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Pacific Late nighters...getting the shaft


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They copied almost 100% of the game from WoW, why not this? My suggestion? Same time as WoW. WoW has perfect maintenance times.


They are doing it at the same time as WOW.. The difference is this is a vanilla and these are hot fixes to fix the bugs that people whine about constantly here in the forums..


So now people are going to whine and QQ about how many patches and when they are applied..


Look people.. We either need to live with the bugs or take the patches as they come.. Take your pick!! Complaining about both is just rediculous..

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Why the Hell would the Europe servers have the same maintenance time as NA? That's just idiotic. That should NEVER happen.


Why patch a segment of the servers when you patch them all at once?? It is more effecient, easier, and cost effective to do them all at once than to spread the process out to appease the few people that do play in Europe during off peak times..


Try checking the server status page during the time when patches take place.. Your servers are all pretty much empty.. Last Tuesday 30 minutes before shut down for maintenance.. All europian servers were light..


So they are doing it the best time for you as well.. Sorry.. But the stats speak for themselves.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Wow 2nd thread on this one so far today.... Alright so let me ask you guys a question (those who are unhappy about server down time).


Do you have a life? I being completely serious here. Do you honestly have zero ability to find something to do other than SWTOR for ONE DAY out of the week? God almighty I've already got a list of things for myself to do tonight when the server goes down so it really can't be that difficult. And yes, I'm a pacific coaster (not a hippy and I am washed though :D), and I work nights so essentially when I get home from work I will have about half an hour to play before servers go down. Boo hoo, poor me for having to sacrifice a little bit of playtime while they fix things that 99% of the forum complains about.


Talk about people needing to get down from their high horse.

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So now people are going to whine about when patches are applied..

Fixed that for ya. :)


Do you really think they didn't think this through?

That's exactly what I think.


Remember that 8 hour downtime? That was 11am - 5pm europe.

Who in their right mind thought that was a good idea?


Blizzard at least did 5am-11am, and 3am-noonish with bigger patches. Maybe 1pm, can't recall exactly.

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This is rapidly becoming a deal breaker for me. My primetime is 1 am CST to 5 am CST. This is, basically, the only time I get to play. In WoW, maintenance always starts at 5 am CST or later. In ToR, it starts at 2 am CST. This means that during maintenance nights, I don't get to play at all that day. Whereas I can always log onto WoW and play it.


Like I said, this is a dealbreaker to me. If maint doesn't slow down or get a new time, I will quit this game based on this one issue alone. I will not pay to play a game that I cannot play so frequently.


So because WoW shafted the 5 am CST or later people, you expect TOR to do the same so that you dont get shafted?

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So because WoW shafted the 5 am CST or later people, you expect TOR to do the same so that you dont get shafted?


... WoW has downtime during the time when there are the least people playing.


ToR has downtime during the time when there are a TON of people playing.


What is so hard to understand about this?

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Why patch a segment of the servers when you patch them all at once?? It is more effecient, easier, and cost effective to do them all at once than to spread the process out to appease the few people that do play in Europe during off peak times..


Try checking the server status page during the time when patches take place.. Your servers are all pretty much empty.. Last Tuesday 30 minutes before shut down for maintenance.. All europian servers were light..


So they are doing it the best time for you as well.. Sorry.. But the stats speak for themselves.. :)


WoW has different maint windows for different parts of the world. Yet again WoW is the dramatically superior game. Why am I paying for this game again? Giving it a couple weeks. People like you make people like me want to quit even more so good job. Enjoy your ghosttown.

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This is rapidly becoming a deal breaker for me. My primetime is 1 am CST to 5 am CST. This is, basically, the only time I get to play. In WoW, maintenance always starts at 5 am CST or later. In ToR, it starts at 2 am CST. This means that during maintenance nights, I don't get to play at all that day. Whereas I can always log onto WoW and play it.


Like I said, this is a dealbreaker to me. If maint doesn't slow down or get a new time, I will quit this game based on this one issue alone. I will not pay to play a game that I cannot play so frequently.


Same here... I work swing shift and to come home to maintenance more often than not is annoying. I'll be more irritated once I start paying for game time when the free 30 days is up. :(

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They are doing it at the same time as WOW.. The difference is this is a vanilla and these are hot fixes to fix the bugs that people whine about constantly here in the forums..


So now people are going to whine and QQ about how many patches and when they are applied..


Look people.. We either need to live with the bugs or take the patches as they come.. Take your pick!! Complaining about both is just rediculous..


No they aren't. They do maintenance 3-5 hours earlier than WoW, the hours when I get to play the game.

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Remember that 8 hour downtime? That was 11am - 5pm europe.

