decent SW armor instead of the "Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen" look. Ya I know, personal problem for me. Well ... right back at ya ....


You do realize that until they fix the textures issue that armor is going to look "less than ideal', right?

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Well the forums is a small sample size in comparison to the total population. No one can dispute that. However, BioWare is the only party with all the information regarding these issues and considering the conflict of interest, it would be foolish to assume they are being honest.


I'm not arguing the majority are having issues- I'm merely saying 95% running the game fine is a number this douche pulled out of his twaat.


By your logic any complaint that someone makes is valid and worthy of consideration, and any possible defense that the company may provide would be "foolish" to assume they were being honest.


I could claim that playing for more than two hours broke my pinky and BioWare could claim that was simply untrue. Would it be "foolish" to assume they were being honest?


If you have been on these forums for any length of time it will be clear to you there are a core group of WoW fanboys and other troll types who seem to believe they can somehow put a damper on this games rampant success. In a number of cases they have been caught claiming outright falsehoods in an attempt to create some controversy where none exists.


Any perceived weakness is the target of a massively disproportionate amount of attention out of a desire to create some kind of negative atmosphere. It would be "foolish" to assume that everyone that posts claiming they have one problem or another is being honest. I'm sure some people do have problems but do you really believe there is *no one* typing whatever they feel will sew discord and discontent? :rolleyes:

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nice little part of the forums called the dev tracker, i suggest you use it before saying they are not doing something about a particular game issue.



I did not say they weren't doing something about a particular game. I said they should have used tact and indicated that they were doing something, thereby acknowledging the problem, to the game news site. There is a difference, chief.

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