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Sad to see some people quiting already....


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it's a shame what is slowly happening to the game, Tor was a great idea, an a fun game (still is) but retailing the game with no content is a BAD THING!.... I talk to alot of 50s on my server, (swiftsure) an many of em are saying already they are probably not gonna make it past free month.

Understandable when you consider theres no pvp, no reason to world pvp, botting/farming BG's wears out in a day...

The raids if your into that, are always full but even if they wernt, what are you doing it for ? just to get a shiny so you can do it all again....


pointless, I dont know how to fix it, other than to start fixing pvp an stop trying to instance everything. World pvp doesn't belong in an instance, its world pvp for a reason....


I know for me, my chars are only in high 30s, an I am already feeling like I cant be bothered logging in till evening most days for as few hours.


Now I know the fanboys will call me silly names, an put down my comments, but that doesn't change anything, alot of people are getting bored already, an with GW2 coming out in 3 months, tor really needs to pick up its pace. I know I wont be subbing for another three months with the state of pvp an game in general as it stands.


my two mates quit the game last week after hitting 50 cos it was just mind numbing apparently....I am not far off, an i know of at least 3 guys who have had enough.


Dont worry but, Im a huge fanboy and this game sucks horrible.. they put so much focus on how much fun you have leveling that endgame and PvP has fallen flat on its face.. I mean even the last starwars game was more fun PvP than this ... and thats kinda sad before anyone blasts me I havent played SWG in years nor was a huge fan of that game...

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Dont worry but, Im a huge fanboy and this game sucks horrible.. they put so much focus on how much fun you have leveling that endgame and PvP has fallen flat on its face.. I mean even the last starwars game was more fun PvP than this ... and thats kinda sad before anyone blasts me I havent played SWG in years nor was a huge fan of that game...


Well.... the last SWG MMO was fun before the great revamp that removed a ton of classes and pretty much redesigned the entire game. :(

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Our guild has 70 members, but when someone hits 50 and plays with his/her char for 3-4 days he/she never comes back, quits the game.Guild was very active while ppl were leeling now on 10-15 players max online at the same time :/


Once ppl hit 50 they quit, I am afraid I wont be playing after free month as well, it was a nice single player experience, I spent lotsa time on it, but I dont plan to pay for no-end game and spamming 3 warzones and getting owned by full geared 50 premades over and over again...I cant do pvp atm, i have a level 40 char and i get 3-4 shotted when i step on warzones, even if they bring level 50 bracket i ll get farmed at level 50 by those premades/full geared opponents over and over again.


I need competition, I need to blow off some steam after work, not to get frustrated by losing every single match unless you are lucky enough to have a premade on your side.


They should add expertise rating 2-3 months after level 50 population grows, but adding it from the beginning was a bad choice, this game is far too young to be a wow clone, or at least they should make getting high-end pvp items far harder, every level 50 on warzones have many pieces collected already.


6 years of production, 300m dollars, many MMORPGs on market to analyze to create a better game, but they choosed to be a WOW clone and they sadly failed as all other MMORPGs...WOW matured step by step on all those years.BW tried to make TOR as mature as WOW but it is impossible to do it, they do not even know their engine yet, and they cant even fix ability delays or low-fps problems yet, it is normal, this is a young game;


BUT trying to put this young game's shoulder all of WOW's content in the beginning caused an epic fail, game couldnt carry the weight, they should mature the game slowly.Bah who am I writing to as if any BW dev will read this..


Have fun to all of you.



Ever thought of joining a PvP guild? If not then why are you complaining, you have the ability to join a Premade by finding friends who want to PvP.


If you played WoW at release you would be saying pretty much the same thing, because it takes a lot of time to refine mechanics within the game.

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Yeah. I totally agree. Complaining the whole day is awesome. I really like how people always cry about things but never see the work behind such a huge project. And yeah let's cry some more. It's not enough . I mean the earlier star wars games were much more fun. I could do podracing and in jedi knight i could senslessly swing my blade around. That sure was fun. But now that bioware have released this **** mmo with only almost all planets from the original story, huge areas and quests to discover, you can talk with the npcs and you have a fighting system that is really enjoyable if played correctly.

