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This que is horrible


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Originally Posted by OrionPex

I have been in multiple launches and this is by far the smoothest.


.........for those who got to log in......



finished that for you.


Step back and look at this from everyone's perspective. This is not the smoothest launch... Rift did that while letting in all pre orders.


Again I will state.. dont care if I dont get in till the 19th have skyrim to keep me busy. But I have to admit this was handled very bad from the start. I cant believe anyone would think this would be the best way to start a MMO.


I cant wait to see Gamebreaker.tv show about swtor after this launch. They have alot of very even headed people on that show and I feel Mike B from BFF report will be making a funny statement and hopefully a clip showing just how bad this idea is.

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Again with that word...


Its launched, you can argue semantics however you want, all calling it "early access" is, is a marketing excercise to make you think you are getting more than you really are so you stump up money earlier....they always planned on launching now, you really think they actuallly changed it? but say they launch on the 20th means they can get you to pay an "early access" pre order fee.....


If you dont get that, then really, I do think there is no hope for you. You'll get screwed over by con artists your whole life.


Not that I have a problem with it, I just recognise it for what it is.

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This is an incredibly smooth launch, smoothest I have ever been involved in. BW is rewarding the most loyal customers that pre-ordered early, by giving them early access. If you did not or could not order early, well then that is on you and not BW.:D I am glad they are doing seven days early access and am grateful to be rewarded for ordering early.
The most loyal customers are those who will still be playing the games in 6+ months, and not the ones who bought the game 6 months ago. Edited by Korrigan
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Nothing ever said up to 7 days. All the ads and posts, even now, say up to 5 days.


And it was stated that it would be a staggered ramp up.


Call people a fanboy all you like, it doesn't change the fact that they are proceeding exactly as they stated, exactly as was agreed upon by you pre-ordering the game.


I agree wholeheartedly, that's why once December 18th rolls around, we should block anyone who gain access on the 13th and 14th. This way everyone will get exactly 5 days and we'll have as smooth a launch as possible with no queue and no lag what-so-ever. Give everyone 5 days, and everyone's happy, right?

Edited by Naitaka
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What a joke post!!


Do you even remember how bad WoW launch was??


I can't be mad because I am in such a good mood :)


I got in 7 days early and have experienced no lag and I got out of the starting areas before the mad rush.


Thank you Bioware!!





Fail thread




The line you got in mattered, the July 21st line. The line of people able and ready to play. not at work or school yesterday or today does not matter, preordering past July 26th does not matter.


Glad you got in, another self appointed defender of a Company that cares only for your game card purchase or credit card number.


Also the masses of people who do not care to do their presale figuring for them by following their website daily matter too, without them paying for this game you don't get a community to make this game a success. A little compassion from the Fanboys, self-appointed defenders, self-appointed lawyers and any who would step on a fellow consumer over the company who cares only for you money, for those that are not as privileged as you would go along way.

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Its launched, you can argue semantics however you want, all calling it "early access" is, is a marketing excercise to make you think you are getting more than you really are so you stump up money earlier....they always planned on launching now, you really think they actuallly changed it? but say they launch on the 20th means they can get you to pay an "early access" pre order fee.....


If you dont get that, then really, I do think there is no hope for you. You'll get screwed over by con artists your whole life.


Not that I have a problem with it, I just recognise it for what it is.





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I got my invitation but can not play because I have to work. And my job is not one that I can get days off on a whim. When I get home, I will have to take care of family obligations that will likely last well into the night. I'm no spring chicken and will likely have to lay down after my long day and will not stay up to force some play time.


But, despite the fact that I can not play, I am not complaining. Why? Because I realize that even today is a day more than they originally told us we would have. You are just upset that YOU specifically did not get to play yesterday.


This was not a bad launch, and actually was an amazingly clean and effective launch. You just did not get your way and feel entitled to EVERYTHING and you want it NOW.


GET OVER IT. I don't get to play either so meh. :p



You are choosing not to play. Lots of people have not been given that choice.


