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Operative - Cloaking Screen Broken?


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Is cloaking screen broken? After I use it to drop agro, I run a safe distance away and nothing follows me. I then uncloak to either heal or attack a new target and all the npc's i was previously fighting before using cloaking screen start running straight to me from across the map.


Is this skill bugged?

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  • 3 months later...
I know this is an old thread but I'm also having this same issue after 1.2. It seems to still be bugged out. Sometimes when I use it to drop combat it works fine until I take a DoT tick or I try to heal myself. Even after I've gotten far away from the mobs I was fighting. They just run through everything and start attacking me. It sucks because even after you cloak out of combat it still has you flagged as "in combat" so I can't even ressurect a dead panion or use my OOC Regen.
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It's been bugged since release. The issue you are describing happens when your companion has a DOT on them, which keeps you in combat but doesn't aggro the mob until you break stealth again. Also, keep in mind that you will also stay in combat if your companion was channeling an ability when you use CS. I've put in several tickets about this issue to no avail.


There is a workaround, though it is a bit clunky. Normally you should be using Evasion --> CS, with an active companion, you should get in the habit of putting them on passive first, watch for DOTs to cleanse, then use Evasion --> CS.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's been bugged since release. The issue you are describing happens when your companion has a DOT on them, which keeps you in combat but doesn't aggro the mob until you break stealth again. Also, keep in mind that you will also stay in combat if your companion was channeling an ability when you use CS. I've put in several tickets about this issue to no avail.


There is a workaround, though it is a bit clunky. Normally you should be using Evasion --> CS, with an active companion, you should get in the habit of putting them on passive first, watch for DOTs to cleanse, then use Evasion --> CS.


This issue has NOTHING to do with DoTs. It happens to me with or without them. It seems more like a threat/hate list issue. The cloaking screen doesn't seem to drop your companion's hate list with the mobs and vice versa.

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It is a complicated mechanic. I wouldn't say it's broken though.


Been playing since release, and the functionality hasn't changed from what I've seen.


You will stay in combat if:

  • Your companion is using a skill with an activation time.
  • You or your companion have a DoT on you.
  • An enemy uses an ability with a travel time right before you Cloak. (rarely happens)


Other than those scenarios, I haven't personally noticed anything that keeps me in combat. To be sure you escape, passive your companion, use Evasion then Cloaking Screen simultaneously.

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Open world is where I have been encountering the issue.


the mobs applied a dot that remains active on your companion.


you have a talented sedatives or have applied a DOT on one of the mobs which is still active.


Your companion has applied a negative effect to a mob that remains active.


Those are the three reasons I found while levelling for this to occur in the open world.

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This issue has NOTHING to do with DoTs. It happens to me with or without them. It seems more like a threat/hate list issue. The cloaking screen doesn't seem to drop your companion's hate list with the mobs and vice versa.
Sigh. Read my full post. You can also stay in combat if your companion is channeling an ability, which is why you have to put them on passive first.
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It's often easier to dismiss your companion if you are just sneaking around.


Also, if you are stuck in combat due to your companion, send him to sell trash items, dismiss won't work if you are in combat.

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It really does work, just not as an "oh, shoot" skill the way you think it might ought to. Nor very often. Or reliably.


Dot's on you, dots on them (?), companion interactions, visibility, proximity, not holding your nose right and hopping on one foot, in PvE, in PvP, in instances, with or without ham and eggs, on a truss or on a bus...it seems like anything that can make cloaking screen fail to hide you, will, routinely.


It's basically useful for a second (fairly) quick hidden strike, in my experience.


Or it's working as intended, 'cuz....you know, packs of operatives with a working cloaking screen might make more folks unsub out of sheer frustration of not being able to see a stealth class. Ok, I'll stop now before they decide to make Operative Sprint only half its value, out of stealth.

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