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Sad to see some people quiting already....


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I know fanboys dont want to hear the bad sides of SWTOR main problems, but it has to be said.



PvP = Range classes only

CC = way to abundand - seriously wich retard put all that cc in classes at such low levels ?

PvE = Fun 20/30 levels

Flashpoints voice over are getting on my nerves as i dont have 25 min to see the movie i watched 30 times already.

Ability delay = sad :(

Luck based gearing ? realy Bioware why based on luck ?

Massive faction imbalance....no bonus to Repubs for trying to balance it out....



WoW was one of the few mmo's that kept growing and growing and growing up to a point of 12.8 million players.

I hoped Bioware would reach half of that, but i know that aint going to happen anymore due to massive oversight on to many levels...


I'll take Spell Check and Grammar for 500 Alex.


1. PvP - Feels like it's mainly range oriented because the majority of players are range classes. Melee classes shine brighter than the sun when they have gear and the coordination to play.


2. CC - it is abundant* but there is a CC break that every class has and should learn to use when their resolve bar is FULLY WHITE (inb4 resolve bar is broken facts and stats)


3. PvE - I agree with you that listening to the voice acting gets dull over time BUT there's a spacebar for a reason, along with an option to straight skip all the talk so that point is void.


Ability Delay - Nothing to argue with because it's the truth.


Luck on Gear - Gear isn't suppose to drop for you just because you ran through it. The only gear to complain about is the RNG bag from PvP, other than that, move it along.


Faction Imbalance - This is true, Repubs mainly have lower numbers than Imps, but if you have friends who are good players, you will look like gods running around stomping numbers of Imps with half a brain.


To conclude the tangent, comparing a 7 year old game to a game that has only been out for not even 2 months just makes you look bad on your end. I'm sticking with the game because i don't QQ over bugs and other doodads that happen to a new game. They will work out the kinks slowly but surely.

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Ah sorry i miss spelled stuff there, english is not my main tongue so if you almost died while reading my post, here have a cookie :)


yes WoW is 7 years old now and started out with 500k players at launch if i remember correctly.

And yes WoW had their own bugs and exploits and **** that needed to get fixed.

I was there also, but the pvp was alot more diverse then in SWTOR.

Maybe not at level 10 or 30, but at level 40 you had alot of you ability's and even your most importand CC's


In SWTOR tough you get 1 trinket/freedom like in wow, but it seems any class has a stun root knockback and some even have 2 of them on a very short cooldown.


I still say that there are many many bad design mistakes made witch dint have to be ingame at launch.

Its making it frustrating for many players and hance why people crawl back to WoW or their previous mmo.


I respect people for hanging out in SWTOR, but i already passed a point of no return.

Only reason i still login is my real life m8's needing me to do some stuff.


This mmo should have learned from Warhammer / Aion / Rift and WoW....

But they are making the same mistakes, releasing an unfinsihed mmo wich is going to backfire hard.

Our 1st server was full and today its empty....120 people or something at primetime empire faction.

Before it was around 300 and even 180 people in dromund kaas / Balmora.

Second server we choose was Heavy and remains so today.

But for how long ? it seems the hype is gone and servers are declining instead of growing.


+ all of the above makes this not much better then Warhammer / Aion after the 1st month.

Does a mmo need millions of players ? no offcourse not, i still playAion from time to time and still log into WoW to socialize<--grammer police !

I am just very disapointed in those (flaws) i counted up.



Little skill needed in pvp, seems most are more concerned about medals then victory etc etc.


SWTOR doesnt have the time to relax and sit back and cash in, SWTOR was made for the long run seeing it costed a fortune to produce.

But that succes might not come when GW2 / Diablo3 / Archage / Tera / Secret World / are released this year or the next.


SWTOR would have been better of not getting released and have alot nad i mean ALOT more beta testing.

my 2 cents anyway :)


No i dont buy spell checker, i do it myself or i fail at english so people can see it no problem for me ! ! !

Edited by Pherenice
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Im level 32 and Im starting to get bored... Each zone is almost the same with just a different looking enemy and terrain.


I like PvP but every WZ is filled with Sage / Sorcs and PowerTechs / Commandos and Tracer spamming Mercs. gets very lame!


The Knock backs are ridiculous and make any tactic useless because you need to get to the enemy to kill / stop them and when you get there they just knock you in acid, fire.




