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I have never seen so much rage


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Bioware could have saved themselves a lot of grief by simply announcing their planned daily waves in advance. Even if just 1 day in advance.


Imagine if they had said this:


Dec 12th: On Dec 13th we are hoping to get July 21-25 pre-orders in. If things go well, small chance for July 26-27 as well.


Dec 13th end of day: On Dec 14th we will get the rest of July in and likely all of August. Small chance for some early Sept invites.




Yes there would be upset people, but nothing like the storm we saw yesterday. Nobody is cancelling because of this, but Bioware really had a lot of goodwill coming into SWTOR and they spent a lot of that goodwill needlessly yesterday.


And yes, goodwill matters. How many times have you heard "I'll never buy another SOE game again"? Or "Made by Funcom? No thanks"? Probably quite a lot. Bioware isn't anywhere close to there yet, but every time they need to spend some goodwill they inch closer to it, so they really need avoid spending it unnecessarily.

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Anyone who has ever had a job, owned a business, or dealt with humans, knows this is not true. Sometimes the customer is just too stupid to understand what's going on, or too immature to accept the truth. If my policies earn me 300 customers, and lose me one... I'll take the loss, and that one customer gets to be wrong.


"The customer is always right" does not refer to every single customer, it refers to all customers in general. If you get 10 reviews, and only 3 are positive, then you are wrong. If 7 are positive, you are right. It's not a "rule," it's a way of thinking.


Go open a bank account and tell them they have to deposit $200 into it for free or you'll move to another bank. I bet they say "You're welcome to do that." If they just gave money away to any "customer" who asked, they wouldn't have any money to give loans and they'd be out of business. The customer who asks for $200 for free is wrong. The one who ask for a $200 loan and agree to pay it back is right.


Nobody believes that it actually means the customer is always right. It simply means that your focus should be on what the customer says they want because whether they are right or wrong, what they want is what they want.

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and so little response from the devs/mods.



ignorance is bliss not business.


the whinning about EGA doesnt warrant a response...seeing as its been common knowledge about the staggered release from the day pre orders were made available.

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Bioware could have saved themselves a lot of grief by simply announcing their planned daily waves in advance. Even if just 1 day in advance.


Imagine if they had said this:


Dec 12th: On Dec 13th we are hoping to get July 21-25 pre-orders in. If things go well, small chance for July 26-27 as well.


Dec 13th end of day: On Dec 14th we will get the rest of July in and likely all of August. Small chance for some early Sept invites.




Yes there would be upset people, but nothing like the storm we saw yesterday. Nobody is cancelling because of this, but Bioware really had a lot of goodwill coming into SWTOR and they spent a lot of that goodwill needlessly yesterday.


And yes, goodwill matters. How many times have you heard "I'll never buy another SOE game again"? Or "Made by Funcom? No thanks"? Probably quite a lot. Bioware isn't anywhere close to there yet, but every time they need to spend some goodwill they inch closer to it, so they really need avoid spending it unnecessarily.


Except that the rage would be all the more worse if an issue arises and they stop adding in people.


People might say "Well I'd be understanding of an issue," but simply put, they most likely will not be.

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Way to miss the point of that saying.. you aren't supposed to take it litterally.

Hint: it's related to sales and retaining customers.


You are absolutely correct. It's all a money thing.


Let's see. They have an incredibly high demand service they're offering... and a tiny little percentage of unreasonable customers are being noisy.


Most of the noisy unreasonable customers will stop crying once the pacifier is back in their mouth on the 20th.


I say their already overwhelmed (and expensive) customer service is doing the right thing. Ignore the FUD and noise and work on real customer issues such as access problems and in-game issues.


It's obvious some of you haven't learned much in the corporate world. Try looking outside your personal emotional issues at the big money picture.

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Nobody believes that it actually means the customer is always right. It simply means that your focus should be on what the customer says they want because whether they are right or wrong, what they want is what they want.