This game sucks so hard, i am so dissapointed. I want to blame someone for it. So i thought better go on the official forums where like in a minute there are 10000 threads startet like this, but i am not bothered at all by this because i really like to cry and complain the whole day. Can't see why people see the good side of things. Must be some hippies on drugs or some of that kind we do not serve kindly.

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jup the endgame is 100% like Rift.

there are openworld pvp areas, but theres is no point in going there since you can just queue to a mindless BG.


But puggin there to get the armor you NEED to compete is just not FUN, I predict theres a bigger chance ill slit my wrists than get a full pvp set.



BG's only go to lvl 49.

at 50 you HAVE to go to Illum or any other pvp planet to do PvP.

delete the stupid pvp stat from gear, make it so the gear you earn from pvp and pve is identical.

have different skills / abilities unlock from Valor ranks, to the different classes.



please god have EA/Bioware look at the design from DAoC! that really worked!.

Edited by Ruuz
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200 mil budget yo! Or was that bollox? Cause it sure does not feel like 200mil.


190mil of that was probably marketing spend....



most marketing for an mmo I've seen for a long time



(Still loving the game - PvP needs some serious tidying up and polish though - couldn't care less about the PvE)

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World pvp for instance is souly about going out an fighting for yourself, rewards or not.


Either remove the pvp gear an call gear "gear" for all, or add world pvp properly, including merc commendations, an 2x the drop rate sicne world pvp si much harder than BG farming.



Interesting dichotomy there. "World PvP is about fighting for yourself, rewards or not! But give me more rewards!"

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Dont forget the WoW syndrome people, alot of WoW players cant stay away from their shot longer then a few weeks before they go mentaly ill.


Also dont forget that WoW players are used to some easy mode stuff.


LFD - Looking for Dungeon - queu up from anywhere wait till you get a popup messege join group and get rewarded.


LFR - Looking for Raid - Latest bosses and end game contend nerfed to oblivion and can be cleared with handicappedwar veterans with down syndrome.


Battlegrounds - Get Valor points and get those epics mailed in a box right at ya.

You can even afk for it and watch youtube.


DOnt leave any city but just slack somewhere preferbly at the vendors that sell gear for valor or honor points, no need to leave that position as World of Instacraft makes sure you get geared in 1 day.



SWTOR is diffrent in this regards and sometimes you need a lot of runs to get a particular item and you need to spam /1 between 5 / 30 min to get a group to even enter a flash.

PvP in SWTOR consists of join queue leave queue rinse and repeat untill the instand queue falls off or you get d/c.


THis game will make it trough, but how big it becomes depends on the developers holding on to the current playerbase and fix all the major stuff before the free month is gone and a mass exodus begins.


This game is easy mode. Coming from darkfall online almost every game i've played is easy mode, but I digress. This game brings pretty much nothing new, just more polishing, which all the mmorpgs that try to make a wow clone only do. They might tack on a feature that isn't really ground breaking just a little new and sell it as something extraordinary.


Every veteran mmorpg player you'll come across all agree games have become dumbed down in the rpg aspect and freedom, which is why most of us are looking for sandbox games. Sadly most of them suck and don't have a big enough budget.


When a mmorpg is in beta with numerous problems pointed out and/or player suggest something to make the game more innovative and fun to a point that could rival wow and the developers don't. It is then you generally know a mmorpg is going to fail. This is why Gw2 has many people that don't want the wow mold looking forward to it. It is way too early to tell if they can pull it off(many companies lied about their game Funcom/aoc for instance), but from the looks of their features/content/ and core game mechanics it is many ideas/innovations players have been wanting for a while now.


People such as myself have been writing essays on what they should put in a mmorpg to actually become a very successful game. I thought Darkfall would be that game, but their development team are lazy and incompetent. Anyways /rant for what its worth I am still enjoying the game, but I can see its flaws since I played beta.

Edited by Tehroth
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  • 2 weeks later...
This game is easy mode. Coming from darkfall online almost every game i've played is easy mode, but I digress. This game brings pretty much nothing new, just more polishing, which all the mmorpgs that try to make a wow clone only do. They might tack on a feature that isn't really ground breaking just a little new and sell it as something extraordinary.


Every veteran mmorpg player you'll come across all agree games have become dumbed down in the rpg aspect and freedom, which is why most of us are looking for sandbox games. Sadly most of them suck and don't have a big enough budget.


