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I don't understand...


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Because then they'd have to do math, and they're all out of abacuses.


LOL, but they've already done the math. They've already stated vague information like, "a much larger timeframe".


They should just POST the math... I think it's rather disrespectful to all of us waiting in the wings to not post this information.

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People are crying cause they're not giving the info, so they don't know when they will be in.


People would cry if they DID give the info, and something happened, and they weren't able to log in when they were told.


Either way, people are going to cry.

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Why can't they just say what days the waves span?


Preferably add; what waves are planned for what days...


Why is that so much to ask for?


That would be great :( I'd take a rough estimate with "SUBJECT TO CHANGE!" in huge red letters above it, over not having a clue...

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People are crying cause they're not giving the info, so they don't know when they will be in.


People would cry if they DID give the info, and something happened, and they weren't able to log in when they were told.


Either way, people are going to cry.


Not true. They could give the info and not be late. Then nobody would cry.

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LOL, but they've already done the math. They've already stated vague information like, "a much larger timeframe".


They should just POST the math... I think it's rather disrespectful to all of us waiting in the wings to not post this information.


I wouldnt call a 4 days of pre order's in the first wave much larger lol my friend PR'd july 27th and was in yesterday i hear people that PR'd the 3rd of august are in but not people that did the 8th

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That would be great :( I'd take a rough estimate with "SUBJECT TO CHANGE!" in huge red letters above it, over not having a clue...


Most people are saying this. However, most people would STILL complain, even if they had that "SUBJECT TO CHANGE!" on the email.


People KNEW there was going to be staggered access to early access, yet they are STILL complaining that there is staggered access! You think they'd be quiet if the date they were "promised" didn't come through?

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I think yesterday they had a bonus wave. Not having a set time frame allows for them to make adjustments on the fly, maybe things are good and they can add a bonus wave. Or maybe they are having issues and need to hault things, they gotta stay flexible.


These things are not mutually exclusive at all.


If you say, "Here's the waves, here's the dates they span" then we'd know an order.


We'd know they plan to do up to Aug 30th today (or whatever). We'd know who is getting in on what wave and we'd know if there's a delay it would be up to Aug 20th and if there was a bonus wave they'd be up to Sept 10th...


Obviously just throwing out some random dates here but...

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People are crying cause they're not giving the info, so they don't know when they will be in.


People would cry if they DID give the info, and something happened, and they weren't able to log in when they were told.


Either way, people are going to cry.


You're right, but it's because this EGA system is asinine in the first place.

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Why can't they just say what days the waves span?


Preferably add; what waves are planned for what days...


Why is that so much to ask for?


because that would defeat the entire purpose, of changing the waves and the times and how big the waves are and when they go depending on changing conditions on the servers.

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Most people are saying this. However, most people would STILL complain, even if they had that "SUBJECT TO CHANGE!" on the email.


People KNEW there was going to be staggered access to early access, yet they are STILL complaining that there is staggered access! You think they'd be quiet if the date they were "promised" didn't come through?


I don't think anyone would have more of a problem with this than they would not knowing at all... we could all at least stop spamming the new mail button on our inboxes and hanging out posting rage posts :p

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They said on twitter people will be mad if the dates they post are wrong so they are not going to post dates.


So instead they opt to leave EVERYONE mad all at the same time...


Why can they not see it's at least an improvement over what they are doing now?


Why are they so unwilling to take steps in the right direction and instead opt to keep EVERYONE aggravated and in the dark?

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