Im in my 5th week and not sure if I will pay a 2nd month!:(

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My server is thriving, and republic is super strong in pvp here. Fast Q times in both brackets. I mostly play alts to pvp with doing the occasional illum or guild 50 group.


I pretty much PvP exclusively although have done a few flashpoints which have been a blast.


Anyway I see a lot or Imperials saying that they have horrible Q's and are leaving because of this and too much Huttball. Or not enough endgame content, whatever that means. Apparently the 12 sets of 50 armor, multiple flashpoints, and pvp arent enough to keep people occupied for more than the month and a half the game has been out.


I feel like I've barely touched the game myself so my thought is perhaps those who think that way are just burnt out from overplaying.


Sorry to hear that, perhaps try another server or the Republic side.

Edited by Mcfree
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My server is thriving, and republic is super strong in pvp here. Fast Q times in both brackets. I mostly play alts to pvp with doing the occasional illum or guild 50 group.


I pretty much PvP exclusively although have done a few flashpoints which have been a blast.


Anyway I see a lot or Imperials saying that they have horrible Q's and are leaving because of this and too much Huttball. Or not enough endgame content, whatever that means. Apparently the 12 sets of 50 armor, multiple flashpoints, and pvp arent enough to keep people occupied for more than the month and a half the game has been out.


I feel like I've barely touched the game myself so my thought is perhaps those who think that way are just burnt out from overplaying.


Sorry to hear that, perhaps try another server or the Republic side.


WOW that's quite the contrary to what I hear for Republic. Normally the population for Republic is so empty and dead that most servers have ghost towns for Republic fleet. It is my understand from the amount of posts I've read covering several servers, that the majority if not a good 90% of servers are supremely Empire dominated. I guess your server is one of the very few. I wish this wasn't the case and most servers were balanced. I envy you really :(


On my server Naddist Rebels the Republic population is so bad that on Voss I saw 5 people one time. The Fleet fluctuates between 11-70 people at all times pretty much. The rest of the numbers are just too sad to mention. Suffice to say most planets have 4 or less folks. Unless its the first 2 starter planets.


A bunch of my guild mates already quit because of this. There just isn't anything to do. We shouldn't be punished for this and have to reroll. There is no reason why we should waste our hard work on a toon to have to do it again because of these reasons. There is no reason to raise an alt as it in the end you'll still be in the same situation.


All aboard the TORtanic! Now leaving port!

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it's a shame what is slowly happening to the game, Tor was a great idea, an a fun game (still is) but retailing the game with no content is a BAD THING!.... I talk to alot of 50s on my server, (swiftsure) an many of em are saying already they are probably not gonna make it past free month.

Understandable when you consider theres no pvp, no reason to world pvp, botting/farming BG's wears out in a day...

The raids if your into that, are always full but even if they wernt, what are you doing it for ? just to get a shiny so you can do it all again....


pointless, I dont know how to fix it, other than to start fixing pvp an stop trying to instance everything. World pvp doesn't belong in an instance, its world pvp for a reason....


I know for me, my chars are only in high 30s, an I am already feeling like I cant be bothered logging in till evening most days for as few hours.


Now I know the fanboys will call me silly names, an put down my comments, but that doesn't change anything, alot of people are getting bored already, an with GW2 coming out in 3 months, tor really needs to pick up its pace. I know I wont be subbing for another three months with the state of pvp an game in general as it stands.


my two mates quit the game last week after hitting 50 cos it was just mind numbing apparently....I am not far off, an i know of at least 3 guys who have had enough.


Did you expect everyone who pre-ordered, bought on release or had the game bought for them at release would remain subscribers?


People quit any MMO each month. The first month is most noticeable because many subs end on the same day.

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With1.7 million people choosing to resub, I am sure that BW won't miss the ones that did not. They reported that they would be extremely profitable with 500K. The real question is how many people will be here in 6 months? Edited by Dogfatherxx
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To be fair the Republic tend to stay at their base because they are supremely outnumbered on (to my knowledge) pretty much every server like 5 to 1 (or 10:1).


well, i know servers where Republic guys are just so lazy to go so far.. so they keep imps comming to them.. whipe them.. and repeat.. and guess what.. imps keep comming :) unbelievable

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I'm already getting burned out.


I log on every night and open my friends list and there's NOBODY ON that I use to PvP with because they all hit Battlemaster. I either have to queue by myself or with undergeared/underskilled people and not even a full group. It hurts most because I can't even find any healers and I usually ALWAYS tried to queue with 2 of them.


