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Sad to see some people quiting already....


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it's a shame what is slowly happening to the game, Tor was a great idea, an a fun game (still is) but retailing the game with no content is a BAD THING!.... I talk to alot of 50s on my server, (swiftsure) an many of em are saying already they are probably not gonna make it past free month.

Understandable when you consider theres no pvp, no reason to world pvp, botting/farming BG's wears out in a day...

The raids if your into that, are always full but even if they wernt, what are you doing it for ? just to get a shiny so you can do it all again....


pointless, I dont know how to fix it, other than to start fixing pvp an stop trying to instance everything. World pvp doesn't belong in an instance, its world pvp for a reason....


I know for me, my chars are only in high 30s, an I am already feeling like I cant be bothered logging in till evening most days for as few hours.


Now I know the fanboys will call me silly names, an put down my comments, but that doesn't change anything, alot of people are getting bored already, an with GW2 coming out in 3 months, tor really needs to pick up its pace. I know I wont be subbing for another three months with the state of pvp an game in general as it stands.


my two mates quit the game last week after hitting 50 cos it was just mind numbing apparently....I am not far off, an i know of at least 3 guys who have had enough.

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Most of my friends quit halfway through leveling. Couldn't get past the load screen spam, stupid travel times and 9 boring quests for 1 average quest.


Those of us who made it to 50 enjoyed warzones somewhat for about a week. But knowing that it'll be least 3 months before theres any pvp content added, we're not gonna subscribe.


Bugs/responsiveness/boring classes zzz.


Really think they underestimated how much pvp means for an mmo's success.

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this is happening with alot of players i know. once they hit 50 they are bored and get tired of grinding 3 warzones all the time for pvp gear just to do the same 3 warzones all over again.


i mean really whats the point? even if u get all the gear your still just grinding the same 3 warzones over and over.....


almost my whole guild has already said they arnt coming back after the free month and already are looking forward to GW2.

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I just said onto another post , i have been canceled days ago , i just unistal.


Ive been registered for 3 years now following this game hoping for the best , for not repeating Wow grind or War mistakes in pvp guess what .


What a let down

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If they won't adress the stupid RNG soon in regards with the bags I'll just drop PvP as a whole, level an alt and probably quit.


Seriously, double RNG involved with bags. It's ridiculous. Who on earth at Bioware thought this would be a good system?


First and foremost, I would've been complaining as much if you could use the token to buy an item of your choosing. Secondly, if they made Champion tokens available for a great portion of commendations. As example; 1000 warzone commendations and 300 mercenary commendations.


I'm not going to grind and grind with a lottery ticket as reward. It's like going to work every day, and at the end of the month you might have a chance your salary will be paid out. If you're lucky.

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Our guild has 70 members, but when someone hits 50 and plays with his/her char for 3-4 days he/she never comes back, quits the game.Guild was very active while ppl were leeling now on 10-15 players max online at the same time :/


Once ppl hit 50 they quit, I am afraid I wont be playing after free month as well, it was a nice single player experience, I spent lotsa time on it, but I dont plan to pay for no-end game and spamming 3 warzones and getting owned by full geared 50 premades over and over again...I cant do pvp atm, i have a level 40 char and i get 3-4 shotted when i step on warzones, even if they bring level 50 bracket i ll get farmed at level 50 by those premades/full geared opponents over and over again.


I need competition, I need to blow off some steam after work, not to get frustrated by losing every single match unless you are lucky enough to have a premade on your side.


They should add expertise rating 2-3 months after level 50 population grows, but adding it from the beginning was a bad choice, this game is far too young to be a wow clone, or at least they should make getting high-end pvp items far harder, every level 50 on warzones have many pieces collected already.


6 years of production, 300m dollars, many MMORPGs on market to analyze to create a better game, but they choosed to be a WOW clone and they sadly failed as all other MMORPGs...WOW matured step by step on all those years.BW tried to make TOR as mature as WOW but it is impossible to do it, they do not even know their engine yet, and they cant even fix ability delays or low-fps problems yet, it is normal, this is a young game;


BUT trying to put this young game's shoulder all of WOW's content in the beginning caused an epic fail, game couldnt carry the weight, they should mature the game slowly.Bah who am I writing to as if any BW dev will read this..


