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Sad to see some people quiting already....


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Fair enough, though I know a lot of people that hated that zone. Ilum had a chance to be that. Decent map, cool concept, but there's no mandate or incentive to populate there.


I totally agree that the game feels grindy and stale at 50. But I played classic WoW, and at 60, I felt the same way. I'm willing to give the developers at least 6 months to iterate and improve.


If others aren't, I can certainly understand that.


I might come back in 6 months, but I certainly don't agree with the idea of paying a company for 6 months for a product that is sub-par in the hope that they might fix it.


You could buy another game with the £50 that will cost you.


I cancelled awhile ago as well, hang around the forums in the vain hope of hearing that Bioware has woken up to the woeful problem in PvP, but the truth of the matter is I don't think they really care about PvP.


So I don't really see the point of giving them my money.

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Most of my friends quit halfway through leveling. Couldn't get past the load screen spam, stupid travel times and 9 boring quests for 1 average quest.


Those of us who made it to 50 enjoyed warzones somewhat for about a week. But knowing that it'll be least 3 months before theres any pvp content added, we're not gonna subscribe.


Bugs/responsiveness/boring classes zzz.


Really think they underestimated how much pvp means for an mmo's success.


I pretty much agree with this whole post except for the classes part. I thought they did a decent job of mixing up class roles (stealth/healer for example) and the classes were pretty flavorful...


Too bad that's not nearly enough to get my subscription...

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I pretty much agree with this whole post except for the classes part. I thought they did a decent job of mixing up class roles (stealth/healer for example) and the classes were pretty flavorful...


Too bad that's not nearly enough to get my subscription...


Cool, peace. You should probably leave the forums too.

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The game is not for everyone to like(its not WoW herp derp, devs wont BJ you as soon as you post "i quit" thread) and you simply don't have to play it.


But for the love of... DO NOT SHARE WITH US THAT YOU GO.

We don't care and stream of new players more then makes up for loosing of few crybabies who thought its going to be WoW with glowsticks.


The problem is that it IS wow with glowsticks. The endgame is garbage and it's been around for 7 years already. The endgame pvp is garbage and it's been around for years already. This game brings nothing new to the table. And what it does bring to the table feels like a knockoff version of the old stuff.


unsubbed for a while to see if BW actually takes what could be a fantastic game and runs with it, or if they follow in wows footsteps even more than they already have.

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I pretty much agree with this whole post except for the classes part. I thought they did a decent job of mixing up class roles (stealth/healer for example) and the classes were pretty flavorful...


Too bad that's not nearly enough to get my subscription...



Please leave the forums as well. If you are one of those people who want everything to be perfect at launch of a game then you are way to hard to please and should go back to console gaming.

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If they won't adress the stupid RNG soon in regards with the bags I'll just drop PvP as a whole, level an alt and probably quit.


Seriously, double RNG involved with bags. It's ridiculous. Who on earth at Bioware thought this would be a good system?


First and foremost, I would've been complaining as much if you could use the token to buy an item of your choosing. Secondly, if they made Champion tokens available for a great portion of commendations. As example; 1000 warzone commendations and 300 mercenary commendations.


I'm not going to grind and grind with a lottery ticket as reward. It's like going to work every day, and at the end of the month you might have a chance your salary will be paid out. If you're lucky.


I think they addressed that in today's patch.

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Sorry wanted to be as constructive as all of the bad players complaining about how they think PvP is broken because they're just simply not good.


pretty sure that's not what they're complaining about. pretty sure you have a 1st grade reading comprehension, so i'll make it pretty easy to understand.


The pvp in this game is a waste of time. The world pvp in this game is a waste of time. The raiding in this game is a waste of time. Why? because people feel like they've already done this before. It's called wow, conan, rift, warhammer, eq 1/2 etc.. This whole style of game is growing old to people who've done it, for years and years.


Yes it's different as far as weapons go... take out swords and bows and add lightsabers and guns. The core of the game is exactly the same as 6 or 7 other games that've come out and failed. What makes you think this time it's going to be different?


Isn't the definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Yes.


I don't see how BW expects to really keep a solid large playerbase when the results they are expecting don't come from the same old same old.


Players nowadays (15 years into MMO gaming) expect companies to put out games that are as fresh and new as UO was, or EQ. Something different. Something that makes them want to log in. This whole notion of "well WOW did it this way and they made billions of dollars so I'm going to do it that way too!" is stupid. Gamers are hard to please. Especially when they are looking for something new, and keep finding the same old same old.

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And suprisingly, most of the complaints come from below 50s who would love to have open world PVP but QQ's at ganks.


