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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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it isnt even about the graphics of the game, its the stupid promo ss they showed, and it looked sooo good.


dont get me wrong the game looks passable on my pc




i love the game, my gf and our friends r having a blast playing it, i just feel cheated sometimes when im looking at my toon :(


im still giving them the benefit of the doubt, i like bioware games, and they usually delivered.


but going from this: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/69/bf320111213162723751.jpg/


to swtor leaves something to be desired, its not a good comparison i know, but deal with it.


EDIT: yes i know im wearing a dress dont make fun :(

Edited by madeineurope
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I'm sure their not sitting back drinking beer, they are working on it and they will fix it.


Thanks RicoFrost.. now they are.. jk


We all or most know that changing one thing can make other things worse.. yet they had graphics (HIGH) working.. then stopped it. Then they post how 95% of us have no performance problems. Then they talk like if they did enable it (guessing here) 95% of us will cry and moan how are game is going to slow because we dont understand LOW/MED/HIGH settings.


Yet few years later World Of Warcraft up'd their graphics and .. HMM MILLIONS with awful old computers could still play.


I don't know but MAKING player base HAPPY brings in more money. Making the few happy .. well just look we all see people leaving.. not just because of graphics but so many other things that DEVS just wont TALK to us about..


Where the beer?

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DAOC's first expansion changed their engine. But to compensate for the change they made people far away not render at high quality till they were closer. All I needed then was a little better video card to compensate.


With this game I went from a 8800Gt to a GTX560 and it made no difference. And I never go past 60% processor while playing.

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Man with everything going on with star wars and the look of the game i really feel like going to grab a beer.


anyone on the forum from Southern California??


I usually don't like drinking on a weekday but this graphic problem and BW responses make me want to shoot some shots tonight . :-)




Guys Lets still keep posting and let our voices be heard.

Edited by Deathsidehell
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literally no matter what they say they arent going to fix it, it will require a total rewrite of their DRM routine.


Could you please tell me how you know this exactly? I would love to know how you know that for a fact. Do you know someone that's working on the game? Are you a programmer for the game? Please could you let us know?

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Could you please tell me how you know this exactly? I would love to know how you know that for a fact. Do you know someone that's working on the game? Are you a programmer for the game? Please could you let us know?


all the assumption is that the hero engine cannot multi thread so to enhance performance they create a 2nd application running rendering software .. the problem is to achieve high texture you'd need to use twice as much RAM to keep communicating in betwen the 2 process. Hence why they disabled the high rez because people would freak out if the 2nd swtor.exe took another 1.5 gig of ram...


All assumption because noone can be bothered to start playing around in the line of code... the only peoplewho usually do that is to find hacks and stuff like that (wich will happen pretty soon because this is shaddy programming at best)

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Using the tweaking settings i achieved not so bad settings only to find out bioware skipped big time on reflection feature...shadows still look like we're playing legoland





/FACEPALM ( in big letter )


Yeah I upped or lowered rather to -3.000 as well and its "okay" but there is zero reflection of character built into this game which is just sad. It shows some building reflection but nothing in motion..

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I find it hard to swallow that with adding servers since the beta and having the kind of loads they had during the beta weekends that this is the real issue, I picked a standard server to start off with and I can assure them that my computer is more than capable of handleing the load put out by something that's not a graphics hog like textures.
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Wow check out the Rakghoul Rising video thats being pushed. Look at all that obvious in combat footage and how clearly you can make out the troopers paint job and republic shoulder emblem. Either were getting the hi res textures in this content update or its hole digging from bioware. Seriously someone with more know how needs to cap some screen from the combat scenes in that video and post it up here and ask why our game can't look like that.
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all the assumption is that the hero engine cannot multi thread so to enhance performance they create a 2nd application running rendering software .. the problem is to achieve high texture you'd need to use twice as much RAM to keep communicating in betwen the 2 process. Hence why they disabled the high rez because people would freak out if the 2nd swtor.exe took another 1.5 gig of ram...


All assumption because noone can be bothered to start playing around in the line of code... the only peoplewho usually do that is to find hacks and stuff like that (wich will happen pretty soon because this is shaddy programming at best)


Thank you for that info. Is that video card RAM?

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Wow check out the Rakghoul Rising video thats being pushed. Look at all that obvious in combat footage and how clearly you can make out the troopers paint job and republic shoulder emblem. Either were getting the hi res textures in this content update or its hole digging from bioware. Seriously someone with more know how needs to cap some screen from the combat scenes in that video and post it up here and ask why our game can't look like that.


Haha, no we aren't getting it in next update - they are just using the settings that they disabled and for some reason will take 3 months to figure out how to turn back on for the paying customer. Oh way.. they never said they'd turn them back on they said they'd work on our character graphic 'fidelity.'

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Oh nevermind on that Rakghoul Rising screen, they were kind enough to release a special wallpaper that just happens to be of one particular scene I was talking about.





Just keep on digging Bioware or give us these textures!

Edited by Frenor
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Could you please tell me how you know this exactly? I would love to know how you know that for a fact. Do you know someone that's working on the game? Are you a programmer for the game? Please could you let us know?


do you know of any game that switched DRM on the fly, all the ones that have done anything with DRM is to completely disable it. not change to a different type.



do you notice that any single player game crack includes a redo of the Exe, and thats for NON online games. DRM isnt a simple Plugin with duct tape

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Kotaku just about sums up my words for me. Posting screens in high-res of comming updates? STILL? After what 4, 100+ page threads??????





This is what sums it up best:

From Kotaku:

So that's looking good. Almost too good, really. Since players are getting low resolution textures in their normal gameplay, isn't it only fair that BioWare's marketing materials look the same? I'll allow that these shots and the video may have been prepared before the change, but until players get a high resolution option back, I want some uglier screenshots.

Edited by United_Strafes
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Kotaku just about sums up my words for me. Posting screens in high-res of comming updates? STILL? After what 4, 100+ page threads??????





This is what sums it up best:


I'll allow that these shots and the video may have been prepared before the change, but until players get a high resolution option back, I want some uglier screenshots.


made me lol

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And Free to play. It was my first MMORPG....it has More Options than even WoW does with Graphics. That game makes a lot of other games blush with its customization.


Also it was first MMO to indtroduce form of "achievements", way before Blizzard did it. Shame that it was really popular only in US and community wasn't as big, as one fond of WoW.

F2P now? Gotta check out what they've changed.

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Also it was first MMO to indtroduce form of "achievements", way before Blizzard did it. Shame that it was really popular only in US and community wasn't as big, as one fond of WoW.

F2P now? Gotta check out what they've changed.



Its pretty restrictive in the F2P form. You're open to pretty much everything placed in the game short of Issue 22.


But Back on Topic, Bioware needs to give us the option to render in High rez. If our systems blow up, its our own fault. Put a "use at your own risk" tooltip on it and change it to "ultra" or whatever.

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