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Sad to see some people quiting already....


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I broke up with my GF on launch day for this game. Now I'm regretting it. Tired of the bugged WZ queue, victories not counting towards my daily challenge, severe ability lag, stun breaker that's pretty useless since it provides no temporary immunity to the countless stuns flying at you, and these are things that should have been found and fixed during Beta.


There's no end game content worth keeping me around and leveling a different class character isn't my idea of replay value.


Bioware dumped too much time and money for the full voice acting story that they were overly proud of and neglected adding anything fun to the game for those who hit level 50.


Cool Story Bro.

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just cancelled my sub, and my wife's as well.


a record-breaking one, done in less than 30 days...


never quit without hitting lvl cap in my mmorpg experience over ten years, im lvl 43 and quit now


you know what? I brought 2X Deluxe editions and both Deluxe Items are still missing all I got is the Customer Support's auto junk reply


I will just cut loss, I don't trust game companies upcoming dev/ patchs/ promises, seen too much already, WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGet!

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I think the problem is people are burnt out on the MMO model. It's been the same for too long, it's not engaging anymore because there isn't any innovation. I came into the game because I wanted a few good stories, and in that Bioware did great. The leveling up on TOR is the most enjoyable experience I've seen for an MMO. But, it boils down to another run of the mill MMO grind for gear, stat buffs with datacrons, extra at the end. TOR isn't the problem, the entire genre is. Until we stop buying it, no developer is going to do anything else. I honestly hope developers are looking at TOR as sort of the last of the MMO model in it's current form, but I know that's probably wishful thinking.
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I appreciate your self-righteousness over a videogame. You go, Mr. White Knight. Defend this game to your last breath!


Opinions other than your own != whining. You'll notice a compliment I originally threw in there along with my valid opinion.


How about you get over yourself too. I wonder what makes you think you're so special...I salute your mother for working so hard, although she clearly worked a little too hard. Don't worry, when you grow up and have to work for a living one day you'll realize you're no more special than anybody else.


That's a lot of tears over a passing comment, chum. And bringing my sainted mother into the comment? I must've really struck a nerve. :rolleyes:


And for that matter, where is ANYTHING being defended in my post? Where is ANYTHING being lauded?


Blinded by tears of rage, you are.

Edited by Keloran
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Level 50 here. Still enjoying it.


On another note, Not enough content? You have Warzones, Operations, Hardmode Flashpoints. Patch 1.1 coming soon with more content....


Are you actually telling me you did every operation on every difficulty, achieved top valor rank, got the best gear, downed every hardmode...... in the space of 1 month?


You sir, need to get our of your mums basement and live a little. Just because you can blaze through hours of content like some sort of mutant doesn't mean we all can.


Sort it out.

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I need competition, I need to blow off some steam after work, not to get frustrated by losing every single match unless you are lucky enough to have a premade on your side.


Quoted for truth. Totally not worth the trouble wasting my precious free time after work if there is no world PvP, no objectives, no having... fun? Warzones are fun when not stacked, but that's it? Flashpoints are fine, but I've always been a PvP guy.


Planetside kept me occupied for 7 years. 7 f-ing years.. and it had zero PvE content- just PvP over and over and over and it never got old.

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Level 50 here. Still enjoying it.


On another note, Not enough content? You have Warzones, Operations, Hardmode Flashpoints. Patch 1.1 coming soon with more content....


Are you actually telling me you did every operation on every difficulty, achieved top valor rank, got the best gear, downed every hardmode...... in the space of 1 month?


You sir, need to get our of your mums basement and live a little. Just because you can blaze through hours of content like some sort of mutant doesn't mean we all can.


Sort it out.


live a little ? lol lets see, I own my own house,I spent 20 years on southern ocean as a Trawler-man, in conditions you will only ever see on tv... an I earned every cent... so yer, getting out an doing things... been there done that.

raiding is not content for everyone, raids are generally for the retentive young audience that want shinys showered on them daily.

Remember real MMO's were not built around raids.

Battlegrounds, covered that, its as lazy answer to giving them what they want, zero effort, shiny trough...

PvP is not battlegrounds, it's only pve farming for botters an account sharers.


There is no blazing through content, the game is made deliberately so easy you can cap out in 24 hours without trying. I myself took it easy an leveled 4 chars at once...Still nothing to do.


Illum ? HAHAHAHAHAHA Cant even mention pvp an Illum in same sentence without laughing sorry...