You are not complaining because you are in, that's why. You can play whenever you choose to.



How can you speak to how clean and efficient it's been when you haven't been on yet?

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Originally Posted by OrionPex

I have been in multiple launches and this is by far the smoothest.


.........for those who got to log in......



finished that for you.


Step back and look at this from everyone's perspective. This is not the smoothest launch... Rift did that while letting in all pre orders.


Again I will state.. dont care if I dont get in till the 19th have skyrim to keep me busy. But I have to admit this was handled very bad from the start. I cant believe anyone would think this would be the best way to start a MMO.


I cant wait to see Gamebreaker.tv show about swtor after this launch. They have alot of very even headed people on that show and I feel Mike B from BFF report will be making a funny statement and hopefully a clip showing just how bad this idea is.


yea cause 250k pre orders for rift is a lot? the fact that they let 2x that amount in in 18 hours says something. oh we had a 4 hour wait time on rift with only 250k pre orders

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Its launched, you can argue semantics however you want, all calling it "early access" is, is a marketing excercise to make you think you are getting more than you really are so you stump up money earlier....they always planned on launching now, you really think they actuallly changed it? but say they launch on the 20th means they can get you to pay an "early access" pre order fee.....


If you dont get that, then really, I do think there is no hope for you. You'll get screwed over by con artists your whole life.


Not that I have a problem with it, I just recognise it for what it is.


Launch implies opening the flood gates and letting everyone who goes out, and buys a copy of the game, to log-in that very day and join the mad rush in the low-level zones. This is NOT a launch. The official date is December 20th, 2011. This is early access, and they've said from day one that it will be staggered. It has nothing to DO with a Marketing Exercise. This is purely one of the benefits to pre-ordering the game. Even IF they didn't allow early access, which they very well didn't have to, they would STILL have as many pre-orders as they do right this moment. You're assuming that Bioware had malicious intent with the "Early Access" gift from the get-go, and that they were merely doing it to rake in more money at the expense of their player-base.

Edited by Trixy
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Originally Posted by OrionPex

I have been in multiple launches and this is by far the smoothest.


.........for those who got to log in......



finished that for you.


Step back and look at this from everyone's perspective. This is not the smoothest launch... Rift did that while letting in all pre orders.


Again I will state.. dont care if I dont get in till the 19th have skyrim to keep me busy. But I have to admit this was handled very bad from the start. I cant believe anyone would think this would be the best way to start a MMO.


I cant wait to see Gamebreaker.tv show about swtor after this launch. They have alot of very even headed people on that show and I feel Mike B from BFF report will be making a funny statement and hopefully a clip showing just how bad this idea is.


Please don't attempt to compare this with Rift. In day ONE SWTOR let in more people than Rift had total pre-orders, there was no lag, and no queues. All told, SWTOR has more NA pre-orders than Rift has total box sales. There's just no comparison.


Oh - and this is silky smooth. Now definately the best launch (beating out DAOC by a smidgen)

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Its launched, you can argue semantics however you want, all calling it "early access" is, is a marketing excercise to make you think you are getting more than you really are so you stump up money earlier....they always planned on launching now, you really think they actuallly changed it? but say they launch on the 20th means they can get you to pay an "early access" pre order fee.....


If you dont get that, then really, I do think there is no hope for you. You'll get screwed over by con artists your whole life.


Not that I have a problem with it, I just recognise it for what it is.


yes i wanna hear why i had to pay 5 extra on Origin ... i dont care about getting 5 days eirly ... just wanna have official statement , why people who preorder on origin pay 5 bucks more ... and people who order at gamestop or something even get discounts ..

doesnt make sense ... was accualy thinking very very hard should i do this ... well it said on origin you get the full EA ah hell why not .... now i'm starting to regret .... and i'm gonna regret it mostly if i'm not in by saturday ... last time i preorder then if that would be true ..... and also last time i buy of origin with half arshed info and pay extra wile you order digital you get nothing at all for it ... i'm realy clueless about it ....


someone tweet steven about this ... i wanna know why origin pay 5 euro extra , plz anyone ?

