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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Pretty much every single game runs from "launcher.exe" ....


Well yes, but I have never seen it password protected or contain java code?

For this launcher to do anything it has to actually get a password and decrypt the contents. Otherwise it will do nothing...

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So, I did some digging into the code that runs the game.

The file that gets launched when you click on the icon is called "launcher.exe"


Strangely enough is an encrypted archive zipcrypto to compress the individual files it contains.


If you open the file, which is actually an archive, with something like 7zip you can see the contents but can't open any actual files because it's password protected.


Since I want to look at the files, especially the xml and java code, what's the password?


HAHAH Java. That's too funny. Try C++.


The only thing you'll see if you unencrypt the files in the launcher zip is binary.


The majority of the code is not even in the launcher. To examine the bulk of the code you'll need to decompile the encrypted dll's

Edited by Tolliner
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HAHAH Java. That's too funny. Try C++.


The only thing you'll see if you unencrypt the files in the launcher zip is binary.


The majority of the code is not even in the launcher. To examine the bulk of the code you'll need to decompile the encrypted dll's


Take a look yourself, tell me what you see.

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Open the DLL and read... It forces Min quality if you score poorly.


That is the most noobish, dingle-berry level decision to put into a game that is supposed to have any longevity past 6 months. Stupid stupid stupid. Only novice devs would ever do this, and a good manager would beat them blind for doing it.


What happens when the next generation of hardware hits, and their "detection" system isn't detecting it correctly? How do we know that it currently is anyways? Every dev that does this hits false positive on systems and messes up the game for that system because they decided to do some autodetection (which, has NEVER work 100% for any company dumb enough to do it).


And to do it on an MMO where we cannot rip through files to "fix" autodetection issues? It's just ludicrous. All autodetection systems have ever done, is add another layer of bugs and issues to any game that uses it.


Bioware, REMOVE autodetection and REMOVE and forced settings, let us, the users, set our settings.

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Yep, but let's fix issues with "med = best" first, and then nitpick how bad even high is.


This is something that has been in the back of my mind.


I most certainly don't think that BW's highest textures (the ones barred from use) are bad. They are good and acceptable.


However, I do find it somewhat chuckleable (word?...maybe laughable) that they would try to imply that their max. res. graphics are just so good as to make gameplay come to a halt.


As if they are so detailed and intricate that it's best to hold them back for all our sakes. ("You can't handle our uber graphics" type of thing.) Come on now.


Especially considering that other mmos with better graphics and shadows, coupled with decent performance, are indeed in operation. They can do it, so...it seems to imply a deeper problem somewhere. I still can't wrap my head around why they can't implement the same level of graphical options or the LoD options that other mmos have which let players tweak until a happy medium is reached.


But, I do really enjoy this game. It's simply a thought that boggles around in my subconscious while I continue to play.

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they told us we will not get graphic as good as in the cinematic outside the cinematic.



Why is this thread still alive?


If there's one thing that the RealID debacle on the Blizzard forums taught me is if we are loud enough, they will listen.

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they told us we will not get graphic as good as in the cinematic outside the cinematic.



Why is this thread still alive?


Because in beta, those graphics existed. Because during weekend beta, they told us the missing textures was a bug and we WOULD have them back, and now, they'ev back-peddled and called it an "enhancement", and back peddled again saying they'd give us "more enhancements".


Seriously Bioware, I want the high res textures. Your idea of "enhancement" is... not.

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Once again the game is new, its having some problems they will fix it.


Why should we pay them on a monthly recurring basis to implement the entire high-end visual settings for the game.


This isn't "Oh we didn't have the legacy system finished yet" minor-ish thing to clean up. It's the full visual presentation of the game... a game that was sold with a completely and utterly fabricated set of videos and screenshots "showcasing" its visual presentation.


I don't order a meal in a restaurant based off of a menu picture only for the waiter/waitress to bring all the raw ingredients out to my table and then ask to charge additional funds by the minute while I wait for them to cook it in front of me.


Not only that, but I have yet to see any concrete proof that they will fix it. Maybe you're more trusting than I am. I've seen "we'll investigate it" and I've seen that "they'll improve visual fidelity" but these are weasel words. They could change the texture compression from 50% to 49% and say mission accomplished. Until I see an EAware employee or rep outright say "Our goal is to implement high-resolution (or "cutscene") textures back into the game within X-Y amount of months" I cannot possibly fund these guys, because the truth is they could do anything or nothing at all based on what they've actually said.

