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How to make Armortech, Artificer, Synthweaving & Weapontech worth it 1-50 and beyond


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They really need to do something to the crafting as right now it's completely worthless for the most part, extremely tedious, and extremely expensive.



I'm trying to be nice and give BW the benefit of the doubt for most things about I honestly wonder what they were thinking.




On top of the gear largely being easily outclassed AND more expensive than gear obtained ANY OTHER WAY it is extremely annoying. You spend lots of money to get mats, you RE, again and again, only to not get anything you want anyway.


The worst is the time it takes. Is there any good reason WHATSOEVER for it to take TEN REAL TIME MINUTES to make ONE PIECE of gear!? Particular when they seem to want for you to break it down in the merger hopes of getting something better which will probably fail?



Taking away the time it takes to at the very least craft things, if not for all crew missions, would make crew skills much less aggravating. They could also increase the materials obtained, lower the material costs for items, or lower the mission cost.


I'm trying to be fair but a royal aggravatingly obnoxious mess was made with crew skills. I honestly just don't want to deal with them at all as they currently stands, and that's very poor design to annoy the living crap out of a great deal of customers, particularly the ones who try to come to your defense against the instant gratification "Why don't we have seven years of content for a game that was released a month ago!?" idiots.

Edited by Thedek
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To be fair. They changed a lot of the system right before launch and are planning to change it again. I hope that the changes help some of the issues you bring up for sure. Idea #5 I think it is offers a suggestion to help with crafting.. Maybe tho.. there should be an "Efficiency" consumable as well as a "Critical" consumable for crewskills.


PS Anyone feel like rating the thread with a nice 5 star rating? :D

Edited by Aethyrprime
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To be fair. They changed a lot of the system right before launch and are planning to change it again. I hope that the changes help some of the issues you bring up for sure. Idea #5 I think it is offers a suggestion to help with crafting.. Maybe tho.. there should be an "Efficiency" consumable as well as a "Critical" consumable for crewskills.


PS Anyone feel like rating the thread with a nice 5 star rating? :D


I just might, if I knew how to actually rate threads :p

Edited by Arell
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One simple step. Remove daily quest rewards (both PvP and PvE).


Face it, PvP would still be PvP if both parties were naked. No reason for this stuff, we should all be crafting it. EVERYONE can pick a crafting profession. Those that can't be arsed pay, it is really simple.




That doesn't fix anything. It does however create more problems.

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That doesn't fix anything. It does however create more problems.


I am sorry, what problems does it create? Making the raids/ops an actual challenge? Not giving PvPers their instant "fix" (like ANY game on the face of the earth could ever please them anyway).


I will tell you my story. I have done the PvE dailies and geared-up my Sage. I do very well, and actually don't want the raid gear because I have become used to my "build". The raid gear (1st tier) is as good as mine...second tier not worth the loss of my crit/surge build....third tier would be worth the loss of my build, but looks like crap.


I am now leveling another alt. It is the only part of the game that is actually enjoyable. If I didn't get a 6 month subscription I would have un-subbed already\.



Want to know why WOW is STILL a success? Investment of time into characters....One month and I am already bored.



WHAT? What oh pray tell can be worse than that?

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nice post but we need real gear not grappling hooks. they dropped the ball on endgame crafting. it's not like they held onto the ball for any other form of endgame so it shouldn't be a surprise. sure you can gear to the teeth in pvp in a week or less .. but again .. that's the sound of the ball .. dropping. the endgame in this game is abysmal. crafting just happens to be the worst of the worst.
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I put this in another thread that was about gear as well. To make armor crafting and weapon crafting viable they need to add in some OJ high end craftable sets. Give mods available for pvp commedations. Also make key materials drop off of pve raid bosses to OJ craftables or end game crafted gear. To make them worthwhile put some sort of non game breaking stats on them, xp bonus, credit bonus, things such as that. This will make it somewhat worthwhile to use them while not making them overshadow the pvp or pve stuff. Giving the armor crafters the ability to make armor mods and weapon ability to make weapon mods would help but, I'm not sure that's a viable option right now.


As for the end game in general. I feel it was too easy to get to 50. I'm a very slow leveler, as I like to explore, keep my crafting up to level and just plain screw around. Yet I made it to 50 within the first month. Others made it to 50 before the preplay period was even over. I hate to say it, but mmos now adays are waaaaaaay to "soft" on the players. People have no time vested, get bored at high level and quit. It doesn't help for this game either that there were a few key bugs that caused a few to quit. The ability delay being a shining example of this. It took many of my friends that have said they will be back in a few months if they fix it.


And get off my damn lawn!

Edited by Geawiel
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Simple idea: gear slots for speeders. Similar to starships.


1) Shield slot: You can take X number of hits before you're dismounted.


2) Motor slot: Your speeder is X% faster. (Small speed increase, 5-10% or so, as to not make it OP)


3) Propulsor slot: Your speeder is able to perform longer/higher jumps.


4) Paint slot: Changes the appearance of the speeder, just some reskin. Simple, but cool.


5) Exhaust slot (This one's silly, but still, would add another customization option): Changes the color of the smoke that comes out of your vehicle, so you can leave a coloured trail. It should be just a hue, something very subtle, not a rainbow.


Along this lines, more gear for starships could be made. Like furniture, or different skins. Or even ship modifications:


1) Turret: Adds another turret to your ship, increasing the shots per second.


2) Cloaking device: You can turn invisible to enemy ships for a brief period of time.


3) Garage: Allows you to display the speeders you own.


4) Paint, reskins.