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Yeah... this whole "que" (its queue, people. come on.) business is pretty absurd. You aren't in a queue. Crying about "waiting in queue for hours" is just a flat-out false statement, or at the very least a confused misuse of language. It's no ones fault but your own if you are sitting around doing nothing until you get your access, which wasn't supposed to start until tomorrow AT THE EARLIEST for the incredibly vast majority of the time we were all aware that early access would even exist. Diablo 3 isn't out yet, does that mean all of us who want to play that game are currently sitting in a queue waiting to play it? Reality checks are free, everyone. Tip your waitress.



I am in a que....

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Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


... did the OP tell people in a thread of no relevance, to not respond without any relevance?

This is amusing.

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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


This is by far the best.

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Its launched, you can argue semantics however you want, all calling it "early access" is, is a marketing excercise to make you think you are getting more than you really are so you stump up money earlier....they always planned on launching now, you really think they actuallly changed it? but say they launch on the 20th means they can get you to pay an "early access" pre order fee.....


If you dont get that, then really, I do think there is no hope for you. You'll get screwed over by con artists your whole life.


Not that I have a problem with it, I just recognise it for what it is.


The argument: The game "launched" yesterday. Not December 20th. Everyone should be in.


My question: When you pre-ordered they had ONE date defined: December 20th... and if you pre-order you could get up to 5 days of Early Access. So when you pre-ordered what did you think Early Access was? I mean your logic is as soon as someone gets in, *thats* the official launch. So when they called it Early Access back when you pre-ordered a month or two or more ago... what were you thinking it was? Clearly you thought it was something different than a launch yes? What were you thinking December 20th was? When they said Early Access was going to be based on when you pre-ordered and not everyone was going to get in at the same time... what were you thinking was going to change that once Early Access starts?


Please, explain to me what you were thinking when you pre-ordered that made you think anything going on presently would be different?

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You've got to be kidding me.




It now says "Early access has started. Preorder to play"


This marketing is brutally vague and uninformative. Preorder to play pushes the assumption on the consumer that you'll be able to play NOW. Unfortunately for the victim they will realize that's not the case.


Shady marketing go! I can't believe after the initial uproar they'd not only continue this ridiculous charade but actually make it worse. Bioware, I realize this isn't necessarily your doing, but it sure is making you guys look terrible.

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I take back any complaints i made about waiting in a queue to play WoW. An hour queue is preferable to getting Sweet FA from Bioware whilst the select few get an entire week ahead of me. We paid the same *********** amount.


Impressed, I am not!


They've been saying since July, the sooner you registered your pre-order, the sooner you get early access.

No one's fault but your own.

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BW was going to let everyone in yesterday, but then it took an arrow in the knee.


To me, EGA has been exactly as they said it would, based on when you redeemed your code. They are doing something different and we will see after official launch if it paid off.

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You need to cancel your preorder like I did. Put your money where your mouth is.... and not only that.... ask that they do the right thing here and allow EQUAL ACCESS for everyone... reset ALL SERVERS on the 19th at 2359.


They always said UP to 5 days ( 1or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5). They always said you will be invited based on when you preordered. Some of us spent 5 bucks on July 21. Some of us didn't. They also opened up EA 2 days early. 5 days starts tomorrow, 12/15/2011. They are ahead of shedule. They haven't misled you or denied you anything.

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Of course it is the smoothest launch - for the company.


For the customer this is horrible.


Bioware has established that they will put their publicity above their playerbase - which is stupid because the most important reviews will be word-of-mouth.



For the customer this is horrible because there is now a poverty-level being reflected in-game.


The rich - ie the people living in the midst of the worse economic times to possibly ever exist managed to buy their game copies six months before - the poor.


This was a poor management decision at best. And at worse it was a crippling social blow to online gaming.

Edited by Dustmonger
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