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This que is horrible


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cant see the problem everyone was told how EGA would work we all knew we would get up to 5 days early access and it would be based off when you pre-order.


best advice i can give is chill, check launcher when they send invite and be glad of a super smooth launch that going on and not server outages and all the rest of the problems that come with an mmo launch.

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Hey folks , it's pretty simple :)


The game many of us waited for quite some time , or saw recently and went nuts ( weekend testers ) is soon reaching FULL RELEASE POWER.

That said majority of us , players , will enjoy the brand new game from the good game developer ( i'm not a fanboy , but i really do respect the work Bioware has done so far ).


A bit more work on customer support ( spent 80 euros for a call from Serbia , yep ) and it will be cool.


Happy hunting all ,


See you in game !



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That is exactly what we are looking at. 4 waves, in 4 hours, and now 20 hours until they start again. Basically what they have done, is without using a fancy UI count-down-clock, have popped the message that servers are not full, but not accepting anyone else at this time, your queue to retry is set to 20 hours. See you tomorrow.



20 hours to evaluate if they let too many people in and stressed their servers? Late night fo the 19th the game shuts down for a few hours to end 'Soft Opening' and begin the 'Grand Opening'...having to wait 20 hours after letting in 4 waves of an est. 100k per wave isn't boding well for the future of day 1 launch. If 90% of the people pre-ordered and they are staggering when we get in as to not stress the servers. Then on the 20th we can all expect the typical MMO launch of queue times, full servers and lag. Because 100% of the people will be logging in at once. All 100% of the game's players (the 90% in EGA, and the 10% who didn't pre-order or get into EGA) will be logging in on the 20th.


This tests nothing for you BioWare, it tells you that starting slow and steady leads to no problems...but in the end, you dont' have that luxury on launch day. its everyone at once day, can you handle it? Because this staggered inviting isn't testing your abilities to handle the 20th's rush. Have you tested for that, have you accounted for it? If you have, and you know your going to be fine. then why Stagger EGA over such a large period of time. 4 waves in 4 hours then 20 hours of down time.


We all know we weren't going to get in first if we didn't get in line first, that isn't the issue. We all knew the staggering could mean up to only 1 day of EGA. However, what we did not know and would have changed a LOT of the player's decision making would be the fact that the invites taking place in the staggered launch would only exist for 4 hours a day with a 20 hour long wait until the next chance to get in. The fact that its not a 24 hour process (even if it means its 4 waves over the course of a whole day) makes it look rather half-hearted on your part. If it took you 24 hours for 4 waves, it looks like your doing something. 4 waves in 4 hours then 20 hours of downtime looks like your trying your hardest to not have to work hard at this junction.

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I am sorry to say this but I have been a loyal Bioware customer through all of Bioware's games beginning with Neverwinter Nights, Kotor 1&2 etc...and this waiting to see if we are gonna get an early access invite is complete and total BS.....I bought and paid fully for the digital deluxe edition and people who only put $5 down are getting in ahead of me and I am truly disgusted. I am about to cancel my pre-order as I know LOTS of my friends have already done. Bioware this is a disgrace to all of your loyal customers. This is not a troll, just a statement of how truly disappointed I am in what used to be my favorite game company! Having to sit here and check my email every hour is NOT what such a great gaming company should have their fans doing. Thanks for killing the faith I've had in what I thought was the one last great gaming company out there! I twould be nice to just be given an idea of roughly when to expect the invite, not just wait for the email! I really dont think thats too much to ask, You know how many pre-orders you have redeemed. I mean I dont think its to much to ask for even within a day or 2 instead of you can be granted up to 7 days of early access. Edited by Tuffin
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I pre ordered jul 21, I'm not in yet.


Nothing fair about this. I'd enjoy a Dec 19th wipe.


Either your lying or you order but didn't REDEEM your pre-order code till much later. If it's option 2 then sorry for your loss and please stop misleading people.

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I love how everyone seems to think all the people that pre ordered are sitting here like them with no lives waiting to play as soon as they get the email.


This isn't launch, this is a staggered pre release to help balacne server population and be sure players aren't bottle necked with thousands of people in the same area.


This server balance, and population numbers, is probably the most important part of the game for quite a while. Servers can instantly die if there are issues with these things. So take a deep breath, suck it up, and wait your bloody turn.


Get a hobby.

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I am sorry to say this but I have been a loyal Bioware customer through all of Bioware's games beginning with Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Kotor 1&2 etc...and this waiting to see if we are gonna get an early access invite is complete and total BS.....I bought and paid fully for the digital deluxe edition and people who only put $5 down are getting in ahead of me and I am truly disgusted. I am about to cancel my pre-order as I know LOTS of my friends have already done. Bioware this is a disgrace to all of your loyal customers. This is not a troll, just a statement of how truly disappointed I am in what used to be my favorite game company! Having to sit here and check my email every hour is NOT what such a great gaming company should have their fans doing. Thanks for killing the faith I've had in what I thought was the one last great gaming company out there!


I don't recall sitting at your computer and waiting being one of the stipulations for Early Access. I may be wrong though.