So basically while its a fun little game, the entire thing is choreographed from day one. They have anti grinding code deliberately in there so we cant grind/explore/ kill mobs for cash/loot an fun... We have no world pvp, because they want everyone doing battlegrounds...

I could go on, but realistically whats the point You will ignore it all an not take any of it in...

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I'm in the same boat , talked to some friends in game and they all say the same.


Our conversation realy went excacly like this :


Friend : Yo , how is it going ?

Me : good , but i'm bored as ****...

Friend : yeah lol , same here


And then we talked about the numerous bad things in the game.

PVP is fun , but they should fire atleast half the people of the dev team who came up with a system with no DR

Random bags

And the mechanicsm behind Ilum , cause they never played a MMO.


PS : fire the guy behind the GTM also.

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Probably seems harsh but I'm not sorry, not even a little bit at this point.


People who already left this game or are leaving are just a bunch who hops from game to game searching for some imaginary perfection that doesn't exist.


I'll be sorry if people start quitting in few months from now or later.

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Probably seems harsh but I'm not sorry, not even a little bit at this point.


People who already left this game or are leaving are just a bunch who hops from game to game searching for some imaginary perfection that doesn't exist.


I'll be sorry if people start quitting in few months from now or later.


Not all of the people quitting are hopping from game to game searching for perfection. I stayed with WoW since release until May last year when I simply couldn't dedicate more time to games and had to take a break before SWTOR.


In parallel I played EVE for I don't even know how long and still play it.


I picked up SWTOR looking for that addiction feeling I had back in 2004 when WoW was released. Just roaming the open world waiting for someone to jump out of some bush and gank me, or just exploring. It took good 3+ months to get to level 60 and was painful, and in between many fights in contested zones, laughs, frustrations, etc. But the game kept me captured. At 60 there was Taren Mill vs. Southshore battles, first guilds trying to clear MC and trying for weeks to learn strategy to each boss, trying to gear through Scholomance, Stratholme, LBRS, UBRS, etc. Months passed before PvP system was even introduced and when it was introduced, I had a blast in AV that would last for days at a time. Honorable kills counted for something.


SWTOR had me going there on Tython, and then I was roaming the Loading Screens, Orbital Stations, endless deserts with no enemy player in sight, my own little copies of the world, etc. When I hit 50, not playing even 30% as much as I played WoW upon release, I started grinding warzones. Then came more warzones, and more warzones, and warzones every day and all day. Then I opened 100+ champion bags and still don't have complete set, but have mix of Centurion and Champion with countless dupes.


I will stay for another month perhaps just so see how this plays out, but I've seen this in WarHammer, in AoC, in Rift, etc. People who love the game stand up to defend it, attack those who are genuinely bored or frustrated, before you know it the game is in the decline instead of rising.


I sincerely hope BioWare or MythicWare whoever is running this show realizes the mess they created by rushing the game, making it too easy to level, and then not tailoring to high levels and endgame. I would personally switch to PvE and raid and do all the things not PvP to explore the game if there was much to it, but from what I hear from people, it takes a whopping few hours to clear toughest endgame content. Compare that to MC and BWL in vanilla and later on Naxxarmas, yeah, you get the picture.

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aparently none of you ever heard of the outlaws den on tatoine. open world pvp area, free for all, same faction can kill same faction or opposite faction, ohh and special vendors and lots of diffrent high end gathering nodes. seems preety open world pvp to me, and all you have to do is go north from mos altha in jundland.


I sit and wait for pvp in the outlaws den for hours upon hours and yet I never seen anyone there...

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I sit and wait for pvp in the outlaws den for hours upon hours and yet I never seen anyone there...


I made one of those huts my own house. I wish I could get furniture and evaporators and stuff going as well. It's probably the safest spot in the galaxy outside of the fleets.

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Not all of the people quitting are hopping from game to game searching for perfection. I stayed with WoW since release until May last year when I simply couldn't dedicate more time to games and had to take a break before SWTOR.


In parallel I played EVE for I don't even know how long and still play it.