Not at all. I see plenty of people complaining because they just can't compete.


I would like to see more World PvP myself. But the fact of it is, it's more of a battle of whoever has the better companion. I've gotten into plenty of PvP situations where I have no trouble handling the other player, but with Qyzen Fess or Khem Val out it's game over. CCing them worked pretty well until Sages and Sorcs get dispel.


The pvp in this game is a waste of time. The world pvp in this game is a waste of time. The raiding in this game is a waste of time. Why? because people feel like they've already done this before. It's called wow, conan, rift, warhammer, eq 1/2 etc.. This whole style of game is growing old to people who've done it, for years and years.

No, this isn't what people are complaining about when they're complaining.


They want the game to be easier for them because they can't handle actually having to try.


The real problem with your quote is that it just means people are too stupid to realize that MMOs are always very alike with some distinct and unique differences.

Edited by BurnsTwoThree
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The only issues I really have are the quest bugs.


By quest bugs I mean, Warzone wins not counting for your daily and weekly.


Also sometimes finishing Hardmodes dont count towards your daily or weekly either.


That to me is really frustrating. Basically doing all that work for nothing, then when you send a ticket it about it. You'll never get a response. I honestly feel this and the Champion stuff are major issues and should of been fixed already. I've still heard nothing on this getting fixed at all.


Today for example. I finished Hardmode Black Talon, I got kicked out of the flashpoint once final boss was down, I could not re enter. It didn't give me credit for anything, still had my daily, still had it as part of my weekly and still had it as a normal quest. Best part, is stuff I actually needed dropped. Sent in a ticket but I have no hopes of hearing anything back or BW even caring.

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lvl 50 here. Still loving it.




I get home every night jump on vent with a few buddies ranging from 19 to 50 and PvP, I haven't even bothered to instance because I'm enjoying PvP at moment, sure there are issues, sure we get melted by premades here and there but we also beat those premades now and then and it feels good. Huttball? love it, if anything it's my fav, it's not just the strongest team that wins it's the shear fact a low lvl can snare a char at the right time and the flow switches, or you miscalculate that run and get fried, the various skills like pulls and charge also make for some unpredictable play style, watch 3 or 4 beat a full team as the other 4 subpar players fight for kills.


Anyone who compares this to WoW needs to put it into perspective, WoW release was terrible and if you say it wasn't you weren't there, it's taken WoW years to get to the point it's at (should I say years of cloning) and guess what, it's probably broken beyond repair. Swtor's release has bugs but compare it's a dream run.


If you can't deal with a few months of what are some fairly minor bugs or over looked issues, which are being patched pretty fast then bye.


Don't let the door knob hit you, where the good lord split you.

Edited by CountVlad
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No, this isn't what people are complaining about when they're complaining.


They want the game to be easier for them because they can't handle actually having to try.


The real problem with your quote is that it just means people are too stupid to realize that MMOs are always very alike with some distinct and unique differences.


Okay, well from what I've read, and experienced myself is, the pvp in this game is pointless. Its not a matter of easier or harder, its either worth it, or worthless. People would love to pvp in a setting that rewards them for their efforts.


Also, MMO's don't have to be the same game set in a different world. Where did all the creative designers go? How about breaking the mold, and doing something fresh and new? I realize that most MMO's are the same. And most MMO's are considered failures by the bulk of the gaming community. Coincidence? I think not.

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Okay, well from what I've read, and experienced myself is, the pvp in this game is pointless. Its not a matter of easier or harder, its either worth it, or worthless. People would love to pvp in a setting that rewards them for their efforts.


Also, MMO's don't have to be the same game set in a different world. Where did all the creative designers go? How about breaking the mold, and doing something fresh and new? I realize that most MMO's are the same. And most MMO's are considered failures by the bulk of the gaming community. Coincidence? I think not.


I agree that there is to little new stuff.


Example talents.


EVERY SINGLE TALENT AND ABILITY of my class is a 1:1 copy from another game, i kid you not.




There is not one tiny little new talent/ability.


Am i naive? is it really to much to ask of a new mmo i purchase that it has atleast one(!) new ability compared to the old one i played?:(

Edited by Anelitt
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Bioware really needs to pick up the pace with there PvP in the next 3 months before GW2 comes out.


Some people play MMOs because they like to raid and do things with others. Some people like to PvP and that's there only focus and Bioware has to fill these peoples needs.


This is no empty threat or even a threat it's a plain fact, if this game is still lacking in 3 months ant he players paying 16$ a month for sub-par PvP, they will just move to GW2 which has always been know for it's PvP and you don't pay monthly for it.


