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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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They aren't deleted :rolleyes:


Correct - they make us start a new thread after about a thousand posts so that it doesn't seem like such a huge issue. The old threads are locked and buried under the site traffic in a matter of minutes.

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the textures might be nice..but the rest of the environments textures look like crap or are a low polygon base, not to mention the lighting. I have a beast computer with GTX 580 oced and on empire fleet i still get fps drops, imagine if they were actually HD textures..my game would be at 5 fps.


thats a engine or software issue for you then because my computer runs a 2500k + gtx550ti and even in fleet it doesnt drop below 50. it typically average bounces between 80 and 110.

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Ok following that line of thinking which I accept, there is not 1 review stating:


1) Graphics are bugged which Bioware is working on.


2) Graphics are low resolution for in game play with cut scenes being high resolution


Both of which are pretty dang important when writing an "official review".





Reviewers get to use high rez textures?

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This is a screen with all my AMD Catalyst options turned to 100% quality. I alreaddy completed edited the .ini file. Also I am overclocked, naturally at this point.




If all my settings and options were not configured properly that thing sticking out of his chest would look like a horribad swirl of sloppy messyness.

Edited by Aisar
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This is a screen with all my AMD Catalyst options turned to 100% performance. I alreaddy completed edited the .ini file. Also I am overclocked, naturally at this point.




I was able to force my environment to look a little better, but my specific armor is the only armor i've found that doesn't look like absolute trash.

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Max Graphics Settings with edited .ini file for forced extreme Medium Graphics Textures




High Resolution "Cutscene" Textures





The actual normal gameplay screen is about normal distance during play. I just took the normal gameplay screenshot about 60 seconds ago.


Hmm check this second screen.. this is same game ? Shadows there looks so ... soft :p

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Opionons, I do not feel wronged. Others do.

Calling me delusional because of my opinion is silly.


Mike, I honestly wasnt trying to call you delusional. What I believe is delusional is only the idea that you have no choice or that you are powerless to effect change in these kinds of situations.


Believing you are powerless, and continuing to lower your expectation of a product typically causes the products manufacturer, or service provider in this case, to lower their standards. Thus fulfilling the first prophecy of "It'll never change, it sucks and I dont like it but they're gonna do what they will regardless of my choice". Which in turn results in an even worse situation for you the consumer. It just spirals down from there.

Edited by Redorbz
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the textures might be nice..but the rest of the environments textures look like crap or are a low polygon base, not to mention the lighting. I have a beast computer with GTX 580 oced and on empire fleet i still get fps drops, imagine if they were actually HD textures..my game would be at 5 fps.


Yeah, but these graphics aren't anything to cheer over, even on high. BF3 renders 64 players, and a hell of a lot more action, with way high resolution textures... and gets steady FPS, as well as 100% GPU usage, well 99% -- I know they're different engines, but that's my point -- This engine is flawed heavily, doesn't use the full power of your GPU, and has many coding issues that have brought the optimization of this game to nil.


Overall, the games great, but the graphical issues and performance issues are a major plague -- Granted, most mmo's have glaring issues when the first come out.


P.S. What happened to games being released with very little bugs? What happened to integrity?

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I see your point clearly. And thanks for the response but dont you agree everyone should expect higher fps from a game that have graphics worse than WoW ?


Where did I say or attempt to give the impression that I didn't? I'm just stating why I think the official response we got is well.. I think it's rather absurd, and moderately insulting to anybody with even a small amount of graphics and programming experience.


Now.. I'm not stating that I don't believe that there may be a bug in their rendering engine that has issues when textures reach/exceed a certain resolution.. That may very well be the case.


In short.. Yes, FPS should be better (I'm getting about 100ish on average right now though), and the root of the reason for the FPS issue is NOT the textures; however their rendering engine may be in a state where higher resolution textures might cause issues on lower end machines, not because of the machine per say, but because of issues with the engine that simply wouldn't be noticable on higher end machines unless you were specifically looking for it.


That better?

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Correct - they make us start a new thread after about a thousand posts so that it doesn't seem like such a huge issue. The old threads are locked and buried under the site traffic in a matter of minutes.


they are all linked at the front of the topic saying how many pages long though so.. moot.


this is working as intended?




this is with beyond maximum settings, edited ini, edited nvidia panel as well, the shadows in this game are just bad. Legos look sexier.

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Bioware/EA are u insulting us?


Why do u say that HQ res cannot be used by us blablabla and then u say that hq res can be used only in the cinematic scenes,

when u are USING THE HQ TEXTURE in a non cinematic moment!!!!


The proof, taken directly from the promotional video: Rise of Rakghouls:




Thats a cinematic so that has high res. textures.


Is reading really that difficult for you ?

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Due to the fact that I feel like I am paying to play a Beta, I will be letting my sub slide, and I will come back in about 3-6 months.


The graphics are utter crap while playing, gorgeous and detailed in cutscenes, performance is horrible in battlegrounds even on my quad SLI GTX 590 monster, ability lag in PVP is game breaking, gameplay is repetitive like hell, there are a million interface/animation/game mechanic bugs that should not have made it past beta, etc.


I still can't believe that the game basically grinds to a halt every time I have more than 10 people around me, or a lot of stuff going on, and that the interface lag gets so bad sometimes that it takes 2-8 seconds for my instant cast abilities to trigger.


Oh, and then there is the small issue of completely broken PVP balance.


Sages and Sorcerers always get top damage AND healing, and they are basically the jack AND master of all trades.


They have stuns, they have CC, they have that shield, they have self heals, they have knock backs, they have a million DOTs and HUGE burst damage.

Also, there is the small problem that whoever designed the PVP side of this game didn't have the common sense to limit the amount of the same class that can enter the warzone.

When you have 9 sorcs and 1 BH on a team, and nothing else, SOMETHING is wrong with the game you're playing.


When you get 500 FPS in a game like Eve Online, with 800 player ships around you, and 40-60 in this game with 20 players around you, you know something is seriously wrong.

It would not bother me so much if I didn't play all my games with Stereoscopic 3-D enabled. To have stereoscopic 3-D and not get headaches and nausea, the games you play have to have at least a steady 120 FPS.


I get over 250 FPS in any other game I play, including Battlefield 3 and other very recent games.


I will be coming back when this game is out of beta, meanwhile, I won't be paying for a beta test just because EA wanted to get SWTOR out in time for Christmas.


See you when I see you...

Edited by Edwardion
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This is stupid....... Just enable them... If peoples PCs cannot handle them they will turn the textures down and deal with it


This x 100000000. Thank you. Just enable the freaking things and let the people decide if they want to deal with any problems associated with it, instead of just assuming everyone won't like it.

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Your textures are still really blurry on your armor.


Yep, these are only ones available at the moment. But some of the shots people are posting as comparisons are not an accurate representation of the game's current quality.

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