I picked up SWTOR looking for that addiction feeling I had back in 2004 when WoW was released. Just roaming the open world waiting for someone to jump out of some bush and gank me, or just exploring. It took good 3+ months to get to level 60 and was painful, and in between many fights in contested zones, laughs, frustrations, etc. But the game kept me captured. At 60 there was Taren Mill vs. Southshore battles, first guilds trying to clear MC and trying for weeks to learn strategy to each boss, trying to gear through Scholomance, Stratholme, LBRS, UBRS, etc. Months passed before PvP system was even introduced and when it was introduced, I had a blast in AV that would last for days at a time. Honorable kills counted for something.


SWTOR had me going there on Tython, and then I was roaming the Loading Screens, Orbital Stations, endless deserts with no enemy player in sight, my own little copies of the world, etc. When I hit 50, not playing even 30% as much as I played WoW upon release, I started grinding warzones. Then came more warzones, and more warzones, and warzones every day and all day. Then I opened 100+ champion bags and still don't have complete set, but have mix of Centurion and Champion with countless dupes.


I will stay for another month perhaps just so see how this plays out, but I've seen this in WarHammer, in AoC, in Rift, etc. People who love the game stand up to defend it, attack those who are genuinely bored or frustrated, before you know it the game is in the decline instead of rising.


I sincerely hope BioWare or MythicWare whoever is running this show realizes the mess they created by rushing the game, making it too easy to level, and then not tailoring to high levels and endgame. I would personally switch to PvE and raid and do all the things not PvP to explore the game if there was much to it, but from what I hear from people, it takes a whopping few hours to clear toughest endgame content. Compare that to MC and BWL in vanilla and later on Naxxarmas, yeah, you get the picture.


As far as I remember, neither BWL or Naxxramas were in WoW at launch. I think MC was but it wasn't particularly hard to be honest. Maybe when you started playing WoW you were new to MMOs and now you're experienced and it's all too easy for you.


Not disagreeing with your points about huge empty worlds and eternal loading screens but I do think it's a bit early to complain about lack of endgame or how easy it is.

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I could foresee this game going down like AoC and apb, simply because what they did wasn't revolutionary enough to hold peoples attention. Not to mention lack of content/core features which should be the primary thing in a game. Initially I didn't want to play this game because I knew eventually it would flop or I would get bored. Luckily neither have happened yet, but


I only play this until Gw2, or a good sandbox game comes along. People are tired of the WoW model with slight modifications. We want someone new and refreshing which is why the veteran community are more sandbox oriented. Either games come out unique and look very promising, but they end up making it crappy quality and not putting in what the community wants at all or quick enough. Or they come out as a clone. Sw:tor is on the right track with player stories and choices, but that is it.

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As far as I remember, neither BWL or Naxxramas were in WoW at launch. I think MC was but it wasn't particularly hard to be honest. Maybe when you started playing WoW you were new to MMOs and now you're experienced and it's all too easy for you.


Not disagreeing with your points about huge empty worlds and eternal loading screens but I do think it's a bit early to complain about lack of endgame or how easy it is.


BWL and Nax weren't in vanilla, patched later. MC was, but MC required gear from other instances if guild members are to run it and be viable in raid. BWL came after Onyxia as it also required gear from MC and Ony to make runs smoother.


Fair enough though. I am not unsubbing yet, but will stick around to see what they do about the game. I'll give it a fair chance, but the clock is ticking. At certain point none of us wants to pay money and not log into the game for days. It's just wasteful.


I wish they would also consider larger PvP conflicts, 20 and 40 men warzones, for some big fights. While 8v8 is fine, it seems a little like arenas in WoW where you simply don't pug, but have to have a solid comp and people who can play their class very well. That is if you want to get good win/loss ratio.

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People have no patience with MMORPG's. They expect them to be perfect or close and chock full of more content than you can finish in a year AT LAUNCH. That's a mythical concept folks.


You know what killed AOC? THAT was released half finished and broken with no content.


Wanna know what killed EQ II? Nothing. It started horrible and over the course of a year or two they completely retooled and expanded it and turned into an awesome game which many people enjoy playing. It defied all odds and expectations and overcame a horrible stigma. Honestly astounding.


Wanna know what killed WAR? WOW gamers. They came in, became the majority of the population, whined incessantly about everything not being like WOW, wrecked the game and then griped that WOW was better and left. After the initial mistakes WAR really started to improve, but a game like WAR thrives on population. By the time they got better the population was gone and the game was dead or dying. The WOW players had left and before they left they had driven off most of the non-WOW players.



Wanna know what WOW killed? The concept of a good MMORPG. The game itself is average at best. A streamlined, polished version of average. But it plays to people's egos and most who tried it had never experienced an MMORPG before.


