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Patch 1.1 - Rise of the Rakghouls Trailer


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I was pretty disappointed no rakghouls were in the current game.


Just the other day I was thinking, "I wish there was a planet with lots of rakghoul quests. Nothing but. And then when I finish, maybe they'd have a bonus series with more rakghouls."




i lol'd and then I lol'd some more.

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Lolz @ the people who didn't play KOTOR and are hating on this.


It is rather sad when people go on about things like this...especially when it's been around for quite some time.


Rather like the Pandas of WoW, come to think of it.

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Painfully obvious thread shows who knows lore for what it is, and those who have no clue as to what Rakghouls are or how they fit into game, instead refer to them as "zombies".


Educate yourselves. Please. You will be better off for it.






Painfully obvious that Rakghouls ARE zombies and BW just manufactured some lore around them so that LA wouldn't crush them.


A zombie by any other name is still a zombie.


And yeah, playing the zombie card this early on is pretty weak. They could have at least saved it until an October update.

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Actually looks pretty cool and the possibility is eluded to as early as Taris for Republic players at least. From the looks it should be a good "social" flashpoint again and could have some cool moments. More interesting FPs are not a bad thing.
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I think because of the quest lines on Taris.


Seriously, there is one side quest that you have to "Kill 20 Rakghouls" then once you finish you like "ah now it will update to something better" then BAM next quest update "Kill 40 Rakghouls" I mean jeezus can we be more unoriginal??


Now its an entire FP and soon to be expansion...1 word...ugh


Well, a flashpoint is better than the landscape of pure boredom filled with Rakghouls that is Taris. At least we'll have some bossfights and phat lewt I presume.

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The Rakghoul are Sith Alchemy created monsters. They are created from living beings who are corrupted into mindless drones. They are not zombies.


Just thought I would point out how he inadvertantly said they were exactly like zombies. He did leave out the brain eating part though..

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Just thought I would point out how he inadvertantly said they were exactly like zombies. He did leave out the brain eating part though..


The Taris quests flesh this out a little bit more though. They seem to have a conciousness and actually guard their own dead. In that wya, they are more than just zombies. I'd actually compare them to elephants to be hoest.

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Freaking. Hate. Rakghouls


After the hassle they gave me in Kotor, i thought oh Taris is gone now, never have to see them again


In This i visit Taris, and of course Rakghouls Everywhere. I was fine with this, they werent difficult and i was enjoying venting on them, practically making them extinct in the process. Started the Taris Bonus Series. Force Using, Intelligent Rakghouls. Nope Screw that, Im leaving, Never going back to taris, never have to see rakghouls again.


And Now This



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Rakghouls/zombies/necromorphs are so stupidly overused, how about some creativity for a change?


Because right now, for whatever reason zombies are "the thing" so, like many companies they are cashing in on it.


Soon it will switch to something else; gotta give pop culture time to shift.

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I will try to forget it is swtor & try to think of is as left 4 dead or something while playing it, but I will enjoy it.



(( facetiousness ON ))



And for the record, Mr. Brooks has already explained that "zombies" are really just victims of the Solanum virus. A natural virus, unlike this Sith made one.



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Rakghouls were okay in KOTOR as a minor enemy, but in this game Bioware took the original concept and completely ruined it. They arent creepy...intimidating or surprising anymore...they are just big ugly brutes now...its so dumb.


That's a sad outlook considering the video seemed to portray them as creepy, intimidating, and I am sure surprising the hell out of that first guy!

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