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Combat Medics - Need BioWare's TLC


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IMO, all they really need to do is make Kolto Bomb affect more targets... doesn't even need to be stronger IMO. Then we would be perfectly welcome raidheals that could put a buff on half the raid that made me and the other healer(s) heal for 5% more. Edited by Fishcatch
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Combat Medics need a serious increase to the overall healing output to put them on par with all other healers in the game. I would say they are the absolute weakest healer in the game at this point. Their aoe heal is absolutely pathetic in comparison to others. The amount of healing you can actually push out on fights like Hard mode Soa is just shadowed by the aoe healing abilities and HOTs from the Scoundrel and Jedi Sage. In many of the end game fights, I am seeing the combat medic as more of a MT healer and not an aoe healer type which serves no purpose in the current end game content. In some of the higher level fights, a geared combat medic just can't keep up, heal output wise on all accounts.


You can say I am wrong and cry, but you are most likely not geared and not doing end game / end difficulty content.


um..kolto cloud is crap. the only reason a scoundrel takes it is becaue they had to put 3 points into a talent under it anyway and there's nowhwere else to put the point


even with 2pc champion +15% bonus it's...still crap. kolto bomb at least has the option of reducing damage incoming

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Considering Sage have a shield (no one else does), have a better mobility than any healer, have the better aoe than any healer, have a lifegrip, have nice damage. They should be behind every one else when it comes to healing.


What armor do they wear? Oh that's right, light armor.

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My best advice is if you suck as a Commando Medic go re-roll to a different healer. It's not hard to spot heal while keeping the tank up. Everyone got use to WoW being super easy, and now that something takes skill people are QQing.


You hit the nail on the head... These people simply don't understand that there are pros and cons to every class. I've heard several times in this thread alone that they don't care about the heavy armor or the damage they can do.. Well, if that's so, then they should re-roll... because guess what??? WE WEAR HEAVY ARMOR. So because our survivability is better than literally EVERY other class... YES, EVERY OTHER CLASS, then there should be some drawbacks. Not to mention, if they are playing correctly and with the right rotation, they should NEVER have a problem (even in a long fight) with running out of ammo... Sages QQ all the time about running out of force. So... if none of that matters to you, then please get the F out of our class...


So our AoE heals aren't as good as a sage... GOOD. There should be SOMETHING they do that's better. Sages wear light armor, and their survivability isn't even a fraction of ours. So if that doesn't matter to any of you, then freaking re-roll. Stop QQing on the forums. It's the QQers that don't understand class differences that end up ruining games (IF the developers end up folding to their cries) <-- which is one of the reasons why SWG ended up going downhill FAST.


This class is fine the way it is. Either learn your roll and play this class correctly, or re-roll to a class that does what you are looking for.

Edited by DonnyCage
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I been MH a few times in HC4 and i never had any problems with healing.

I even been in a HC4 where i was there for support heal/dps/cc, tho, i did end up as Main heal lol the sage couldnt handle his job.


Now, i did have a few wipes, but, that wasnt the class fault, that was the idiot :p that broke my CC on a champ...

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I'm new to PvE healing in MMO's but so far I'm doing well. It's fairly straight forward. AMP and MP, hammershot for spot heals during low damage phases. Trauma Probe is nice to have for the people you see taking damage often. When things get serious pop SCC and then it's Kolto > AMP > MP > AMP > MP > Bacta etc. You're just forced to triage people based on need.


Here's an issue I've had though and maybe other CM's can help me out. Lobbing a Kolto in fights like XRR3 where he has a huge hitbox and people are stacked near him. I found I had trouble planting the reticule to heal people.

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Does the Scoundrel have to aim their Kolto Heal like commandos do with the circle?


Yes, all three AoEs target the ground. CM is all upfront healing, SB applies a HoT to the targets, and Seer creates a "healing zone" that heals while players remain inside the area--note, while it does heal over time, it is not recognized as your typical HoT because it is affixed to the area, and not a buff placed on the player.


Here's an issue I've had though and maybe other CM's can help me out. Lobbing a Kolto in fights like XRR3 where he has a huge hitbox and people are stacked near him. I found I had trouble planting the reticule to heal people.


Hit Esc, go to Preferences, select Controls, and slide the Camera Zoom or whatever option to 100%. Zoom out and it should be much easier when bosses are effin' huge.


Oh and DonnyCage is a troll you silly gooses. Stop taking him seriously, it's embarrassing watching you guys act like he's actually advocating armor type as a factor in PvE, where 90% of raid damage effects ignore armor.

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I have both a Trooper healer and Scoundrel healer at level 50, and have raided with both. Combat Medic is better.


The problem with Scoundrel is this. Your main heal (Underworld Medicine) costs 30 energy (30%). Medical Probe costs 3 ammo (25%). You -really- notice the difference. Scoundrel rotation also opens with this heal, whereas Trooper rotation usually opens with AMP.


