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DAoC style? A game you own...


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Actually, as someone who played an the underdog realm (also Mid...that must have been common across servers) even with pitiful numbers we could provide a semblance of balance to RvR. Being the low pop realm, we had to capitalize on any advantage we could. That mean every single siege we could find got ***-jamed the moment it broke out into a general melee. We were spoilers and proud of that fact!




In fact the Midgard's did a great job playing that role. The numbers of the "underdog" realm didn't have to be that big, as they could hit the other realms at the right spot at the right time and be effective.


Some great politics in DAoC surrounding this.

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I was driving around Alderaan on my speeder and was thinking...



Wow if they just clear out some of these mobs, makes the bases capturable and give a reason to do it, this would be a really cool area to PvP in.


It was massive and epic, but with being able to claim the speeder locations and respawn area's it coudl make for some great pvp.

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Completely untrue. Only so many skills pertain to a given hull class. Getting Large Auto Cannon Specialization V does absolutely nothing if you are flying a Frigate. I don't care how many skill points you have, the hardest 'curve' in Eve has nothing to do with training skills and everything to do with experience flying your ship. That 2 million SP character can tear apart a 50 million SP character if he knows what he is doing. Experience (both in terms of flying AND fitting) >> SP total.

Yea and for realising that a nice friendly advidsing guild "supervisor" is needed :D (ended up with a guy with worst sec-status possible, learnt me tons about succesful trashing ships)

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I don't think anyone mentioned they wanted class imbalances, buff bots, or the expansion that killed DAoC.


I would gather, they are talking about the PvP aspect, with realm vs. realm, base capturing, et al., as opposed to another game focused on instanced flag capturing/node guarding...


You know, take what was there in DAoC, expand on it, and make it better.


But that may be me going out on a limb.




Ahhh, back from work.


Don't get me wrong, I loved every second of DAOC, but I'm just pointing out if you trolled the Cata-forums, back in the day, and looked at the seething hate and discontent thrown at the poor class reps on a daily basis, you'd see a startling similarity to the hate and discontent you see here.


I'm just pointing out that as good as it was, DAOC had it's share of issues. Nostalgia only chooses the good and X's out the bad. Also, I thought of another while I was driving through the icy roads today...



Left Axe Nurf!




Why you ruin my life? :)

Edited by Chiefwakka
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