Have fun to all of you.

Edited by vampireofthedawn
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lvl 50 here. Still loving it.



The game is not for everyone to like(its not WoW herp derp, devs wont BJ you as soon as you post "i quit" thread) and you simply don't have to play it.


But for the love of... DO NOT SHARE WITH US THAT YOU GO.

We don't care and stream of new players more then makes up for loosing of few crybabies who thought its going to be WoW with glowsticks.

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Perhaps because Gaming sharks like EA (others as well, like Blizzard) basically think that their customers are brain-dead idiots who just like to "farm" all day long. They think most of the people log in because they want to do dailies all day long and farm for gear.


They are right in one thing. The human mind that wants more and more stuff, even if it doesn't exist at all. Like those epics, everyone wants to have. Little rewards that keep you going. But they do not realize that, even if its in the human nature to gather stuff that they can refer to as "their own" they fail to see that we don't wanna be bored.


Right now it doesn't really matter if I open the book for my next exam and study that or if I log on and play TOR. Its both boring like hell. In fact opening my book and studying would be more fruitful because I would profit from it for my exam, while in TOR I will only get gear.


And the funny thing is, it isn't really hard to actually entertain people in an MMO. Instead of introducing Illum and force people into PvP with lame objectives they could just create lvl areas, in which people are able to meet each other all the time, resulting in amazing world pvp battles.


That is the reason you create PvP and PvE servers, so people can decide if they wanna quest w/o disturbance or not. In addition to this flaw, all of these companies refuse to take the risk on "overheating" the server, because they fear server crashes like a 5 year old the dentist. Its preposterous because they get money monthly from us but refuse to entertain us to a certain extend.


Every single player game out there is more enjoyable than MMO's these days. And I mean all of them, they suck and they don't offer anything anymore. They aren't challenging in PvE and the PvP is horrible most of the time. Also most of them are released unfinished because the whole project is over their heads and because publishers want to make money out of games based on XY days during the year (like xmas). They come from the great universities that apparently have tons of statistics that indicate that sales go up during certain periods in the year.


This is not entirely wrong, but completely idiotic in terms of such games. Its not like I wouldn't have bought this game at the start of the holidays in july.. I don't care if its christmas or any other day, I would have bought this game anytime. This game could have been amazing if they just put more time into it. The endgame content is a pathetic joke for a game and I can easily compare it with any single player endgame content (which is non existent). But instead they needed to release it before xmas, so they can make money out of it early. I don't know if you "win" when putting so much into a costly game like this, when a lot of people just quit because it sucks or because they are bored to death past 50.


I doubt the game will last and its a shame, but fact remains that it feels like a turkey that got out of the oven 2 hours early

Edited by Rivianchief
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The game is not for everyone to like(its not WoW herp derp, devs wont BJ you as soon as you post "i quit" thread) and you simply don't have to play it.


But for the love of... DO NOT SHARE WITH US THAT YOU GO.

We don't care and stream of new players more then makes up for loosing of few crybabies who thought its going to be WoW with glowsticks.


Do not write those kind of topics then, DO NOT READ EM if you dont want to see, noone forces you to, just ignore and MOVE ON, noone here wants to see your comment as well, ppl are discussion here what was wrong about game, why it ended like this for many players and your comment only insults us.Ignore and mvoe on, win win situation, you dont disturb us, we freely talk here and you dont get frustrated cuz you wont read it.

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i'm lv 50 with valor 54 and i dont mind those premade 50s or whatever


but what i do everyday at the moment is Log on - Get 3 win warfronts - Log off - Log on


other games that actually have pvp




which is actually not bad though. you dont have to be lifeless for endgame like this .

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aparently none of you ever heard of the outlaws den on tatoine. open world pvp area, free for all, same faction can kill same faction or opposite faction, ohh and special vendors and lots of diffrent high end gathering nodes. seems preety open world pvp to me, and all you have to do is go north from mos altha in jundland.
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this is happening with alot of players i know. once they hit 50 they are bored and get tired of grinding 3 warzones all the time for pvp gear just to do the same 3 warzones all over again.


i mean really whats the point? even if u get all the gear your still just grinding the same 3 warzones over and over.....


almost my whole guild has already said they arnt coming back after the free month and already are looking forward to GW2.