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That and the fact that the engine itself is horribly optimized.


I remember when bf3 came out and on my system running everything on ultra really dropped the FPS about 47FPS now after some updates and video card drivers updates it runs super smooth at 60FPS just about all the time.


They will optimize it in time.

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I remember when bf3 came out and on my system running everything on ultra really dropped the FPS about 47FPS now after some updates and video card drivers updates it runs super smooth at 60FPS just about all the time.


They will optimize it in time.


if they had plans to optimize it, they wouldn't tell us that the high rez textures were working as intended.


EDIT: Battlefield 3 is still missing key components after release:


Say "Best experience will be on PC"

do: "don't release game with Native Voice chat *Trollface*"


EA is messing up big time allowing games to ship without the small things put in.


A Cake without Icing is not truly a Cake.

Edited by Mormack
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They cant fix something they claim is not broken lol


BioWare Responds To Hi-Res Graphics Removal In SWTOR

It looks as though SWTOR's "mystery" of the disappearing hi-res graphics has finally been solved, though most people aren't going to like the answer. Apparently the high resolution graphics featured in the beta were removed due to gameplay issues but, from the looks of things, a hi-res fix of sorts might be in the works.




Whats that then?

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hey everyone, thanks for bearing with us as we investigated the concerns raised here.


:insert wall of bs here:


In summary; yes, we had a small ui bug that unfortunately caused confusion over how the game is intended to work. The textures you're seeing in the course of normal gameplay are optimized for that mode of play. The textures you're seeing during cinematics are also optimized for that mode of play. They are higher resolution, but that's because we're able to control cinematic scenes to ensure good performance in a way we can't during normal gameplay.


We understand the passion and desire for people to see the same textures you see in our cinematic scenes in the main game. Because of the performance issues that would cause for the client, that's not an immediate and easy fix; we need to ensure we're making choices that the majority of our players will be able to benefit from. Having 'atlassed textures' helps performance overall, and that's a very important goal for us.


With that said, we've heard your feedback here loud and clear. The development team is exploring options to improve the fidelity of the game, particularly for those of you with high-spec pcs. It will be a significant piece of development work and it won't be an overnight change, but we're listening and we're committed to reacting to your feedback.




you fool, it's a trap!

He's using an old jedi mind trick!

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You are right they wont change it and that is the real reason are made i dont get it can someone explain why they cant just but a option in like all the others. I am just confused would it make the game have a bunch of issues or what??
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Screw it, i'm not going to sit all night with disassembler just to get nothing or help with work that guys were paid to do and screwed up. Money paid - do your work, and hurry up.


Oh... they have enough english to show how you get Forced into min quality...


The state of the assessment is unknown.

The base score for the computer is %.


Note that the hardware configuration of the computer has changed since the assessment was run; the score reflects the prior configuration.

The cpu score for the computer is%.

The memory score for the computer is%.

The disk score for the computer is%.

The d 3d score for the computer is%.


The graphics score for the computer is%.

A formal assessment has not run on the computer.

The assessment data is not valid.


The assessment state value is not valid.


GPU:s score: %d


Using ATI GPU rated min spec.


Using ATI%s GPU rated min spec.


Using Nvidia GPU rated min spec.


Using Nvidia %sGPU rated min spec.


Using INTEL GPU rated min spec.


Using INTEL %sGPU rated min spec.


GPU Penalty %d

currentscore %d


Windows 7 bonus %d

current score %d


Windows Vista bonus %d

current score %d


Windows XP bonus %d

current score %d


forced Min Spec OS penalty%d

current score %d


SSE 1 penalty %d

current score %d


SSE 1 is not supported on thi shardware.

SSE 2 penalty %d

current score %d


SSE2 is not supported on this hardware.

SSE3 penalty %d

current score %d


SSE 3 is not supported on this hardware.

SSE 4 1 penalty %d

current score %d


SSE 4 2 penalty %d

current score %d


Processor speed bonus %d

current score %d


number processors more then 2bonus %d

current score %d


Number processors more than 4bonus %d

current score %d


Dedicated Video Memory greater than 1 Gig bonus %d

current score %d


Dedicated Video Memory greater than 1.5 Gig bonus %d

current score %d


No blit from system to non-local penalty %d.

score %d.


