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What's with the talent trees? Blatant copy of WOW


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I know I'm low level (20 on most of my characters) but I don't 'feel' like a certain spec. I hated the fact that in WOW when I wanted to be frost Mage I had to go really deep into the tree to feel like a frost mage. Same with warriors fury etc.


I want to feel like a scrapper or sawbones etc. Like I said I don't 'feel' like one early on. Again it was something that irked me WOW and after so long they changed it in Cataclysm and I liked it. Some people didn't but it was a nice change.


Some of the early talents see, useless for scoundrel > scrapper and Shadow > infiltration. Or am I missing something?



EDIT Look I can understand that there is nothing new to the talent system in MMO's, but i would like to feel a certain spec rather than wait till I'm 30 or greater to actually experience what the spec is like. That's all I was asking.

Edited by DarthTenor
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I agree, Cataclysm's change to the talent system is a huge improvement... specifically making your character have its core spec abilities right out of the gate at level 10. That's something that was missing before, and therefore missing in SWTOR's blatant rip-off of WoW's older talent system.


It's irritating to have to level a character deep into the 30's before you'll see if you are going to like that class or not.


I chose pretty well this time around, since I researched the classes heavily before choosing. But not everyone is going to take the time to do that.

Edited by ZenBones
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talents are not anything new, they've actually existed in RPG's before they were even MMORPG's or video games...it's just a visual change that we have them in trees.


Talent trees are just feats, stacked in a neat little UI window. D&D had WoW and most other games trumped by about 30 years.

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Talent trees in general have been around much longer than WOW.



This is true, but when you look at the 3-tree system WoW had (prior to some of the Cataclysm revisions), and take into consideration that SWTOR pretty much used WoW's entire model of gear scaling, skill rank training, and so on, it paints a pretty specific picture. :)

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I know right?! WoW was the first GAME, let alone MMO to use talent trees and so uber better that SWTOR just HAD to rip off the talent trees!




This is likely true for over 75% of mmo gamers nowadays. They've never played any other mmo than wow and have nothing else to compare from.

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Imagine that.....the Japanese ripping off U.S. car manufacturer's design by also putting steering wheels in their cars. :rolleyes:



If something works, why not? Blizzard has done the same. WoW isn't as "original" as some would believe.

Edited by Dechomai
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and WOW copied it from asheron's call 2. so those that claim talent trees we'rwe something wow introduced is lying!


NOTHING in WOW was original or a first in mmo's WOW is just a carbon copy of all mmo's that came before it. nothing in wow was done by them first. they only got as big as they are through ingenious marketing if not for that wow would have gone f2p a loooong time ago!



in conclusion i wish people would stop comparing mmo's to wow which rips off and copies other mmo's.


technically EA, BW, Turbine, and SOE should just sue blizzard on the grounds WOW copied element of there games that were released well be fore WOW was. that way wow will be shut down and we get rid of all the wow idiots. from all gaming communities.

Edited by hobieone
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I agree so much OP


Probably my biggest problem in this game.


EVERY SINGLE TALENT in my sith sorcerer tree is a 1:1 copy of old wow talents.


Mostly taken from ele shammy but some from warlocks and mages also.


I get that talent trees are used by most MMO's but come on, copying every single one without any innvoation whatsoever? Thats just weak.


On top of that its the old talents that we're copyed. Its like the devs took a snapshot of wow's talents back in 2009 and decided to copy them, without looking at the improvements made to them since.


Spending 20 of your talent points on talents such as: "increases critchance by 1/2/3% or decreases damage taken by 1/2%" Is not fun. Its an ancient system.


if they choose to make 1:1 copys of another games talents without any innovation they could atleast have copyed the new overhauled ones.


Needing to get ur char to lvl- 30-40 to even feel like beeing somehow different then another spec is pretty lame.

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