When a mmorpg is in beta with numerous problems pointed out and/or player suggest something to make the game more innovative and fun to a point that could rival wow and the developers don't. It is then you generally know a mmorpg is going to fail. This is why Gw2 has many people that don't want the wow mold looking forward to it. It is way too early to tell if they can pull it off(many companies lied about their game Funcom/aoc for instance), but from the looks of their features/content/ and core game mechanics it is many ideas/innovations players have been wanting for a while now.


People such as myself have been writing essays on what they should put in a mmorpg to actually become a very successful game. I thought Darkfall would be that game, but their development team are lazy and incompetent. Anyways /rant for what its worth I am still enjoying the game, but I can see its flaws since I played beta.



I'm so tired of people using the 'wow clone' excuse. As if every MMO that ever will come out since the conception of WOW is now considered a 'WOW clone'. Seriously people can be so ignorant. I'm not going to agree or disagree that swtor is a 'wow clone'. I'm just saying people use that term way too much these days for almost every MMO I can think of. There were MMO's before WOW. Even WOW took some elements from previous games.

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The people that raced to endgame are going to quit because they skipped through as much of the game as possible. This isnt news.


There is no race. As well as no endgame. There is one maxlevel Flashpoint, Kaon, and two close to maxlevel, false emperor and directive 7. 7 was bugged when I wanted to do it. Kaon was fun. Emperor was fun as well, but since I was the only fresh 50, it was a walk in the park with no relevant equipment.


So what am I supposed to do now? I craft. Tried PvPing, well, didn't even finish my daily. Finished my class quest, tried the Ilum dailies, but booooooring.


Today I check out Belsavis. And then... well, I guess my 3 month subscription was a bit premature.


This game needs new content fast.

And about leveling alts: No thank you. All the same stuff again? Just for the class quest?

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Most of my friends quit halfway through leveling. Couldn't get past the load screen spam, stupid travel times and 9 boring quests for 1 average quest.


Those of us who made it to 50 enjoyed warzones somewhat for about a week. But knowing that it'll be least 3 months before theres any pvp content added, we're not gonna subscribe.


Bugs/responsiveness/boring classes zzz.


Really think they underestimated how much pvp means for an mmo's success.


I really think you over estimate how much PVP means to an MMOs success. Good luck moving on to next game, "beating it" getting bored and moving on to the next one that will be the big one LOL. You people make me laugh. Damn I went out of my way to power through an MMO in a month, then I act shocked there's nothing to do. Oh well the next game will keep you occupied for a month. Thanks for the $60, move along.

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Most of my friends quit halfway through leveling. Couldn't get past the load screen spam, stupid travel times and 9 boring quests for 1 average quest.


Those of us who made it to 50 enjoyed warzones somewhat for about a week. But knowing that it'll be least 3 months before theres any pvp content added, we're not gonna subscribe.


Bugs/responsiveness/boring classes zzz.


Really think they underestimated how much pvp means for an mmo's success.


i totally agree, my sub is already frozen

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This is no different than other MMOs. There is a content there for level 50s, but everyone has their own opinions on if it is enough for them, Personally, I rolled an alt on the opposite faction to see that side of the sotry. It gives me something to do between PVP and raids on my main.
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Sure alot of people quit after hitting 50, those people needs more patience..


Everywhere on these forums I see references to WoW and how incredibly good it was at launch yadiyada...



PvP wise WoW had nothing compared to ToR at launch.

Back to back Warsong Gulch YEY /sarcasm


SW:TOR is alot more stable then WoW was, downtime is not even close to the same numbers and classes belive it or not is actually quite balanced.


There will always be a FOTM class, won't matter much wich game we play. That class will be used way way more then others but it changes with time. Sorc/Sages are very popular now, in 2 months it will be something else.


When a class is represented in such numbers ofc there will be "OMG OP NERF" posts, and when someone dies from a stunlock there will be more.


Hell I played Rogue in WoW, those that played from Vanilla and all the way to current content knows how bada55 we once were.


I could stunlock down anyone, regardless of their personal skill or gear with the exeption of warriors (Rogue anti-class) Alot of people cried nerf (shocking I know).


Ops/Scoundrels got a nerf, wich was way to hard so people playing them quit (I dont play one).

Illum sucks so people quit.

