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Mercenary Healer - Alacrity VS Crit


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Alacrity VS Crit.


What is more viable (PVP)


I find that alacrity's .2 second cast time reduction in my level 36 merc to be fairly insignificant.


Alacrity makes you overheat faster without improving your heal output.


Crit allows you to heal big and targets require less healing - you can use your auto attack heal ability more to get more stacks on support cylinder and pretty much stay at 0 heat for most fights.


So what is so great about alacrity? If it reduced cast times by .5 seconds then sure that would be big enough of a difference to consider alacrity over crit but its not the case.


Any input from level 50 BH healers?



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I find that alacrity's .2 second cast time reduction in my level 36 merc to be fairly insignificant.


Alacrity makes you overheat faster without improving your heal output.


Crit allows you to heal big and targets require less healing - you can use your auto attack heal ability more to get more stacks on support cylinder and pretty much stay at 0 heat for most fights.


So what is so great about alacrity? If it reduced cast times by .5 seconds then sure that would be big enough of a difference to consider alacrity over crit but its not the case.


Any input from level 50 BH healers?




you are comparing apples to oranges.


not that crit/alacrity can't be compared, but you sound like you are comparing ALL criticals as opposed to just the additional crits that would be gained by regearing.


if you want to compare apples to apples, you need to compare that .2 second reduced casting time to like a 4% increase in crit rating that you would get. Not the total 33% crit or whatever you seem to be describing.


A better comparison would be something like...over the course of a boss fight, would you rather turn 1 regular hit into a critical hit...or would you rather have cast times of 1.4/1.9? I would say this comes to personal preference. both will help avoid an emergency wipe in different situations.

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a guildie is full bodyguard and he stacks alacrity until he has heat issues, then backs off a little and stacks crit/surge equally... fyi surge is the size of the crit, you might want to look into that as well, there are crit/surge enhancements/mods on the daily ilum quest, you can get one 48 purple a day til you have modded a set of gear up.
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