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My server pvp is already dead :/


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My server Republics have really gave up already. Nobody try to do objectives. you might win every 10 game or with luck you might have only 4 lost in row.

Huttball games ends in first 5min if siths don't start farm for medals.

My last Alderaan civil war was that we took east side and started chatting and we did not even try to win :(


It really feels that problem is class unbalance since empire have always in my server 3-5 Inq and 2-3 operative. And our republic side I maybe see in every 2nd game 1 sage and our scoundlers are usually just healers or to low lvls...


I really don't know what to do anymore, since it feels that there is no solution for this problem

Nobody from my guild want to pvp anymore (and we have nearly 120 members) always around 30 online. :(

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Similar experience, this game turned out exactly as I predicted.


Republic have the community, but don't know how to play for sh*t.


On my server it's just so bad, most Empire players have full pvp outfits because they win so much, leading them to instagib everyone anyway. I can bearly get my daily done, and that just needs THREE wins. :/ I leave any huttball matches asap as it's a guarenteed loss.


Might just abandon republic tbh.

Edited by Alundo
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In short, change servers. On our server the republic is dominating PVP - OK there might only be a handful of them, but they are all valor 60+ by now since they win every game. Even the server's best Empire guild can't handle them. Edited by Scalare
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You just stated all of your problems exactly...and it has noting to do with class imbalance. You have 120 people in your guild but you are still incapable of fielding balanced premade groups AND none of you coordinate to work towards objectives in order to win a match.


So you come here to complain that you can't win because you don't try....amazing.....

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In short, change servers. On our server the republic is dominating PVP - OK there might only be a handful of them, but they are all valor 60+ by now since they win every game. Even the server's best Empire guild can't handle them.


Which server is that?


I assume its different on other servers (although it seems quite common), but on mine Empire win... 95% of the time. Its kind of fun on my Empire characters (not sure my operative has lost in the last twenty or so match ups, I guess a couple of games of Huttball where it is 6 vs 8 for half the game) but any PVP for my Republic characters is essentially a dead loss.

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I leave any huttball matches asap as it's a guarenteed loss.


Might just abandon republic tbh.


And this is why.....


really dude, you can NOT abandon matches and THEN whine you never win! Especially not Huttball since that is the only warzone where you have a chance that there are imperials on your side !people leaving warzones is the fastest way to break them. Either sit em out, or don't que up.

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And this is why.....


really dude, you can NOT abandon matches and THEN whine you never win! Especially not Huttball since that is the only warzone where you have a chance that there are imperials on your side !people leaving warzones is the fastest way to break them. Either sit em out, or don't que up.


I'm not wasting 10 mins for a loss. We lose 99.999999999% of the time dude.

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And this is why.....


really dude, you can NOT abandon matches and THEN whine you never win! Especially not Huttball since that is the only warzone where you have a chance that there are imperials on your side !people leaving warzones is the fastest way to break them. Either sit em out, or don't que up.


I don't condone or admonish it, but I can understand why people do this when more often than not you can tell how the match is going to go based on the opposition. The 50 bracket will help this a lot, but in that you're still going to have people that just stand around, especially against premades they don't feel they have a chance against. It's just the welfare epic farming culture.

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having played the underpop side in mmos for a while, a few strategies to help:

1, Never pug. Just dont do it. get a group together of guildmates, friends, random people who are certain roles, etc.

2, pick and choose your battles. This only really works for open world stuff, but it's helpful to keep morale up. You don't have to fight them if its 20 vs 5.

3, remember that they are the cowards for rolling the dominate side. If any of them attempt to give you crap just remind them that you have all the power in who get's fights.

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having played the underpop side in mmos for a while, a few strategies to help:

1, Never pug. Just dont do it. get a group together of guildmates, friends, random people who are certain roles, etc.

2, pick and choose your battles. This only really works for open world stuff, but it's helpful to keep morale up. You don't have to fight them if its 20 vs 5.

3, remember that they are the cowards for rolling the dominate side. If any of them attempt to give you crap just remind them that you have all the power in who get's fights.