UM is the only guaranteed way of gaining a stack of Upper Hand - this is central to Scoundrel healing. You can also gain stacks from your single-target HoT ticks, but this is quite unreliable. Without Upper Hand, you can't use Kolto Pack (equivalent of AMP, no cooldown) or Emergency Medical Pack (equivalent to Bacta Infusion, free, no cooldown). Upper Hand lasts for 15 seconds, and you can have a maximum of 2 stacks (gaining stack refreshes the timer). You also need to consume 1 charge of Upper Hand every 35-45 seconds for Pugnacity so that you will remain at the maximum energy regen rate. Furthermore, you ideally want to always be sitting on 1 stack of Upper Hand because this will give you an extra 6% healing.


So what does this mean? Scoundrel healers need to stick to a very rigid rotation or they will run out of energy very quickly. Combat Medic doesn't have these problems because our class is governed by cooldowns rather than Upper Hand. We can also blow Supercharge Cells and spam AMP/MP in order to catch up on healing - Scoundrels can't do anything like this. If you fall behind on healing as a Scoundrel, you're pretty much screwed. You need to have Pugnacity up, and you need Upper Hand to use your shorter/instant heals.


tl;dr Combat Medic is actually pretty good. We just need to be able to combat rez.

Edited by Sheridyn
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Oh and DonnyCage is a troll you silly gooses. Stop taking him seriously, it's embarrassing watching you guys act like he's actually advocating armor type as a factor in PvE, where 90% of raid damage effects ignore armor.


Actually the armor is a big factor. Our survivability is second to none. Not to mention, we do excellent damage.


If armor isn't a factor to you, (even though it actually is) and you are QQing like these other guys, then you should re-roll. You obviously don't know your roll with this class and you apparently don't know what pros and cons are. And if you do, then you don't know a pro (ie heavy armor) when you see one.


If we all had equal abilities, A. This game would be TERRIBLE. And B. Commandos would be OP.


PS: There is more to playing a (healing) commando than just raiding as a sole healer. (And even if there wasn't... plenty of us, are having no problems with it whatsoever, while the rest of you are QQing). If I wanted to wear paper, and have the abilities of a sage, I would've rolled a freaking sage.

Edited by DonnyCage
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Overall we need just a little help. Here is what I'd like to see:


1. We need to be able to build supercharged cells faster. I suggest that AMP builds 3 charges as well (on a 9 sec cd so not spammable). Or we need a hot type of heal that builds cells. Make it useable on one target only. Or make trauma probe build 1 charge each time it heals. In a raid setting it isn't always realistic to work in hammershot so sometimes it takes a while to build Cells.


2. As people have mentioned, Kolto Bomb needs to be buffed to hit more targets. Pref 4-5 instead of 3. Although the buffs it provides are nice, I usually can't afford to use it while I have popped supercharged cells. Currently if all 3 targets crit, the crit for 2k each for a total of 6k heals. My MP crit heals 1 target alone for 5.2k.


3. Slightly shorter cd on Bacta Infusion. Its our only "oh crap" heal and is on a 21 sec cd (18 sec with 4 piece). I suggest maybe a 15 sec cd? I say this as try healing the platform jumping on Soa. We can only use Bomb and Infusion on the move.


I love my Medic. Love the animations, resource, and playstyle. Just give us a little love and I will be completely happy!

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Derp. Shield more than makes up for armour advantage over sage, and they can cast on others...


Ahahaha. Ahahahahahahahahaha. Ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaaaaa.


The shield at level 50 stops about 2k damage. With my Sith Sorc, I've had an elite break it in 1 hit. Once you've cast it on someone, you need to wait 20 seconds before you can cast it on them again.


2k HP every 20 seconds is not that much.

So yeah.


Although I would quite like an interrupt that isn't a 60sec CD stun, becuase that would seem to be useful soloing and in instances, and an in-combat res, just so we can do that as well as the other healers.

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Ahahaha. Ahahahahahahahahaha. Ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaaaaa.


The shield at level 50 stops about 2k damage. With my Sith Sorc, I've had an elite break it in 1 hit. Once you've cast it on someone, you need to wait 20 seconds before you can cast it on them again.


2k HP every 20 seconds is not that much.

So yeah.


Although I would quite like an interrupt that isn't a 60sec CD stun, becuase that would seem to be useful soloing and in instances, and an in-combat res, just so we can do that as well as the other healers.

Oh no, you mean your sprint and your shield have the same cooldown and if your shield breaks, you can just run away and it'll be up again by the time they catch up? Whoops, I used my shield, they ignored me till it fell off and then killed me because it's high cooldown and can't be placed on everybody for essentially free.

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