Unfortunately "grinding & mmo" are synonymous. Kinda just the nature of the beast. I enjoy the competitive pvp scene though, so what you may consider just a grind for the new shiny, I actually have fun doing. But yes the genre does entail some form of grind, but that grind isn't all bad. You could also call it character development :D

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Just don't play if you don't like something. I don't get people who log in and find it boring, why play?


Why go to the forums if you really plan to quit? Just go.


I'm enjoying a new game, if I get bored I'll move on (GW2), but I won't be comign here and announcing it like someone cares lol.


Either way gives me reading material for work

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aparently none of you ever heard of the outlaws den on tatoine. open world pvp area, free for all, same faction can kill same faction or opposite faction, ohh and special vendors and lots of diffrent high end gathering nodes. seems preety open world pvp to me, and all you have to do is go north from mos altha in jundland.


Haven't been there for a while I see. Vendors are the only thing left there. And they don't sell anything that you can't find on fleet. Even quest description tells you its not worth it :)

Edited by Lerdoc
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aparently none of you ever heard of the outlaws den on tatoine. open world pvp area, free for all, same faction can kill same faction or opposite faction, ohh and special vendors and lots of diffrent high end gathering nodes. seems preety open world pvp to me, and all you have to do is go north from mos altha in jundland.


You call that pvp ? you can see everything that goes on, its a tiny area that is akin to arena if anything. World pvp is NOT a confined silly little circle. that is not pvp content an there's a reason it isnt used, because everyone hates it.

Have none of you ever played an MMO that actually had world pvp ? It is amazing you cant see the issue facing people here. You hit 50 an do....what ? farm a battleground for a shiny, then do it again next day... wander the world pickign up a few datacrons, woop..... Fact is like it or not, there's no content for a game that was designed for you to cap out in a day.....



thats another tihng the game doesn't have, they actively micro control the gameplay by stopping you cold from grinding. Some of us older ones, enjoy grinding be it for money, chances at fun loot whatever. But to have code in the game that removes exp/loot/cash after 3 kills is moronic.

I love to get some music on, an go exploring for pvp fights while I am grinding for cool loot items an chance at something speccy...


Yet tor is the first game I have ever seen that forced you to not do so...

At 50 you cant go grind, an farm for shinys an cash, because when you kill something 3 times, your done.

Edited by BegaTasty
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People are idiots. They want stuff handed to them for free. Game isn't even a month out and people cry - welcome to the entitlement age...or the gotta have it now.


Swtor already has more content than any other mmo to date upon release. There are not any end game brackets yet because some people are still leveling. People would then complain that at lvl 50 the time it takes to enter a warzone. Damned if you do, damned id you don't.


Now people complain over people who leveled faster AND have some pvp gear.





Devs have already said what they intend to do. Anyone who complains at this time is a crybaby now is all. Can't compare something that has been out for x years to something just released...

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You call that pvp ? you can see everything that goes on, its a tiny area that is akin to arena if anything. World pvp is NOT a confined silly little circle. that is not pvp content an there's a reason it isnt used, because everyone hates it.

Have none of you ever played an MMO that actually had world pvp ? It is amazing you cant see the issue facing people here. You hit 50 an do....what ? farm a battleground for a shiny, then do it again next day... wander the world pickign up a few datacrons, woop..... Fact is like it or not, there's no content for a game that was designed for you to cap out in a day.....


Yes give me more shiny...

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Unfortunately "grinding & mmo" are synonymous. Kinda just the nature of the beast. I enjoy the competitive pvp scene though, so what you may consider just a grind for the new shiny, I actually have fun doing. But yes the genre does entail some form of grind, but that grind isn't all bad. You could also call it character development :D


Yeah, but there are grinds and there are grinds. Grinding WZ comms to purchase gear isn't bad. Grinding comms to play the lottery?


It's like back in TBC where you had to get keyed for heroics before you could grind your hero gear for raids Except the RNG makes it worse. Get to 70. LOL go run some lowbie dungeons to get your rep up, you aren't good enough for heroics yet! Have to grind before you grind.

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