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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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What I don't understand is that if the issue is just performance then they should still include the option. Some systems will run it fine, some won't.


Now if it is the problem they had back in beta when the high res textures were still enabled (and they were, up until the middle of last year) where it would constantly crash the game and cause the client files to get corrupted that is another story. But that is not what they are claiming in their incredibly dodgy statement about it...


They certainly should not be using these high res textures in their trailers and previews though, I don't understand how that isn't false advertising. If you look at the new Rakghoul trailer that clearly has the high res textures and shadows in it....

Edited by Lightmgl
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What I don't understand is that if the issue is just performance then they should still include the option. Some systems will run it fine, some won't.


Now if it is the problem they had back in beta when the high res textures were still enabled (and they were, up until the middle of last year) where it would constantly crash the game and cause the client files to get corrupted that is another story. But that is not what they are claiming in their incredibly dodgy statement about it...


They certainly should not be using these high res textures in their trailers and previews though, I don't understand how that isn't false advertising. If you look at the new Rakghoul trailer that clearly has the high res textures and shadows in it....


Then they need to fix that issue, not take our textures away from us and say that they were never intended to be in the game. I can't stand watching Cutscenes now knowing that my game will not look like that.

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Cancel your sub in protest. But before you do please ask yourself this basic question:


Are you paying for textures or a game?


Big difference.


I sure as hell aint paying money to be lied to and misled I'll tell you that.


Promo pictures and videos to this very day using a graphics option Im first told not is open to me due to a UI bug and yesterday told its just the way the game is.

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You know the only reason they were able to trick us with the marketing material is because nowadays such graphic are not unheard of.


Ten years ago everyone would have assumed that the screenshots were from cinematics and it was ok

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Because false advertising (before the audience realizes it's false) attracts more positive attention than displaying the game with the dogbarf textures it actually has.


Oh you meant the textures that are BETTER than WoW?


What does that tell you that people buy? I'm not paying for textures, I'm paying to play a game and pretty good looking one IMHO on the whole.

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Beginning to wonder if some people have their texture filtering set to 'Ugly'(or performance) when they take screenshots showing off the textures... Even their cutscenes/player picker look significantly worse than mine do...


Talk is cheap... Tons of these posts... 0 screenshots to back it up

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Oh you meant the textures that are BETTER than WoW?


What does that tell you that people buy? I'm not paying for textures, I'm paying to play a game and pretty good looking one IMHO on the whole.


Wow's textures are far better now than what's in game for TOR right now.

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You know the only reason they were able to trick us with the marketing material is because nowadays such graphic are not unheard of.


Ten years ago everyone would have assumed that the screenshots were from cinematics and it was ok



The point is that's 10 years ago, and if you pick up Final Fantasy XI right now, it has better textures and graphics in most cases.

It's a disgrace selling the game like this in my opinion.


Star Trek Online is now going Free to Play and that games has far better graphics I find. Hell, I even had to get my current graphics card just to play that game at a res of 2560x1440 maxed with AA.


While this game looks worse than the vas majority of MMO's from a texture stand point alone.

Never mind that the engine is a terrible RAM hog considering it's performance.


The choice of the Hero Engine was a grave mistake. I myself was hoping they'd use the engine used for Mass Effect 2 at least.


Given how well they've use that engine in the past and how well it can perform with far great "Visial Fidelity".

Edited by AlValentyn
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Got links??



Love to see this snow ball and hit them in the face!!


Im very mad















This was from a 10 second search on google ignoring all the websites with the words starwars somewhere in the name. Also ignoring all forum boards talking about it. There are loads more reporting this issue.



And people said it was just rededit

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Why does this:




(which btw is going F2P next week) that had an 18 month development after the previous developers before Cryptic spent all the development money for it on another game have crisper textures and better shadows than Star Wars: The Old Republic which saw years of Development under the massive budget of EA Games?

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Contrary to what Mr. Reid is trying to feed us (or his development team), SWTOR does use remote rendering. Although, I'll give them that, it's "locally remote".