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I am sorry to say this but I have been a loyal Bioware customer through all of Bioware's games beginning with Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Kotor 1&2 etc...and this waiting to see if we are gonna get an early access invite is complete and total BS.....I bought and paid fully for the digital deluxe edition and people who only put $5 down are getting in ahead of me and I am truly disgusted. I am about to cancel my pre-order as I know LOTS of my friends have already done. Bioware this is a disgrace to all of your loyal customers. This is not a troll, just a statement of how truly disappointed I am in what used to be my favorite game company! Having to sit here and check my email every hour is NOT what such a great gaming company should have their fans doing. Thanks for killing the faith I've had in what I thought was the one last great gaming company out there!


Mmmmm that was because those first games you mention were Black Isle... too bad they are no more :(


Bioware is definitely a noob to the MMO scene :p

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Strangest thing : Following the off. forums and other game sites, this is going to be the badest reputation launch ever.


But why we dont hear anything from BW ? Heads in the sand ?


Its not the thing that you do the staggering thing, its the communiction that is lacking the most. And this is even worse since i fear this will be the way bw handles us when the game is live ?


Utterly CR fail.

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ive also enjoyed pretty much every mmo launch the past decade plus, and yes this is pretty smooth and as long as there is no uber ques on every server or mass crashes once i get in it will be the smoothest. i would challenge you to list yer other mmo's and their smoothness :p


Nothing, and I mean nothing has even come close to the launch of DAoC. And as an added bonus, everyone got in at the same time.


I used to think the worst idea in MMO history was server queues instituted in WoW, but I have changed my mind.

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Letting in people by wave is dumb. They have of a list of pre order so they should just open enough server for those people and lets us all in.


What are they going to do when 12-20 comes?

WHen there X number of players? they going to let people in by wave too ?

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We all know we weren't going to get in first if we didn't get in line first, that isn't the issue. We all knew the staggering could mean up to only 1 day of EGA. However, what we did not know and would have changed a LOT of the player's decision making would be the fact that the invites taking place in the staggered launch would only exist for 4 hours a day with a 20 hour long wait until the next chance to get in. The fact that its not a 24 hour process (even if it means its 4 waves over the course of a whole day) makes it look rather half-hearted on your part. If it took you 24 hours for 4 waves, it looks like your doing something. 4 waves in 4 hours then 20 hours of downtime looks like your trying your hardest to not have to work hard at this junction.


Its because they aren't. From the first day they have had the ability to accept more... the goal has been to follow the plan regardless of functionality. I expect to find the same kind of thought process for later development and balancing later, which is just great for the future of the game. Dam the results WE'RE RIGHT.

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Strangest thing : Following the off. forums and other game sites, this is going to be the badest reputation launch ever.


But why we dont hear anything from BW ? Heads in the sand ?


Its not the thing that you do the staggering thing, its the communiction that is lacking the most. And this is even worse since i fear this will be the way bw handles us when the game is live ?


Utterly CR fail.


Wrong. Even on the WoW forums, all of the talk is about how the players are a bunch of spoiled crybabies.


Think on that a second... This crowd is making WoW forums trolls look reasonable.



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You need to cancel your preorder like I did. Put your money where your mouth is.... and not only that.... ask that they do the right thing here and allow EQUAL ACCESS for everyone... reset ALL SERVERS on the 19th at 2359.


In SWG we did have the servers reset after 24 hours. In wow we had six+ hour queues and if you were lucky one of the servers that was down for a couple days at a time.

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letting in people by wave is dumb. They have of a list of pre order so they should just open enough server for those people and lets us all in.


What are they going to do when 12-20 comes?

When there x number of players? They going to let people in by wave too ?


+1 (2345)

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I think most of these people whining so much probably play mmos for such long periods of time each day that they'll be ahead of 99% of the people that got in ahead of them anyway. So I fail to see the point....


And if you're that hurt by something so insignificant, then boycott and play wow for the next however many years longer.


I do fear for these people if at somepoint in their lives they have to go out into the real world:rolleyes:.

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Wrong. Even on the WoW forums, all of the talk is about how the players are a bunch of spoiled crybabies.


Think on that a second... This crowd is making WoW forums trolls look reasonable.




On the WoW forums, as well as some internal press forums the tenor is "*giggle* they found a new way to fail... and they didnt need to but they seem to enjoy it!"

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"Some unspecified proportion of the Fans who have pre-ordered STAR WARS: The Old Republic can now begin playing the game! If you part with your cash today you absolutely will not get to play today. Unless getting a black/yellow colour crystal is really important to you, you should probably wait a few days until 3rd party retailers slash the price..."


Fixed for accuracy and honesty.


The original quote is as honest and trustworthy as a tabloid headline: Arguably true, but intentionally and cynically misleading.


Somehow I don't think the marketing folks would be particularly impressed with the edited version... :rolleyes:

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Don't call this early access, call it LATE access. This is *********** ********, others who preordered months before us get in 2 3 days earlier then ones that preordered a month ago. Isn't the reward of preordering getting the game on the day it comes out and not haveing to wait on a line for more copies to be released? This late access defeats the whole purpose of preordering, dumb mother *********** at BW make this **** so imbalanced.
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