I think the only reason GW is able to have no subs is the amount of competitive PvP tournaments that go on.

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Bioware really needs to pick up the pace with there PvP in the next 3 months before GW2 comes out.


Except GW2 is at least a year away. In second half of 2012 GW2 will enter BETA testing. BW does have time to get things sorted. They just have to avoid alienating the PvP playerbase.

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To answer the question a previous poster asked.


To fix it, I dont know maybe I would scrap pvp an look at it again.The thing is there is massive amount of pvp experience out there to take notes from.


be it World of warcraft



Asherons Call 1

Darkage of Camelot

Age of Conan


The trouble has come from onpy following wow an rift pvp, both those games have the worst exuse for pvp ever seen in MMO's. World pvp can start as early as you want, an I disagree that you cant have world pvp in leveling area's. It adds ALOT to the game for you to be always watching your back an being aware of whats around you.


Most of the issues stem from this "shiny" generation that wow bred to expect shinys at every turn. Remember early MMO's didn't have pvp gear, there was "gear" be it from....

mobs dropping items on a random loot generator.

Or dungeon drops.....


it is possible to do it in any number of ways.

The "rewards" in pvp were generally done in abilities, and allowed you to buy an ability you dont normally have. be it raising stats, giving you special mana/energy boost.... whatever you care to think up.

For instance in DAOC, at RR 6(Realm rank 6) you got one called "MOC", a VERY popular skill to have in pvp for some classes, it allowed you to gain mana back at a boosted rate that meant a direct damage increase, as the classes most using it, were high damage high mana use classes.


The pvp gear generation is where everything went wrong because now people demand it, an devs give it out. battlegrounds are fine in an of themselves, but they should never be the central focus of a pvp game. So you make pvp rewards skills instead of gear, an you would fix alot of the problems. Then you jsut need to add a reason tof ight, and give people thing sin the world to fight for.


DAOC for instance, had Castles with relics in them. SO what would happen is people would be out in the frontiers pve grinding (you were given HUGE bonuses for killing pve in frontiers). A relic raid would kick off an a siren went off in your realm for everyone to hear. that called people to go defend the relic keep. 100 on 100 battles were quite normal. This in turn meant whoever had the relic gained exp bonuses for everyone in their realm, an pvp bonuses for the clan/guild that held it.


At end of week they would look at the pvp stats an see who did the most, an that would then open up a special dungeon called Darkness Falls.

This dungeon was linked directly to pvp, an allowed you to pvp an raid all at once in same dungeon.

You gained very special gear in that dungeon that cant be gained anywhere els, while having to defend yourselves form the other realms who were still in there...

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What all of this brings to mind, is the people who railed on BW for not releasing the game. They freaked out hardcore and yelled and screamed and threatened to never play. They insulted the developers and they all assured us that they would keep playing even if the game was not finished. The venom in posts demanding that the game be released now was outright nuts. And now we have posts like these.


I wonder how many people quitting now are among the people who were demanding the game be released too soon? I wish I could go back and find some of those threads and bump them now and remind those people that this is partly their fault.

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To answer the question a previous poster asked.


To fix it, I dont know maybe I would scrap pvp an look at it again.The thing is there is massive amount of pvp experience out there to take notes from.


be it World of warcraft



Asherons Call 1

Darkage of Camelot

Age of Conan


The trouble has come from onpy following wow an rift pvp, both those games have the worst exuse for pvp ever seen in MMO's. World pvp can start as early as you want, an I disagree that you cant have world pvp in leveling area's. It adds ALOT to the game for you to be always watching your back an being aware of whats around you.


Most of the issues stem from this "shiny" generation that wow bred to expect shinys at every turn. Remember early MMO's didn't have pvp gear, there was "gear" be it from....

mobs dropping items on a random loot generator.

Or dungeon drops.....


it is possible to do it in any number of ways.

The "rewards" in pvp were generally done in abilities, and allowed you to buy an ability you dont normally have. be it raising stats, giving you special mana/energy boost.... whatever you care to think up.

For instance in DAOC, at RR 6(Realm rank 6) you got one called "MOC", a VERY popular skill to have in pvp for some classes, it allowed you to gain mana back at a boosted rate that meant a direct damage increase, as the classes most using it, were high damage high mana use classes.


The pvp gear generation is where everything went wrong because now people demand it, an devs give it out. battlegrounds are fine in an of themselves, but they should never be the central focus of a pvp game. So you make pvp rewards skills instead of gear, an you would fix alot of the problems. Then you jsut need to add a reason tof ight, and give people thing sin the world to fight for.