End result = endless amount of loses with idiots on my team to the point I just log out because I can't finish my 3 war zone daily. Hell, I finish my Ilum daily in 30 minutes.


I have 50 people on my friends list and the second I logged on I use to get three tells asking me to join their group.

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What's really sad is the game is a success regardless (the leveling is really fun, I enjoy it myself).


That means the same horrible PvP team already responsible for completely destroying Warhammer online might just bless us with more games in the future.


Basically the only good thing they did with this game was the basic warzone design - which is quite great actually so there must be a guy or two among them who knows what he is doing.

Edited by mufutiz
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Our guild has 70 members, but when someone hits 50 and plays with his/her char for 3-4 days he/she never comes back, quits the game.Guild was very active while ppl were leeling now on 10-15 players max online at the same time :/


Something similar happening in my guild. We have about 70 members and hardly 30 online in prime time and about 70% of them either new members leveling up or on their alts.


I haven't reach to 50 yet even though I started at early access. I'm trying to slow down my progress as much as I can as I know what will I face there.


I loved the game so far, but I fear it won't last long.

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Something similar happening in my guild. We have about 70 members and hardly 30 online in prime time and about 70% of them either new members leveling up or on their alts.


I haven't reach to 50 yet even though I started at early access. I'm trying to slow down my progress as much as I can as I know what will I face there.


I loved the game so far, but I fear it won't last long.


Ditto. My guild had a tight group of 26 players. Until last night we were down to 7. All who had made it to 50 quit within two weeks. Some tried to roll an alt but the played-out stories and the class ability homogenization made it "just too boring".


I'm going to give it another few weeks (my RL brother is a slow leveler) but in all honesty, I'm already knocking the dust off my WoW toons.

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well, i know servers where Republic guys are just so lazy to go so far.. so they keep imps comming to them.. whipe them.. and repeat.. and guess what.. imps keep comming :) unbelievable


I'm not surprised considering how RIDICULOUSLY outnumbered Republic is across most servers. There is no point in feeding Empire honestly. Might as well have them come to them. It's a shame really I wish Bioware would make some incentives for people to play Republic or something.


Right now as a Republic player there is no point in playing. You may as well just reroll Empire.


There is such a huge population of Empire players I don't think a server merge would do anything.

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I'm happy with it, should hold me down till GW2 comes out. If they add small scale PVP Ill stay, I like the playstyle of the game for PvP and see potential.


^this pretty much. yes the game has flaws. yes bioware isnt exactly good at fixing them so far. but when u played darkfall ur used to ALOT. ill give them till gw2 comes. if the game isnt fixed by then and by fixed i mean not just remove the bugs but also make it competitive which means not give in to what the whiners want but rather do something that makes the game more appealing to real hardcore pvpers im gone aswell tho

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i must agree, my guild of 118 players, has about 20 remaining. I am not sure where BW are pulling their "we have 1.7 million active subs" figure from, maybe that was taken the week after launch.


I've never seen a mmo fail so fast, and i've seen AoC, WAR, Aion and Rift fail hard.

Edited by Evuke
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i must agree, my guild of 118 players, has about 20 remaining. I am not sure where BW are pulling their "we have 1.7 million active subs" figure from, maybe that was taken the week after launch.


I've never seen a mmo fail so fast, and i've seen AoC, WAR, Aion and Rift fail hard.


I can't see how they have 1.7 mil sub. My server Naddist Rebels we had around 70+ guild members on Republic side at one point. Now there is only 2-3 of us left. Lots of them gave up with the game. A few couldn't take the lag anymore. Some said they couldn't take the population imbalance anymore so they re-rolled Empire (yes that will really help the Republic population). A few couldn't take the problems with PVP anymore so they quit.


I know some left to RIFT and some went back to WOW. I've already canceled my subscription. I'm STILL hopeful though that things will shape up. I really like the game but the current gameplay and population issues with Republic is just aggravating. If things get better after awhile, I may return.

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Sure alot of people quit after hitting 50, those people needs more patience..


Everywhere on these forums I see references to WoW and how incredibly good it was at launch yadiyada...



PvP wise WoW had nothing compared to ToR at launch.

Back to back Warsong Gulch YEY /sarcasm



WoW didnt even have WSG at launch. It had 0 battlegrounds for quite some time. And it was a much better game for it. The battleground concept ruined world pvp for all MMOs that use it.

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