Yes, but considering the entire customer base, we have heard, so far, only from the whiners and very little positive feedback from the satisfied customers (probably busy playing, i guess)


Taking all into account, if the whiners come up to 15%... well... they are wrong. Basically a form of democracy. And!! and... they saying should be modified to say;

"The PAYING customer has a right to be heard and understood. We will evaluate his request and see what can be done then"


Since, technically, you are not paying now, as it is a free, pre-ordered, full featured BETA at the moment, They have no real reason to tally anything. :D

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If you did not hump the forums or participate in beta you had no way of knowing about the staggered EGA.


I heard it was coming out on the 20th, went to the website and preordered. It was not mentioned.


Then I guess if you get in on or before the 20th you should be happy???

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Actually that's a gimmick statement to get people to spend their money on things. The customer is actually wrong most of the time.

It's less about right and wrong and more about listening to what a customer is asking for (usually demanding).


It doesn't mean they're right by any measure. And it doesn't mean they're going to get what they want. AND it doesn't mean they really know what they want.


It's just an emotional outburst that needs to be measured and evaluated by customer service. A set of issues and potential resolutions that need to be decided upon. Costs vs. benefit (to the company).


These people don't realize that their petty demands and threats are really just childish tantrums that should be ignored, like all childish tantrums.


But as a paying tantrum wielding child/customer, EA listens... considers the options (let everyone in, delete everyone on the 19th, let noone in until the 20th) and their impact (rage at capacity issues, rage at deleted characters, rage at taking away something they didn't deserve in the first place) and has simply decided: "Be patient, they'll stop crying when they get their pacifier on the 20th."

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Dude, there's a universal saying that's true any time anywhere "Customer is ALWAYS right"


As someone who works with customers face to face (I work for an ISP) I can tell you that the customer is NOT always right. In fact, they are often the problem causing whatever issues they are complaining about.


I mean, really, who cares who gets in first. ANY amount of early access is a bonus, and you should be thankful for it.


A bunch of jealous ungrateful whiners, they remind me of children who don't get everything they ask for for christmas/birthday, and instead of being grateful for what they get, they complain about what they didn't.



I will take a day or more of early access over waiting hours in a queue, only to not be able to play anyway because of bugs, server crashes, and lag.


But the best part of it all, is that they come here to whine, like ANYBODY cares. They are the minority.

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I don't know what you mean OP, by Bioware not responding. There is nothing to say. The plan is layed out, it's being carried out as planned, there is really nothing to say. Do you really think they have the time and manpower, with the new launching to track and work on, to let hundreds of thousands of people know -exactly- when they will be getting into the game? Especially when they themselves are not certain?


What do you want them to say?

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If you did not hump the forums or participate in beta you had no way of knowing about the staggered EGA.


I heard it was coming out on the 20th, went to the website and preordered. It was not mentioned.


FAQ's usually serve a good purpose in life. It's learn to read them before making an informed decision. I don't think you'll go pick up poison, not read the warning label or "FAQ" and drink it, make you sick and then say "It wasn't mentioned". It's always the fine print......

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They pretty much are (no matter how wrong they may be). You go out of business pretty fast otherwise (unless you got some sort of hook).

Heh, you don't consider SWTOR a significant enough hook?


You only need to give in to unreasonable requests from a customer when you're desperate for sales.

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and so little response from the devs/mods.



ignorance is bliss not business.


yes, the obsessive fans are actually scared to death they might miss a day of playing a video game.


Bioware must be grinning from ear to ear.. they are sitting on a gold mine.

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Dude, there's a universal saying that's true any time anywhere "Customer is ALWAYS right"

Anyone who has worked in retail knows this isn't true.


Most of the time customers are looking for any and every reason to not pay for the stuff they want.

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"The customer is always right" is more of an attitude you have to take with stupid/ignorant customer's. I've worked customer service for a long time now and the customer is usually not right. You have to explain stuff in a way that makes them understand what is right and if you are good they think it is what they thought before. That being said, most rage will stop as the "rager" gets his/her invite and moves onto the game. My opinion is that they were checking to see how it all panned out last night with all the people getting invites that were at school/work. I got my invite today but I don't get off until this evening so anyone else like me won't effect the server until evening time. Now they know and it seems they intend to adjust accordingly. Just my thoughts here.
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