PvP is bland and boring especially for Imps so people quit. (back to back samefaction huttball)


My Sorc is lvl 45, Valor rank 42 and maxed out my commendations a long time ago. I have a 22 Commando, 24 Powertech, 25 Merc, 16 Assassin, 14 Jugger on my main server and several other 15-40 toons on other servers where I know people.


If the game gets stale and boring at 50, play an alt. Enjoy bolster and low level pvp until more content is added.


I mean what do you have to chose from? Going back to WoW? Yeah good show, cuddly pandas and pokémon fights around the corner... It was PG13, now it's getting dumbed down to PG4...


Blizzard has nothing new and exiting to add, just repeating old stuff with a small mix of new stuff and calling it lore, wich they can change whenever they feel like it.


SW:TOR has been out for a month + a few days.. Did you guys really expect it to be "all that" this early? Every MMO that is released have a grace period where they feel the needs of the players and adds content as they go along.


Bioware have a plan, alot of content updates are already planned out and set in motion, you guys just need to relax and be patient.. Tbh this is what you get for rushing to 50 to be the bada55 kid on the block...

Edited by Podrik
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Sure alot of people quit after hitting 50, those people needs more patience..


Everywhere on these forums I see references to WoW and how incredibly good it was at launch yadiyada...



PvP wise WoW had nothing compared to ToR at launch.

Back to back Warsong Gulch YEY /sarcasm


SW:TOR is alot more stable then WoW was, downtime is not even close to the same numbers and classes belive it or not is actually quite balanced.


There will always be a FOTM class, won't matter much wich game we play. That class will be used way way more then others but it changes with time. Sorc/Sages are very popular now, in 2 months it will be something else.


When a class is represented in such numbers ofc there will be "OMG OP NERF" posts, and when someone dies from a stunlock there will be more.


Hell I played Rogue in WoW, those that played from Vanilla and all the way to current content knows how bada55 we once were.


I could stunlock down anyone, regardless of their personal skill or gear with the exeption of warriors (Rogue anti-class) Alot of people cried nerf (shocking I know).


Ops/Scoundrels got a nerf, wich was way to hard so people playing them quit (I dont play one).

Illum sucks so people quit.

PvP is bland and boring especially for Imps so people quit. (back to back samefaction huttball)


My Sorc is lvl 45, Valor rank 42 and maxed out my commendations a long time ago. I have a 22 Commando, 24 Powertech, 25 Merc, 16 Assassin, 14 Jugger on my main server and several other 15-40 toons on other servers where I know people.


If the game gets stale and boring at 50, play an alt. Enjoy bolster and low level pvp until more content is added.


I mean what do you have to chose from? Going back to WoW? Yeah good show, cuddly pandas and pokémon fights around the corner... It was PG13, now it's getting dumbed down to PG4...


Blizzard has nothing new and exiting to add, just repeating old stuff with a small mix of new stuff and calling it lore, wich they can change whenever they feel like it.


SW:TOR has been out for a month + a few days.. Did you guys really expect it to be "all that" this early? Every MMO that is released have a grace period where they feel the needs of the players and adds content as they go along.


Bioware have a plan, alot of content updates are already planned out and set in motion, you guys just need to relax and be patient.. Tbh this is what you get for rushing to 50 to be the bada55 kid on the block...



I believe you have set the bar so low for SWTOR that you couldn't even trip over it if you wanted.


If you give this game a few more updates, it can be as good as AoC was. Hurray!


Or we can wait 7 years and then this game will be as good as WoW was in 2012. Except it will be 2019 and WOW will have had 7 more years and still be the superior game.


Why should people continue to play a game that has a lack of content. Most people will just unsub until they add content.


Sorry. The gaming world is fickle. You get ONE launch. Make it count.

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I dont think most of us will ever be satisfied again by an mmo.


Have you ever been satisfied with an MMO? I mean completely in all aspects of the game?


I was very happy with EQ1, given I only played PvE and loved every minute of it, it was the game where I set my standards from PvE wise.


When it comes to PvP Dark Age of Camelot's RvR was the bomb.. I still log on to this very day and play some now and then.. Lot's of my ingame friends still play it reguarly too.


SW:TOR has issues and plenty of them but it's a new game.. Give it time.

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There is no race. As well as no endgame. There is one maxlevel Flashpoint, Kaon, and two close to maxlevel, false emperor and directive 7. 7 was bugged when I wanted to do it. Kaon was fun. Emperor was fun as well, but since I was the only fresh 50, it was a walk in the park with no relevant equipment.


