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October, Novemeber & December - Do something else today.


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OMG, the raging is HYSTERICAL. "I Didn't get in and I'm the most important person in the world and how dare they say that my support request as to why I didn't get in is not important blah blah blah QQ and this is the most mishandled launch in the my 36 years of MMO gaming history".


Sad part is, School is still in, so the QQ is mostly from supposed adults.


College is out for Christmas break.

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Friend who preordered two weeks ago got in yesterday when I preordered months ahead of him so I dont know, something tells me they're doing random picks too which seems unfair but whatever.


It's always someone's friend, and there's never any evidence. Something tells me that several failtrolls think we're stupid enough to believe their lies :D

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I'm going to be going to take my last final exam, and then going to work. You know, like a real adult. Not a man child.


I actually finished my final exam of the semester yesterday. So I am actually stuck with Hello Kitty Online for now. Well either that or go out and see the real world... *shudders*

Edited by Derity
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U notice its always my freind this, my freind that..never me...I think they just get off on trolling period..and the ones who keep insisting they should have their preorder and they only just ordered cant read. Gets more popcorn to read the entertainment now.
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It's always someone's friend, and there's never any evidence. Something tells me that several failtrolls think we're stupid enough to believe their lies :D


Um, I saw it but even if I said I got in preordered it two weeks ago, you'd say I had no proof and was lieing, yeah, I'm totally the one trolling

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Nothing I have done on these forums is trolling. As a customer I have rights to demand reasonable service. Demands which fall on deaf ears. But, I'm persistant I won't stop.


Do your 'demands' include whining about not getting in EGA on the first day because you didn't pre order as early as other people?


Thought so.

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i go to this thing called work for about 9 hours a day.


12/3/2011 pre-order. a saturday/sunday invite would be ideal for me, since ill actually have time to play then.


all these ppl QQing about not getting in need to get a job.


^ This

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am on annual leave currently so sucking in some more skyrim. In order to saturate my need for swtor, i decided to create a mage character and focus on spark. That way i can run round pretending im playing swtor..


Sure has it's drawbacks..but at its keeping me sane...i could turn into this guy...although i suspect alot of folk on this forum have already...



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