Who in their right mind thought that was a good idea?


Since when is 11am to 5pm peak time?? Everyone should be at work..


You need to watch the server status page and actually watch when people are playing and when they are not..


It may not be convenient for some.. But they are performing patches at the best time for MOST people.. Which is all the can do..


And my statement didn't need fixing.. There is no reason to moan about when either.. It is unreasonable for anyone to demand Bioware to draw out a process that can take just a few hours into a process that can take over a day to even a week..


Patch US. servers.. Patch crews get some sleep.. Wait a day for prime Europian time when people won't QQ.. Patch crews get some sleep.. Wait another day for prime Pacific time.. Versus doing it all at once in one step..


The money is on the all at once.. People are just going to have to live with it.. They really are doing it at the best time for all.. Sit and watch the Status page yourself if you don't beleive it.. Bioware did think it through.. They watched the server activity.. So they know..

Edited by MajikMyst
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People who expect the majority of game players to have jobs or school. BTW, your math is a little off...
Right... Annoying AM/PM. :p 9-17 then.


My point still stands though, as I won't be gaming at 2-3am if I have to get up early in the morning. :)


they are performing patches at the best time for MOST people..
No they are not.


Since when is 11am to 5pm peak time?
I mentioned nothing about peak time.

They should actually not care at peaks at all, they should care about the exact opposite. They should aim for when there are the least number of players active. Where would your money be? 5am or noonish?


Patch US. servers.. Patch crews get some sleep.. Wait a day for prime Europian time when people won't QQ.. Patch crews get some sleep.. Wait another day for prime Pacific time.. Versus doing it all at once in one step..

Or, the better plan.

US servers are patches by the smaller* US crew at the best time for US players.

EU servers are patches by the smaller* EU crew at the best time for EU players.

* smaller crews as both are patching smaller groups of servers


Or maybe even 2 smaller US crews. One working evenings (EU servers) and one working nights (US servers).


There's plenty of better ways to get about doing it.

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Bioware cannot appease everyone, either they do it during off hours or during peak hours for the majority of the population.


I am also a Pacific Coast sort and the maintenance occurs at midnight for me.


When do you suggest the maintenance to occur? 7AM? Noon? 6 PM? Bioware is shooting for


I'm pst as well.


Once the patch regularity evens out it'll be one day a week. There are lots of people across different time zones to worry about. I stopped believing I was the most important person on the planet the year Santa stopped coming.


Can it be bothersome? Sure. But as they iron out the launch issues the down time will become less and less frequent.

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... WoW has downtime during the time when there are the least people playing.


ToR has downtime during the time when there are a TON of people playing.


What is so hard to understand about this?


Where is it one can obtain detailed metrics for player activity broken down by time zone? I'd love to have a look at them.

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Are you trying to say it was 100%? I wouldn't go that far. I'd only say they copied 99% of the game from WoW.


Uh, not even close. Are you like a child or something? WoW isnt original either. Its popular because it stole all the good ideas from MMORPGs that pre-dated it and made other improvements, but didnt "copy" directly... thats impossible. Just like SWTOR has done since WoW and other MMORPGs launched.

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WoW isnt original either. Its popular because it stole all the good ideas from MMORPGs that pre-dated it and made other improvements


Get out of here!


These people aren't ready for "sense", "logic" and "informed posts". Run before they torch you!

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you guys are all just used to having everything on your time zone that when finally there is game with downtime that doesnt match your zone u guys qq. do u know how east coast peeps have been suffering now that down time is almost perfect for us i for one am happy
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12 AM pacific as a universal time is silly. Way early. We're not little kids that are in bed by 10pm.


I'm sure that it's more cost effective for them to patch all of the servers at the same time. 12AM PST is actually 3AM EST and 8AM GMT, so this is probably the time that the fewest number of players are logged in worldwide (by far).


Besides, patching everyone at the same time has other benefits. For example, nobody gets a head start on new bosses. And, they don't have to worry about what to do if something goes wrong during a patch. Either everyone gets the new patch, or nobody does. It's just easier this way.

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Yup, I have the same problem as the OP. I'm on the west coast and I play at night..... so I get the opportunity to play about half as much as most people. Good times.


Whatever though. I'm almost 50 so I'll beat the game pretty soon and move on to better ones.

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Yup, I have the same problem as the OP. I'm on the west coast and I play at night..... so I get the opportunity to play about half as much as most people. Good times.


Whatever though. I'm almost 50 so I'll beat the game pretty soon and move on to better ones.


And by half as much, you much 6/7ths as much. Once we get through the first month or so, you can expect to only see maintenance and patches on Tuesdays.

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