So what am I supposed to do now? I craft. Tried PvPing, well, didn't even finish my daily. Finished my class quest, tried the Ilum dailies, but booooooring.


Today I check out Belsavis. And then... well, I guess my 3 month subscription was a bit premature.


This game needs new content fast.

And about leveling alts: No thank you. All the same stuff again? Just for the class quest?


So what you are saying is that you don't like the game? Why not just say that and cancel your sub? Crafting is a fun part of the game which you are just choosing to not do. Leveling an alt is the BEST way to learn other classes and how to counter them in PvP... and since you seem to not enjoy PvP maybe leveling an alt will aloow you to learn a new class and learn how to counter it? Ilum bored you... again you simply don't like the game it's not the game it's you bro.


The game doesn't need new content yet you simply need to finish playing what is released. People like you ruin MMO's because you "rush" through everything and then ***** and moan when the rest of the population are still playing the game and you are standing there with your dick in your hand wondering what to do.


I would bet 75% of the people moaning about "this game has no content" are the same people you see smashing space bar on every quest.

Edited by Organikal
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I believe you have set the bar so low for SWTOR that you couldn't even trip over it if you wanted.


If you give this game a few more updates, it can be as good as AoC was. Hurray!


Or we can wait 7 years and then this game will be as good as WoW was in 2012. Except it will be 2019 and WOW will have had 7 more years and still be the superior game.


Why should people continue to play a game that has a lack of content. Most people will just unsub until they add content.


Sorry. The gaming world is fickle. You get ONE launch. Make it count.


Actually my expectations of SW:TOR was high when I was waiting for a beta invite. Difference between you and me is that I have hopes for the future.


WoW a good game in 2012? Really? So you enjoy getting everything handed to you on a silverplatter? With the raidfinder you can be decked out in so many purples in a week that the game dies...


PvP in WoW now is a complete joke. Battlegrounds is a killfest, no one could give a rats-a55 about objectives.. Its just being nr 1 on the scoreboard that counts and don't even get me started on arena...


You can be the most skilled pvp'er in the world, set up a team and jump into arena with good gear and get completely facerolled because you don't have the FOTM setup.


In TBC me and a friend played fire mages, 2700 rating just running in throwing 2x pom+pyro in the healers face then toying with the dps that remained until he either quit or died.


Now you can't play 2vs2 for rating/gear so it's a bit different I know but the FOTM setup remains..


WoW had issues and still do, but for most of us that played WoW from beta and up the game started dying with the release of WOTLK and Cataclysm altho fun for a month or so was a complete disaster... I enjoyed killing Ragnaros and Nefarian and Onyxia... 6½ years ago...


There are no challenges left in WoW, the game is so easy to break it's not even worth the time to do it. And WoW fanbois like it that way. New epic every day makes a happy player wich gives Blizzard more money.


I too find SW:TOR boring at times and I still need to level to 50 and farm my pvp gear and so on but I won't cave in this early.. For you that played Rift, complete and utter failure at launch and now several months later it's a better game. The Rift system works better and the PvP is better, not great I'll admit but better.


I will keep on playing and see what improves and what doesn't.. Maybe I'll cancel my sub in the future or maybe I will play it for the next 7 years.. Time will tell I suppose.

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There is no race. As well as no endgame. There is one maxlevel Flashpoint, Kaon, and two close to maxlevel, false emperor and directive 7. 7 was bugged when I wanted to do it. Kaon was fun. Emperor was fun as well, but since I was the only fresh 50, it was a walk in the park with no relevant equipment.


So what am I supposed to do now? I craft. Tried PvPing, well, didn't even finish my daily. Finished my class quest, tried the Ilum dailies, but booooooring.


Today I check out Belsavis. And then... well, I guess my 3 month subscription was a bit premature.


This game needs new content fast.

And about leveling alts: No thank you. All the same stuff again? Just for the class quest?


Try HM and Nightmare Mode. If the FP was a walk in the park you were obviously on Normal Mode. And there are raids to do as well. Karagga's Palace and EV


Also, every HM or Nightmare Mode FP is lvl 50. If you do HM Esseles/Black Talon it is lvl 50.

Edited by Callo
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