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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I can't believe some of you people and the huge amount of whining and crying makes me sad for the MMO community. There are a lot of good people and i know the vocal minority are the ones that visit the forums. They usually are here to ***** and moan about something.


I can't wait till the 20th to see a mill... a thou... a hun... a couple handfuls of people unsub and i don't have to read it anymore.

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I agree Mr. Reid's statement about performance issues is total spin. I've read dozens of posts and seen the improved screen shots through manipulation of the graphics settings. And I agree if you want to "turn it up to 11" then you should be able to.


Both Everquest 2 and Lord of the Rings Online both have "Ultrahigh Resolution" graphics setting that would bring a high end PC to it's knees. But you still had the option to use them, and when you did use those ultrahigh end modes there was a clear warning message that only the best of the best system could handle it and your game performance might really really suck as a result. If your system could handle it, then fantastic! you could use it. But with the low/medium only settings in TOR we don't even get to make that choice. Please Bioware stop trying to protect us from ourselves. I just don't know why you could not put a disclaimer on the high textures that said "Warning, this setting requires a high end PC. Proceed at your own risk!" and be done with it.


Instead you have have tried to make the choice for us. I would love to crank it up to 11 when I want to take a fantastic screen shot and then turn it back down for regular game play but I can't even do that. My machine cannot use the high resolution textures for normal game play but for those that do, and where the situation call for it (screen shots), it would have been nice to be given the option and instead of no option at all.

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You have GOT to be kidding me! This image makes me want to murder small puppies:




I would pay good money to have my graphics look like that while grouped doing an FP..... oh wait... I already did!


Holy hell that looks amazing what the **** Bioware?


Also Kotaku wrote something about this also.



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I can't believe some of you people and the huge amount of whining and crying makes me sad for the MMO community. There are a lot of good people and i know the vocal minority are the ones that visit the forums. They usually are here to ***** and moan about something.


I can't wait till the 20th to see a mill... a thou... a hun... a couple handfuls of people unsub and i don't have to read it anymore.


There is just as much people complaining about bad graphic than there are whom system who overperform this game that have bad fps issue ... This is mind boggling at best that they disable high rez AND still have performance issue for a portion of their playerbase.

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Here's an idea, add hi res textures back in, it might actually INCREASE performance, all the stories of beta testers running fine on high in beta to all of a sudden experience performance hits on lower rez textures? Hell, I saw a 40 fps increase forcing AA to 32x CSAA in my nvidia control panel...safe to say I was dumbfounded


FWIW during both weekend betas I was in (October and November) I was pegged at 110fps with all graphical settings on high (and shadows disabled due to flickering bug).


Now with the retail game I'm in the 60-70s...

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Just wanted to add my opinion to this issue...


1. I agree it's an issue that needs to be addressed. There is no reason to artificially limit how the game looks for the entire player base.


2. A comprehensive set of graphics options is needed, what is available is not enough. More options (e.g. character level of detail, background detail, amount of clutter, shadow quality, etc.) would allow people to choose what's right for them (i.e. find a balance between graphic quality and performance).


3. The above said, I do not think it is a game ending issue for me. Maybe it's because I am older than your average player (40 years old), and while I love graphics, the story and the gameplay is what hooked me and I am still having fun.


4. I'm glad we got an official response, now all we need is to be kept informed about how the devs are proceeding with this, and have a solid time-frame on when this will be fixed.



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I can't believe some of you people and the huge amount of whining and crying makes me sad for the MMO community. There are a lot of good people and i know the vocal minority are the ones that visit the forums. They usually are here to ***** and moan about something.


I can't wait till the 20th to see a mill... a thou... a hun... a couple handfuls of people unsub and i don't have to read it anymore.


Well, if you're cool with being lied to and subjected to false advertising, then good for you. I personally don't like seeing PR for the game showing screenshots like this:




And then having my actual game look like garbage despite my high-end graphics card, abundance of ram, and fast SSD. The fact that they continue to crank out promotional screenshots of the game using some internal build with high res textures while the actual live client doesn't support them offends me as a paying customer. You have thicker skin than I do, so good on you.

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Seriously guys - take it everywhere you can: FB, Twitter, other game sites, etc. Today's insult of releasing those pics to MMORPG.com one day after they told us they purposefully took all those options out of the retail client needs to be addressed.
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Thanks for the response Mr. Reid.


To all of you complaining, this is the largest MMO to date, graphics are just one component. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that the graphics are amazing, what are you talking about, etc. because they aren't, but they aren't bad.


Before I go on

My computer system has a Core i7 2600K processor with a EVGA GTX 570 HD Graphics card, 8 GB of RAM, and an SSD.


I am also a software engineer that works with 3D Graphics and has worked with game development.


Main Point: As stated before, Graphics are just one component of the game.


This game is huge, with multiple systems running behind the scenes. Being able to get an MMO out the gate with all its system in place and relatively few bugs, and amazing gameplay was awesome for BioWare. The graphics systems can and will be updated. It's not a simple process of changing the setting to high in the code and going for it. They have to make very specific changes that won't break anything else and will let people run the game smoothly.


To those of you saying let us decide, we know what we're talking about, you don't. Unless you worked for BioWare and wrote and tested the code, you don't know how well your computer's going to handle it, no matter how high end it is. If BioWare just gave us high res textures, people would enable them and start complaining their FPS is too low to actually play the game, which is worse than dealing with graphics that aren't high res.


MMO's take time to get into the swing of things. It doesn't matter if it was an MMO released in 2004, 2007, 2011, or 2016. When you have over a million players using your game, there are going to be things that happen that you never thought of, or bugs you never found. Graphical displays are one of those things. The fact that the development team is looking to make changes in Patch 1.2 is amazing, First Quarter ends in March, so that means we'll see the changes soon. In the meantime, the game is still amazing, awesome story lines, and great systems.


More and more is going to be put into the game. It doesn't happen magically, and BioWare takes extra time to make sure they give us something that is going to work


Yes but the car company is telling me my new car is fine to drive while they are applying the another coat of paint. Not to mention telling me that my car is fine after removing 2nd gear.


But whatever, I like this game, I really, really want this game to succeed. I even bought a few copies for friends for Christmas.:(


Im holding on for hope... and it's getting harder. But here's hoping for the best...

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I haven't seen anything claiming the screenshots on MMORPG are from actual gameplay and not cinematics.

That's one of the issues here. Bioware needs to put disclaimers in their shots stating cinematic or gameplay footage. ONLY showing cinematic footage and never showing ACTUAL gameplay and stating it is insulting and misleading. EVERY company specifies actual gameplay or doctored footage. Any self-respecting developer anyway...

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