In a couple of words, the second SWTOR process is most likely rendering then pipelining the result to the first process (or the other way around, but it makes no difference).


With that said you might wonder how I came to this conclusion. The answer is simple. If you have a SWTOR crash dump (if you do it'll be in ...\AppData\Local\SWTOR\CrashDump\swtor\CRASH.dmp


Now, if you have notepad++ (or a real text editor), open that file then do a search of: RemoteRenderingClient.pdb In the sole crash dump file I have I found it once. Here's what it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/TEl4G.png


pdb extension refers to a debug file, although it's not on the hard drive, the debug information for that file is most likely somewhere in the crash.dmp.


Now, the normal conclusion is that both processes have to talk to each others. It is unknown what information is passed between those two processes but we can guess textures have to be swapped from one to the other. Given that most mid/low-end systems have limited memory bandwidth compared to their better high-end rigs, I would imagine this is the kind of problem the team encountered.


Let me be clear here. There is NO remote rendering server swapping textures while you're playing SWTOR via the internet pipe. It's done locally. BUT, this also has very problematic implications. The way I see it, textures have to be available to both processes and in the very limited knowledge I have of the Zero Engine, this might mean double the texture memory. Which, if true, does not bode well at all.


It remains to be seen if this is the true culprit, but my guess is, it is. I've been wrong before though.


I'm currently trying to unearth some more info, but I'm walking on a fine line here. I do like the game and I wouldn't want to lose my access to it.


If I find anything noteworthy I'll repost in here.

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Wow's textures are far better now than what's in game for TOR right now.


Did you just seriously say that with a straight face? Blizz gets reamed at every Blizzcon for not updating their character textures in 8 years! You know what their response was? Customer feedback said people didn't like how they looked. LOL!

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Can't say I purchased this game based on the screenshots/videos or the textures therein, nor did I care... There are so many games that look better in ads(or cutscenes) than they do in reality(Like say, Deus Ex)...


Is texture resolution really the "hill you want to die on"?

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I'm paying for a package deal...which part of it I am not giving and they refuse to give to me.


go ahead, its just 15 a month, i feel im getting my moneys worth, short of lego blocks coming out of the armpits of my toon, im not gonna overlook all the otehr 90% of awsomesauce the game is because of a few grainy pixels


if you are that picky , then by all means , save 15 bucks a month, its one more micky D meal you can buy i guess , ill be here trashing republic scum with the rest of the not so picky people till you decide to grow out of the micropixel phase and come join the fun again (dont tell me your not having fun with the game othetrwise you couldnt be bothered to post)


srsly you guys are getting soooooo worked up over a MINOR issue..


HINT: Dont play the game in 2k resolutions and you wont notice the lower rez textures that much , you dont need 3 miles of screen real estate are you so spoiled that you cant play on a lower rez for one month or two till 1.2?

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Did you just seriously say that with a straight face? Blizz gets reamed at every Blizzcon for not updating their character textures in 8 years! You know what their response was? Customer feedback said people didn't like how they looked. LOL!


Oh you meant the textures that are BETTER than WoW?


What does that tell you that people buy? I'm not paying for textures, I'm paying to play a game and pretty good looking one IMHO on the whole.


lol you're kidding right?


Yes their textures for older character models need to be updated but lets look at the new character models and the Gear textures...They are much more crisp, much more detailed...I'll take a Pandaren Monk over the muddy textures we currently have any day.

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Star Trek Online is now going Free to Play and that games has far better graphics I find. Hell, I even had to get my current graphics card just to play that game at a res of 2560x1440 maxed with AA.




lol i find this very amusingly ironic


so can i infer from your statement that graphics ..gasp....DO NOT MAKE THE GAME ? given that the game has, by your own standards amazing graphics, but lacks somewhere else otherwise it wouldnt be going F2P correct? what a concept , i know...yet you people act like its the only thing your 15bucks a month are paying for...spoiled children these days...

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Sorry had to do this because boware wont let me link to some of those game sites, screenshots instead




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