Nice tip but, problem is that none my friends or guild members want to pvp anymore :/

I even 1 time tried to get random people premade-> was one of my worst games

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at start old republic was amazing game until i started to play BGs... this game will end in few months if Bioware let this mess to continue...


whats funny in losing all BGs? playin against geared lvl 50 on low lvl? i get hit by 3k dmg and i need about 10 second heal it... BGs here are like IK IK IK IK IK... free rewards for siths... stupid PVP, coz bioware programmers was lazy to make instance BG system

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As frustration continues to mount over some of the glaring differences in the supposedly "Mirror" classes that favor Empire over Republic this sort of thing is only going to get worse. People are going to abandon the Republic faction out of frustration which will in turn only make Republic less and less interesting to play. Or they will simply quit and wait for Guild Wars 2 where there is no faction to worry about.


(Thread about the "broken" mirror) http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=101553


In SWG, this problem was easy to fix within a server's population because you could simply change factions anytime you wanted to. COV incorporated this and it has resulted in the same thing. However in this game people don't want to re-grind to 50. And I don't blame them.

Edited by Torleen
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On Helm of Grausch, there's rarely a match against the republic, but when there is one, we lose the majority of time against them (almost always the same players). But against other imps, it's 50/50 unless it's a couple of premades rolling all night then matches become very short (I roll in premade too).


the more populated the faction is, the worse it gets, republic seem to have enough players to know each other and do well together in pvp.


Yes we need to restrict only being able to play one faction per server, I have only imps on my main server and republic on another server (republic fleet is a ghost town).

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I'm not wasting 10 mins for a loss. We lose 99.999999999% of the time dude.


Most of that is because you guys always quit. I see people quit matches early. One thing all quitters share is they are losers. They will never contribute to consistent winning because giving up makes for a bad player


If you run to on tower and give up you are just bad. You lose because you don't play not the other way around.


You actually have to play and be persistent. The other day I lost b2b Alderans 5-0 and 10-0. In one we blew a big lead and in the other we mounted a massive comeback to almost win.


No chance either side of that happens for you, ever


It is one thing if you are down 5-0 in huttball and the other side is being cheesy but quitting in the middle of a fight that is still up for grabs... Just don't queue up because you ruin it for others

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persist game? what game? one sith 50 kills me in 3 second, i kill him wtih my sage in 30 if he doesnt move, defend and heal


my big "eternal casted" heals are twice times lesser than 1 dmg i get instant.. acutally in wow i was geting 3 k hits when i was 30-40 k hp and not 11 k. lesser heal does 6 % of HP...


lvl 50 against 10-49 is a one-sided mess


damn, its 50 vs 10, 10 ! i have no talents, no spells, no armor, no endurance, no expertise ... you really thinks Wow would be played so many years if lvl 60 can be in one BG instance with lvl 11?



Most of that is because you guys always quit. I see people quit matches early. One thing all quitters share is they are losers. They will never contribute to consistent winning because giving up makes for a bad player


If you run to on tower and give up you are just bad. You lose because you don't play not the other way around.


You actually have to play and be persistent. The other day I lost b2b Alderans 5-0 and 10-0. In one we blew a big lead and in the other we mounted a massive comeback to almost win.


No chance either side of that happens for you, ever


It is one thing if you are down 5-0 in huttball and the other side is being cheesy but quitting in the middle of a fight that is still up for grabs... Just don't queue up because you ruin it for others

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Yeah ... no penalty for leaving wz means even okish balanced warzones get messed up. Ppl see the army of lvl 50 players on enemy side and the lvl 15 players on rep side they leave.


That means not only is the balance messed up with more lvl 50 players in emp side, but thx to leavers it's often 6vs8;

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I'm roughly 50/50 when I queue solo. When we run guild groups, which is every night, it's more like 90/10 in our favor, perhaps 95/5. Not sure what the problem is. These threads are kind of hard to believe when Bioware says their metrics show it's a 47/53 split.


Streaks are very common when I solo though. I attribute that to the requeue function putting me back largely with the same team. If these people lost the last three of course I expect them to lose this one too. When that starts happening I take a 5 minute break and then queue.

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