Now every game tries to mimic WOW's success. You know why? They don't have a choice. If it looks interesting something funny happens. Even though everyone kept saying WOW was better and the best game ever, they were bored. They would try every new game that would come out, rage how WOW was better, and leave back to WOW and bored mediocrity.


This is only getting worse as WOW continues to alienate old players with new expansions, sending them searching for other things with the width and breadth of their knowledge primarily being WOW.

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All you short timers bounce to your next waste of your time and money and cry the entire time about it? Your the reasons that MMORPG's today suck and generally just copy WOW and play it safe.


How are any new MMORPG's supposed to thrive and polish themselves and roll out new content if your gonna go rush them en masse, buy their game, make them set up infrastructure to support your smooth play, and the leave like you were almost certain to do from the start. Then you run around the net spreading poor information and a bad stigma based off of your highly outdated and obsolete experiences with it.


Funny thing is in about 5-10 years many of you will have enough experience to be in my shoes and be patient about these things.

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And now back to the other side. Keep in mind, I do think your complaints are important.


Here we go.


Lvl 50 Pyrotech Merc. I like to eat all you little sniveling wienies, and will for the foreseeable future. I love this game, more than I loved WoW (surprisingly). I'm still pumped after every warzone (yes even God forsaken Hutt ball), and I don't mind doing dailies and not getting Champ gear very often. Every time I've been beaten by some supposed OP class, I do a little research, learn how resolve works, then proceed to own them back. I realize that the current shortage of 50's causes empty open world PvP, and I do want BioWare to keep to their promises of improvements in those areas. I can't wait to actually loot merc comms instead of exchanging them with a 3:1 ratio. I look forward to lvl 50 bracket, ranked and new warzones, and all other releases that are coming. Bugs suck, loading screens suck, and all those little annoyances mentioned by other posters suck. I wish I would run into Republic players more often.


And yet with all that... I still love this game. Man, you've got me BioWare. You've got me.


EDIT: Btw OP, analogical evidence is the lowest form of evidence. Taking personal experience and generalizing that to a larger population is.... just.. not correct. So to say that because some people you know are quitting at 50, everybody must be quitting at 50 is a bit silly. But if we are gonna play that game, then I'll let you know when my guild loses a single lvl 50.

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All you short timers bounce to your next waste of your time and money and cry the entire time about it? Your the reasons that MMORPG's today suck and generally just copy WOW and play it safe.


How are any new MMORPG's supposed to thrive and polish themselves and roll out new content if your gonna go rush them en masse, buy their game, make them set up infrastructure to support your smooth play, and the leave like you were almost certain to do from the start. Then you run around the net spreading poor information and a bad stigma based off of your highly outdated and obsolete experiences with it.


Funny thing is in about 5-10 years many of you will have enough experience to be in my shoes and be patient about these things.


It's an interesting thought you have there. If this was a completely new product, revolutionary, nothing out there of it's kind existed and there are no basis for comparison, then we could all be patient. But, and there is always but, it is not.


You cannot ignore the impact WoW had on MMO industry. Hate it, love it, do with it what you will, but with 11M subscribers you are bound to have a player base populated with some WoW players. Problem is, other WoW players hate their own "kind". They escaped WoW and went to the next best thing and now they hate on anyone and anything WoW.


SWTOR had years. They knew what was out there, they knew what people want, they had beta going for I don't even know how long, feedback was provided. They spent millions of dollars. To be frank, I am not ready to be paying someone subscription to learn how to develop a game. That's what education and experience is for. From my understanding, they had some pretty big veterans in PvP design on the team,yet still botched it. It's incompetence and we are to pay their salaries?


If this was LOB application story would be completely different. There would be no QQ posts, there would be a simple exodus of customers followed by swift company firing all nonessential personal and cutting it's losses.


But because this is an MMO, we should somehow give them a chance and we should somehow waste our hard earned money while they scratch their balls watching Holy Fields narrate Nadia Grell dialogues. I don't think so!

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its funny how you star war nerds defend this game like its your life.. this game brings nothing new to MMo's besides better looking graphics, its all old / copied pvp that has failed in the past.


keep paying this company so they can release more crap games for you in the future...

cause obviously you enjoy these WoW kiddie games coming out more and more in the past decade.


as a bioware employee once said "people are well.... idiots"

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