DAOC for instance, had Castles with relics in them. SO what would happen is people would be out in the frontiers pve grinding (you were given HUGE bonuses for killing pve in frontiers). A relic raid would kick off an a siren went off in your realm for everyone to hear. that called people to go defend the relic keep. 100 on 100 battles were quite normal. This in turn meant whoever had the relic gained exp bonuses for everyone in their realm, an pvp bonuses for the clan/guild that held it.


At end of week they would look at the pvp stats an see who did the most, an that would then open up a special dungeon called Darkness Falls.

This dungeon was linked directly to pvp, an allowed you to pvp an raid all at once in same dungeon.

You gained very special gear in that dungeon that cant be gained anywhere els, while having to defend yourselves form the other realms who were still in there...


Well while slacking wow and rift, they are by far best and most competetive MMORPGs PvP wise. Making world PvP as focus in PvP is financial suicide. Most people just dont seem to like it, and its been most popular part of PvP only in small or dead MMOs.

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Well while slacking wow and rift, they are by far best and most competetive MMORPGs PvP wise. Making world PvP as focus in PvP is financial suicide. Most people just dont seem to like it, and its been most popular part of PvP only in small or dead MMOs.


your calling Daoc small an dead ? you realize it is STILL seen widely as the greatest pvp MMO ever created, an has yet to be equaled. The only reason people say wow is the best is a because they dont know any different. They have nothing to balance it against.

So far 90% of posts here have been nothing but mindless insults an petty put downs over a very real issue. I dont understand hwy it is you even read a thread you dont want to hear about. I can guess its purely to coarse trouble as has been seen in all the insults an hate posts.


Honestly boggles the mind when this issue effects everyone who plays, not just a small %.

As for the numbers of people, remember only the tinest % of players read forums, theres a hell of alot more in game that wouldn't touch these forums with a barge pole.

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To answer the question a previous poster asked.


To fix it, I dont know maybe I would scrap pvp an look at it again.The thing is there is massive amount of pvp experience out there to take notes from.


be it World of warcraft



Asherons Call 1

Darkage of Camelot

Age of Conan


The trouble has come from onpy following wow an rift pvp, both those games have the worst exuse for pvp ever seen in MMO's. World pvp can start as early as you want, an I disagree that you cant have world pvp in leveling area's. It adds ALOT to the game for you to be always watching your back an being aware of whats around you.


Most of the issues stem from this "shiny" generation that wow bred to expect shinys at every turn. Remember early MMO's didn't have pvp gear, there was "gear" be it from....

mobs dropping items on a random loot generator.

Or dungeon drops.....


it is possible to do it in any number of ways.

The "rewards" in pvp were generally done in abilities, and allowed you to buy an ability you dont normally have. be it raising stats, giving you special mana/energy boost.... whatever you care to think up.

For instance in DAOC, at RR 6(Realm rank 6) you got one called "MOC", a VERY popular skill to have in pvp for some classes, it allowed you to gain mana back at a boosted rate that meant a direct damage increase, as the classes most using it, were high damage high mana use classes.


The pvp gear generation is where everything went wrong because now people demand it, an devs give it out. battlegrounds are fine in an of themselves, but they should never be the central focus of a pvp game. So you make pvp rewards skills instead of gear, an you would fix alot of the problems. Then you jsut need to add a reason tof ight, and give people thing sin the world to fight for.


DAOC for instance, had Castles with relics in them. SO what would happen is people would be out in the frontiers pve grinding (you were given HUGE bonuses for killing pve in frontiers). A relic raid would kick off an a siren went off in your realm for everyone to hear. that called people to go defend the relic keep. 100 on 100 battles were quite normal. This in turn meant whoever had the relic gained exp bonuses for everyone in their realm, an pvp bonuses for the clan/guild that held it.


At end of week they would look at the pvp stats an see who did the most, an that would then open up a special dungeon called Darkness Falls.

This dungeon was linked directly to pvp, an allowed you to pvp an raid all at once in same dungeon.

You gained very special gear in that dungeon that cant be gained anywhere els, while having to defend yourselves form the other realms who were still in there...


Nailed it. I just hit 50 a day or two ago and was so utterly disgusted when I went to Illum. I am a long long time DAOC vet and I was like finally a planet dedicated to PvP perhaps in the vain of Frontiers. Nope, we get all of these decked out Imps and a handful of Repubs standing around trading for gear.


I feel like restarting my DAOC account to actually get some decent pvp. Also the hooded capes on that 10 year old game look better.

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