I think these are all pretty basic ideas, wouldn't be very hard to implement, and although not tremendously helpful, they could still make crafting a bit more useful. Every little helps :)

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nice post but we need real gear not grappling hooks. they dropped the ball on endgame crafting. it's not like they held onto the ball for any other form of endgame so it shouldn't be a surprise. sure you can gear to the teeth in pvp in a week or less .. but again .. that's the sound of the ball .. dropping. the endgame in this game is abysmal. crafting just happens to be the worst of the worst.


I understand what you want, I want it too. But asking for an entire re-vamp head to toe of the entire crafting system is a little nuts.


They dropped the ball indeed. However, I WOULD use crafted armor/mods/enhancements/earrings/etc etc etc. IF the daily gear didn't exist.


So, easy fix...remove it. WHAT???? MORE WORK???? Oh yes, Virginia, after ONE WHOLE MONTH of play time, I think you should put more work into your character and under tougher circumstances. (those Ops won't seem so easy even with the gear we make).


So, what is the end result? Economy? *YES* Longevity? *YES* Community? *YES*


And what is the downside...you can't always get what you want. Hey the stones taught me that ages ago, nothing new...let's play!

Edited by DenitharPurloin
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I put this in another thread that was about gear as well. To make armor crafting and weapon crafting viable they need to add in some OJ high end craftable sets. Give mods available for pvp commedations. Also make key materials drop off of pve raid bosses to OJ craftables or end game crafted gear. To make them worthwhile put some sort of non game breaking stats on them, xp bonus, credit bonus, things such as that. This will make it somewhat worthwhile to use them while not making them overshadow the pvp or pve stuff. Giving the armor crafters the ability to make armor mods and weapon ability to make weapon mods would help but, I'm not sure that's a viable option right now.


As for the end game in general. I feel it was too easy to get to 50. I'm a very slow leveler, as I like to explore, keep my crafting up to level and just plain screw around. Yet I made it to 50 within the first month. Others made it to 50 before the preplay period was even over. I hate to say it, but mmos now adays are waaaaaaay to "soft" on the players. People have no time vested, get bored at high level and quit. It doesn't help for this game either that there were a few key bugs that caused a few to quit. The ability delay being a shining example of this. It took many of my friends that have said they will be back in a few months if they fix it.


And get off my damn lawn!


Precisely why our crafted gear is fine and dailies (PvP and PvE) should be removed. The game is WAY too easy with them. This is the amount of time I put into a console game, not an MMO.

Edited by DenitharPurloin
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It creates the problem of.. I'm a pvper. I can level from just pvp alone. I should also have a progression system which supports my play style as is currently available.


Also I think you are lying abou the ease of attaining PVP gear. I didn't benefit from the day of ilum bug farming. So I am sitting at 57 valor rank right now doing a couple of hours of Ilum pvp and probably 5-10 warzones a day. I have been playing this character since day 2 and reached 50 around week 2.5 like most people who played hard core right after launch. I pvp'd almost the entire way from 10-50. I have only this week finally got down to the last piece of champion gear and haven't even started on Battlemaster yet. I however also have 2 level 30+ alts I'm working on who are valor ranked within 2 levels of valor to their actual level.


I understand you have an issue with it but don't fux it up for the rest of us. I also direct your attention to the OP which does directly deal with pvp gear crafting! :)



PS. Please let's not turn this in to another whine thread. Positive suggestions are welcomed tho!

Edited by Aethyrprime
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Simple idea: gear slots for speeders. Similar to starships.


1) Shield slot: You can take X number of hits before you're dismounted.


2) Motor slot: Your speeder is X% faster. (Small speed increase, 5-10% or so, as to not make it OP)


3) Propulsor slot: Your speeder is able to perform longer/higher jumps.


4) Paint slot: Changes the appearance of the speeder, just some reskin. Simple, but cool.


5) Exhaust slot (This one's silly, but still, would add another customization option): Changes the color of the smoke that comes out of your vehicle, so you can leave a coloured trail. It should be just a hue, something very subtle, not a rainbow.


Along this lines, more gear for starships could be made. Like furniture, or different skins. Or even ship modifications:


1) Turret: Adds another turret to your ship, increasing the shots per second.


2) Cloaking device: You can turn invisible to enemy ships for a brief period of time.


3) Garage: Allows you to display the speeders you own.


4) Paint, reskins.


I think these are all pretty basic ideas, wouldn't be very hard to implement, and although not tremendously helpful, they could still make crafting a bit more useful. Every little helps :)


I would fully support these ideas for the future of the Crewskills progression as they expand the features of the game in to more robust systems. It would be great to be able to craft/buy a new ship chassis eventually too.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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I would love to see something like


-Armstech: You can add weapon enchants to blaster, blaster rifles, sniper rifles or assault guns similar to to WoW enchants.


-Armortech: You can add enchants to armor pieces smugglers, agents, BH or troopers can use.


-Artificer: You can make unique relics. There were so many good "on hit" trinkets in WoW. Yet there ain't any special relics here.


-Synthweaving: Same as Armortech.

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Precisely why our crafted gear is fine and dailies (PvP and PvE) should be removed. The game is WAY too easy with them. This is the amount of time I put into a console game, not an MMO.


But that's just it. This is not a game for the "HARD CORE ONLY". I used to fit that crowd. Now I'm a bit older and like to find gear progression to move at a steady pace, I like to experience a game through alts so skipping content doesn't bother me. I hate the level grind. I for one am not complaining about the speed to reach 50 because for "me" there's plenty to do. All that needs be fixed is the usefulness at end game through clickables as suggested and give me some real territory oriented pvp and I'd be set. :)

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