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WZs, Healing Exploits, and More


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Healing medals could work like the Medic in Team Fortress 2, perhaps. What happens is if the person that they're currently healing gets a point for a kill, they get half a point for an assist. The numbers might need to be tweaked and there'd perhaps need to be some minimum threshold to prevent just spamming AoE heals at chokepoints and collecting huge killcounts but, at its core, the system has merit.
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i completely agree to you that those aspects have to be adressed. however your idea to bracket the roles wont be good because it completely prevents any hybrid play - and many classes are very playable as hybrid!


best medal farmers i see are offensive pvp tanks (playing myself to 7-12 medals a game, including rakata medpack) and strongly equipped healers, that are capable of reaching the 75k dmg mark aside to keeping their team alive.


WORST medal farmers are the people that go straight for warzone objective, so basically those who help most to win the game get least reward for it.

my suggestion on this: make the objective point count more precise and then give medals for objective points.

Edited by theMornox
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Thank you all for participating in this discussion, you guys have some really great suggestions, way better than my own. Again, the original post is just suggestions, and I admit, a couple may be a bit overboard, but hey, it resulted in some great people coming here and building off of them and making some really cool points.


Team medals would be exceptional, and I'd back that 100%. A lot of things need to be addressed in this game, and seeing how PvP is supposedly a big portion of the game, I think it should be first in line for a serious overhaul.


Here's to hoping to 1.1 is all that and a bag of potato chips.

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The problem with the objective medals you just talked about is they'd screw healers just as much as the current ones. Healers typically need to heal people, not running the ball or capping, unless of course there's nothing going on.


They just need to give healers more medals or at least reward us for playing objectively somehow, and make the "kills" medal from healing proximity.


I disagree. In relation to huttball the idea of the game is to get the ball across the line. If you are ONLY healing others moving the ball then most likely you will fail. Everyone has to stay flexible and work as a team. I have scored3 times in a match and topped heals quite easily. Sometimes I will stay in the middle and facilitate forward movement, sometimes I stay forward and run myself knowing I can also heal myself as well and sprint quickly away. Other times I remain flexible. If you limit yourself to only one style of play (ie healing only) then you both miss the point of the warfront and in my opinion don't deserve an abundance of medals.


That being said I have no problems with some medals staying like kill counts. For example:

- 10 kills; be involved in (ie apply damage to or apply healing to someone who has applied damage to) killing 10 enemies.


This shows active participation in the game and towards objectives. However such medals as do 3k damage or healing in a single hit are just plain silly.

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I agree with some of your post, but not playing a healer myself I can only speak so far in to it.


What I think would be a great medal addition is that, when your team scores a goal in huttball, everyone gets a medal, then again if you're team scores 5 points, and if you 6-0 someone you should all get a medal.




Or they could scrap the current medal system all together and only reward medals for TEAM objectives, scoring in huttball, teams doing a million dmg, 5 million dmg, a million heals, 5 million heals, 250kills, etc(keep in mind they are team wide combined and I just threw arbitrary numbers out)


That would promote team play at all levels, even in pugs. instead of a FFA.


Gets my vote for the BEST solution to medals...

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Or they could scrap the current medal system all together and only reward medals for TEAM objectives, scoring in huttball, teams doing a million dmg, 5 million dmg, a million heals, 5 million heals, 250kills, etc(keep in mind they are team wide combined and I just threw arbitrary numbers out)


That would promote team play at all levels, even in pugs. instead of a FFA.

I know you said etc, i know you mean that includes this: XX - XXX protection. But thought id post it as you did mention healing & dps.


This would solve a lot of complaints about the whole medal system.

If people dont get enough medals then and want to complain all they have to do is look into a mirror.

Edited by Noax
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Pah, if you can't hit 300k healing done in a warzone, you're not worthy of the name of healer. That's how easy it is.


Therfore any arguments about abusing pits, life taps etc to gain medals is inaccurate. There are no healing medals above 300k. Atleast not before 720k healing done which is how high I've hit personally.


Not gaining from healing yourself is like not counting damage towards the enemy healer, about as stupid.


And no, lifetapping to heal yourself is so ineffective it's insane. Standing in poison pit is equally ineffective, it takes one person with a stun to kill you, and even then... If you got so much control you can just stand there and heal, the enemy don't have a chance to begin with. It's a non-problem.


If you want to focus on real problems, focus on door los capping and stealth capping in voidstar. Focus on gripping ballcarrier to insta-death in huttball. Focus on stealth capping turrets in alderaan. That's the stuff breaking them.


And oh, give me rated 8 man premades already. I'm bored to death of facing pugs.

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