Forced Min Spec because there are less than 2 cpu core restriction.




Forced Min Spec because of low video card memory restriction.

Forced Min Spec because of texture dimension power of two restriction.

Forced Min Spec because of less then 16 max anisotropy.

Forced Min Spec because of less then 2 GigaBytes of system memory.

Forced Min Spec because of less then 1024 vertex shader instructions support.

Forced Min Spec because of less then 1024 pixel shader instructions support.

Forced Min Spec because of less then 4 simultaneous render target support.

Forced Min Spec because of no copy system mem to vid support.

Forced Min Spec because of no copy vid mem to system copy support.

Forced Min Spec because of no dynamic texture support.

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First, thanks to Stephen Reid for staying engaged during this “active” discussion. I spent a lot of time thinking about this yesterday while reading the many (many) posts on all the threads. In my current job I’ve been on the other side of this, so I can sympathize – this is pretty much a no win for him.


I suspect what happened is very late in Beta (probably during the stress test weekends) the team discovered a serious performance issue resulting from the use of high resolution textures. There was no short term fix and they were not going to hold launch. A decision was made to limit the use of high res textures to cinematic scenes in the game – and hope there would be no significant fallout from players before it could be addressed.


Unfortunately for EA / BioWare, they could not simply leave the game with Low and Medium graphics settings in the UI, and omit the reference to a “High” setting until they had a fix for the performance issue. This is a new game, and it would make it very difficult to market and expand subscribers without a “High” option for graphics in the UI. So the decision was made to delete reference to the Medium setting and just call it “High,” position this as a “UI Bug” / “Working as designed” and hope for the best.


EA / BioWare’s other option would have been to be upfront that they had an issue and were limiting the use of high res textures, but they probably felt this would have generated a lot of negative press and impacted their ability to launch and generate sales / subscriptions while some people waited for the fix.


There are a lot of examples in this industry and others, but it’s always best to be as honest with your customers as possible. Assume your customer is smart, and assume they’ll react negatively to marketing spin (what some folks here have called “lies” and “false advertising”). In my opinion a lot of folks are more upset with the explanation we got (this was a “UI bug” and the Low / High options in the game today are “working as intended”) than they are with the actual issue.


In the process of trying to manage the issue, EA / BioWare have lost many of the folks who should be their best advocates for the game – the players. Instead of talking about all the great things in the game with the graphics issue as a footnote, it is now front and center in every discussions with their friends ( EA / BioWare’s potential customers).


Finally, I believe that the videos and screenshots on this website that show normal game play (not cinematic scenes) with the high res textures are the intended look of the game. I don’t believe EA / BioWare executed some elaborate con or bait and switch. This was an issue identified late in development and a decision was made to limit the use of high res graphics until a fix could be implemented.


I look forward to the improved “visual fidelity” that the team has commited to deliver as part of the 1.2 release in Q1’12. I play the game zoomed out most of the time, so this has not been a huge issue for me personally. But I do understand why this is a big deal for many people, and respect their position that this – and EA / BioWare’s handing of the issue – is a “deal breaker.”

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it can do the graphics.


take a look at the rakgoul 1.2 video, it shows IN COMBAT graphics that are cinematic quality.


literally no matter what they say they arent going to fix it, it will require a total rewrite of their DRM routine.


but honestly im not zoomed way close on characters when playing anyway. so i probably would not notice it anyway.


but as far as the textures themselves, i feel their DRM routine sends unlock routines for the higher rez, because their DRM cant handle the load ( those requests they were talking about) it forces the med rez. in order for it to work with more players that were in Beta, they would have to rewrite the DRM, which is Very Costly and they license it anyway ) or do a diffrent DRM wich would require a rewrite of the game.


but its not going to be in 1.2, by that time people will focus their attention to something else. and they can sweet it under the rug. the attention span of the common player is really short. heck STO got away with it for 2 years and MORE

Edited by CKNairb
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Mr. Reid hasn't said one word today on either Twitter or here. He's checked out but probably because his superiors told him so. The simple fact that they are FORCING this stuff on us is low (especially since the Remote Render.dll seems to detect the original configuration...even if its on a different computer completely than the one you are on at the time...That's just silly)
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